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WANT COLUMN. Want notice8, for sale, for rent, lost, etc., hree lines lor tlirce weeks in this column tor wenty-nve cents. OR SALE-A GOOD PHAETON CAURI age in tlrst class order. Inquire of G. F. Gwinuer, '22 S. Fourth Street. 15-17 CEALED PKOl'OSALS .-T will receive sealecl bidsfor the Washtenaw Agricultural and !üi tieultural grounds up t May U, The ■lit to rejeet any and all blds reserved. John (. .Minor, Secretar}"10 - 18 JiOK KENT- A moriera house with turnaoe, L gas and water aeoommodatlon, in fine locaion. For particulars apply at 21 Nortb i nieratty avenue. 16 tf. POK RENT- A corner front room, 30x22 third ■ Hoor, gemianía block. Inquire of M. Stalor. 16tf T ANTED- Every iarmer a.nd gardner to try " the horse shoe brand of land l'ertsilizers lor ale by M. Stabler, Washington .street. 15tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE-Span of work horses bulk weigat 1200 at Greeu's Hvery arn east side of the court house . 15-17 FORSALE OR EXCHANGE.- Winexchange valuable farms for valuable city pvoperty r will Bell on time. D. Cramer 15-17 HERMAN CARP.- Send your orders tor VJ stocking ponds, either with spawners or young fish to R. C. lteeve, Dexter, Mich. FOK SALE AT A BARGAIN- The stare beloning to ttie estáte of M. Clancy. now ocupled by C. F. BurkUardt. No. 4 East Huron Street. Enquire ot' E. B. Fond, at No. 6 North lain Street, up-strairs. llt OR SALE AT ACCTION-Tho Cnnitdian D.raft Staluon, Ivanhoe, at Cook's (arn, Ann Avbor. Satnrday, April 21st, ato i'clookp. ra. Joslah Beamigh. lt 15 W ANTED AT ONÜE.- Five lady and four gentlemen canvassers. Appiy to the ■Singer Mfg. Co., Ann Arnor. D. B. Gallagher, pecial. 14-16. I'HE WOMAN'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU is located atNo. 88 Eust .Washington street n charge ol' Miss Sperry. II -lfi FORSALE OR EXCHANGE.- Farm of 3TO acres. Ü40 acres under oultlvatiou. Good luildings modern improvemente. Land 7ery )roductive. House ín Ann Arbor or J'ai'n ïear city taken In exohangè. Partiöulars gi'cn by Eugene K. Frueauff, No. 48, S. Main street. 14-19 T71ORSALE- A pair oí ' l'our cir old horses, Jj gold together or singly. Enquire of or address M. D. Sullivan, l'nadilla, Mich. THE UNION HOTEL grives a srood Meal for 25 ceut6. Ui W. Washington, St. 13-15 r-iHAS. L. AXiLIN, Contractor and Builder, V Plans and Speciflcatiou Carcïully Drawn Ros. 46 E. Catheriue St. 19-15 W ANTED. - To buy a second hand union cultivator. Inquire, öt! South División St. 13-15 MRS. LEE, Carpèt Weaver, 129 Brpadway, Lower Town, KOvth of Ann Arbor. 13-15 POR SALE.- One ten year old sorrel mare, sound umi kind, 1100 weigut. Prioe Can beseen at Steam Saw Mili at Ann Arbor. JohnT. Hallook, -Aliliin, Mloh. 13-15 ÍpOR SALE.- A farm of over 200 acres all in good repair. Will be sold at a bargain it sold within the next sixty days . Address box 'UU, Cheisea; Mich. 13-15 L'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE.- Ihreehundrcd V and ten acres of situated in Bollinger Jounty, Missoui'i, SV miles from Marble Hili, ;he county seat. Will sell cheap or exchange íor a small farm in Wiishtenaw County, For paruculars, Address, L. R. Lee, Dexter. i:i-ir ÍfOR SALE.- Farm of 180 acres in Saline township, large barn, Iwo houses and good out buildings. Inquire of J. W. Forbes, Saline, Mich FORSALE.- A numberoftiea fowls. VV UBI! DEPUY, Saline, Mich. . rilo RENT.- Very coiivenlent rooms lor JLhousekeepinsr. Either up stairs or down. Apply at once at number 6 Church street. 13-15 IT'oR SALE.- One and onc-haü' storï house seven rooms, three lots, barn, etc. Terms easy. Eugene K. Frueauff, 4 South Main Street. CV5RB.ENT, Severul Very Desirable PIASOS, - in Kxcellent Conditiou. - Apply at the A.KGUS Office. 48tf tf OR SALE.- Tweh e acres peaclies and sinall fruits. Good house and barn, two miles from court house. Terms reasonable Eugene K. Frueauü', 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE.- Six acres suitable for fruit On good road near the city. Eugene K. FrU9autt, 48 South Main Street. rpAR WAI-KS.- I make and repair tar walks, M. als do teamins. Orders will be prompüy attended to. Address O. JU. Thompson, P.O. Box 184Ö. FOR SALE.- House and two lots in socond ward. Lot sold separate. Terms easy. Euarene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE- House and lot 101 South Main St. Inquire within or at couuty treas urer's office . ffOlt SALE --Lot Ño. 111, Smith's addition, sixth Ward. Long time to one who will build. Eugene K. trucauü, 48 South Main Street. F 011 SALE, two houses, No. 6 North State street and No. 32 South Thayer. These houses are sold lo close up an estáte. N. G. Butts. No. 1 . Voland St. tf ÜREDERICK KRAUSE AüCTIONBER. Will attend to all sales 'on short notice at reasonable charges. For further partieulars cali at the Arqüs office. CHOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OOM 4, MASONIC BLOCK. Telepnone, Dr. Nichols' office, Telephone, No. 100, at the House. Calis Answered Day or Night. ï R. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT UW, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. w w. nichols a.c. nichols, d.d.s. Dentists. In the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of -italizedair. ULIHU B. POND, JUSTICB OF THE I'EACE And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street. Collections promptly made. Agent for the Union Insurance Company of California. Fair ratos. Prompt payment of losees. 19- tf rtRAMER & CORBIN, J ATTORNEYS AT LAVV, Axn Arbor, Mich. Special attention to Lvdning Money and all Financial Matters.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News