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The Fire Limits Extended

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A special meeting of the commoi council was held last Monday evening all the aldennen, the mayor and re corder being preseut. The regular or der was called. A petition was presented by John J JRobison, representiug that in the spring of 1880, the street committee agreed to lovver the street in front of his premises on North Main street and the new grade was established by the city engineer and in consideration ot this agreement he erected two brick buildings The straet was not lowered. The petition was referred to the street cornmittee, and the city engineer with power to act. The street comuiittee reported in vor oí' allowing a side track across Washington street, just east of the Toledo railroad, the railroad properly planking the sidewalks and roadways. Report adopted. The pólice committee through Aid. Ware reported in favor oí' having two patrolmen during the coming year and the alderman made a motion to that effect. Aid. Allmendinger moved as an amendment that one patrolman be appointed. 11e stated that it was tvell known that the council had uo money at their disposal. The county treasurer had informed him that he needn't count on over $4,000 as the city's share of the liquor tax. Taking out the ürst, second and third ward funds which couldn't be used for general purposes, we do not now have over a couple of thousand dollars, available for streetsi lights, waterworks, pólice, etc. Aid. Wines argued in favor of more patrolmen, the better to enforce the ordinances and to see that the liquor tax was increased by forciug the liquor dealers to pay S500 licenses. Aid Ware spoke strongly of the need of more patrolmen. Aid. Spokes ranged himself on the side of economy in nis maiden speech. The council decided in favor of one patrolman by a vote of eight to six as follows: ÏTeas, Aids. Sutuerland, Allmendinger, Martin, Kearns, Spokes, Hammond, Marker, and the Mayor. Nays, Aids. Herz, O'Mara, Miller, Ware, Wiues and Recorder. The bonds of Recorder liach, constables Thomas II. üodkin, PaulSchall and John Ityan were approved. The recorder wasgiven permisbion to use any room in the city building not othervvise occupied. Au allownce of Sö a month was voted Airs. Evans, as had been done for the past two years. She is the wife of the jauitor of the thnd ward school house who died a few years ago. Aid. Sutherland moved that a special committee be appoiüted by the mayor to continue during the present council year and to be composed of the mayor, three aldermen and the city attorney wuich comtnittee shall have charge of all disputed matters of fact and all disputed matters of mixed law and fact and to take such action thereon as slnill seern to said committee best to protect the city's interests in all such cases, subject however to the action of this council. The motion was carried and the mayor appointed Aid. Sutherlaud. Killer, Allmendinger, as the aldermen on such committee. The mayor aunounced that as Aid. Kearns had resigned the chairmanship of tlie sidewalk committee, Aid. Allmeudinger was appointed chairmaa of the eommittee and Aid. Kearns would take Aid. Allmeudinger's place on the finalice committee. The motion of Aid. Spokes that the drain from the gas house running into the creek across Depot street be repaired was referred to the street comunittee.l On motion of Aid. Ailmendinger the h're comraittee and the city attomey were inslructed to report an ordiuance including a block on State street in the tire limita. Carried. Kecorder Bach moved that the liquor bonds be fixed at S3,000. Carried. The council then adjourned untit Wednesday evemns. THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEETING. Another full couucil was present Wednesday night. The iluance committee reported the amount of cash on haud and what could be raised by taxation duriug the year f or general city purposes as $21,000. This includes the liquor tax. The estiinated absolutely necessary expenses of the city for ceneral purposes, exclusive of the ward funds is placed at $25,172, showing an excess of $4,172 in the amount absolutely needed over the amount ou hand and to be raised by February lstnext. The üre committee reported in favor of au ordinance taking the block on State street between Liberty and Wjiliam into the üre limits. The committee on bonds reported favorably on the bonds of Fred Sipfley for marshal with Casper Binsey as surety. John Moore, for city treasurer, in the suin of 80,000. with Aretus Duim, Samuel G. Miller, Alpheus Felch, George H.;iienion, Benjamin J. Conrad and Benjamin Browu as suretiers; Thomas F. Leonard as constable with Albrecht G winner as surety and John S. Earl as constable with David Rinsey as surety and the council approved the report. . Aid. Wines moved that the city treasurer is hereby instructed not to pay any orders ou f unds which are now or may become exliausted. Carried. A. motion was made to instruct the comtuittee on bonds to strictly observe the provisions of the new liquor law, but as the council though the committee was f ullv able to look af ter the matter without f urther instruction, the matter was laid ou the table. The matter of rent claimed for city market was referred to the finance committee to report at the next meeting. The matter of licenses granted the opera house and draymen was referred to the license committee with instructions to report at the next meeting. The üre ordinauce to be found in anotuer column was tlien read and adopted and the council adjourned.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News