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Don't fail to read the Two Sams ad, to-day . McKee Kankin next Thursday evening in The Danites. The residence of IJrof. J. B. Steeie has been repainted. Hon. Charles K. Whitman has purchased a new carriage horse. Dr W. W.Niclols has set out 2,400 peach trees and 600 pear trees. The regular meeting of the Masonic lodges will be held next week . Silas Tol ford received fifteen days in jail for being drunk last Saturday. Jirdge Cheever is building a new porch to his residence on Madison St. Sealed proposals will be receive3 for the sale of the fair grounds up to May 14th. Tbe annual fair will be held this year in this city beginning September 25th. Ann Aibor's building boom this year promises to be even larger than last year. David Steere, of this city, h;is been granted a pension by the U.S. goveni ment. The democratie ward caucuses Tuesday evening at 7:30t'clock at the usual places. There are few stronger attractions on the road than McKee Kankin in The Danites. ■The next Chamber concert wili he held next Thursday evening in UuiversityHall. The county branch of the Michigan Club are talking of a república jubilee for July 4th. Remember to get your seats tor the grand conceit at University hall totnorrow evening. Mts. Alfred HuiiL is building a new poieh, greatly improving the appearance of her residence. W. E. Walker has broken giounc for a new house on the corner of Washington and Twelfth street. The lirst hquor tiix paid this year, was paid by John G. Frank, of Saline yesterday. It was a $500 tax. Several new stone cros3ings will be put in, in the first ward, this summer the stone ha ving already been ordered Albert Shaw, Pli; D., associate editoi of the Minneapolis Tribune, will Ie3 ture before the Politieal Science Association, on Wednesday, May 2, at 8 p m., in room 24. His subject will be Tendency to Over Legislatiou in States Work and business of importance come before Fraternity lodge at theii regular meeting next Wednesday evening. The aunual floral festival of the ladies of the Baptist church will be held next Friday, May 4th, afternoon and evening. Rev. Dr. Eddy is to preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. In the evening his subject will be "Luther." A large excursión of Udd Fellows left Toledo, Thursday morning, for Detroit, via. the T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. and Milan Junction. There will be sixty-seven cases on the docketfor the next term of court, three of which are criminal cases and fortythree issues of fact. John Beahan has been brought be'ore Justice Pond for selling liquor on Sunday in bis ice house. His trial has jeer, adjouïned to Mav lOth. There will be no compliinentary tickts for Booth and Bariett's entertainment. Every person who attends will be obliged to pay for the privilege. The next council meeting will be held londay mght. The bonds should all be handed in before Saturday night so hat the committee may pass upoii hem. The J. T. Jacobs camp, Sons of Vetrans, has twenty-nine members, and it will prove a growing organization, for he sons of veterans in this city are numerous. John Condón, a son of Mr. William Condón, of South Umversity avenue, while playing '-hidè and seek," Saturay evening, feil over a wire and disloated hisknee. The house of Josepli Clinton on the orner of Catherine and Fourth streets was torn down this week . The f oundaions were of logs and all the stringers were hewn logs. The T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. will ell round trip tickets to the Adrián onvention at $1.50. The train leaves A.nn Arbor at 7:15 a. m. and arrivés at Adrián at 9 a. m. O. M. Martin, George Moore and John ?hompson, are improving the street in 'ront of their resideuces, on Fiftli treet, by building up a grass plat beween the sidewalk and street. The sidewalks of the city are ia a very dilapidated conditión. Mauy peo)le have receutly beea laying new walks or repairing old ones and there s room forothers to do likewise. The ï., A. A. & N. M. By. will sell ickets to the several conventions to be held at Grand Itapids, in May, tor oue 'are for the round trip. Direct connections and no dèlays. Jiverybody inited. Kateli. Mooie has commeneed suit n the circuit court against Milford B. Xhomuson, of .Northüeld, for $50,000, or trespass on the case. The trespass harged is accusing the plaintifï of disïoneaty. The G. A. K. post in this city .has acepted an invitation to attend St. An.rew's church on Sunday, May 27. Co. A and the Sjds of Veterans will join vith the Grand Army in listening to ,he memoiial sermón on that day. ThejCatholic church, of NorthCeld, will give amission beginniug next SunUy morning and conünuing one week. .'here will be a sermón in the morning at 8 p'clock and one at 7 .n the vening. Services conducted by the liedemption fathers of Detroit. Thw ei. cuit court was m session last Monday, butno business of importnnce was trausacted. John Howard was made a citizen, the default in Bell vs HarrisonWHS set aside. and Jas. F. Clark was granted an order discharging a mortguge The court adjourned until t j-day. Kev. J. 1'. tjundörland wjll peak next Sunday morning at the Unitaria n church on "Maithew Arnöld." In the evening Mrs. Sunderland will give the closing lecture in her series on the Bible. Subject, "The Acts, the Epistles, and the Bezinning of the Christian Ciuirch." The famous Mencelssohn Quintette Club, of Boston, will appear at tl e the oper house next Wddnesday evenin. öome of the old-íime favoritos are still menbers of the club, and will be greeted by many ole1 admiréis. The Mendelssohn Club have been on the toad 3S years . The Mew York 1I raid says of Frankie Kemble, who appears a9 Sybil at the opera honse to-morro evening: "A very beiutiful, exce idipgly clevercomedienne, a decided hit.'' The New lrork World says: "A charminglv mignetic presence, a voice of rare sweetness dances gracefully and possesses distinc ability." A delightful treat was given to ou musical city last Friday evening, a University hall, by the Glee Club. The fun and jollity of college songs is like no other and must be heard and heen to be appreciated. The only fault in the entertainment was its brevity. A line house greeted the boys- as they de served, and with their well trainee voices, pleasing manners, fine appear anee and a great variety of song, the; will meet a hearty welcome and appre ciation tvhenever they may appear. The monthly meeting of the Washtenaw pomológica! society meets Saturday, May 5th, in the basement of the court house. Reporta of committees on fruit exchange and transportaron will be given. Jacob Ganzhorn will speak of the new varieties of peaches and there will be an exbibit of fruits, preserves and flowers. Rev. H. Delbaere, formerly of this city now rector of St. Josephs church in Brimfleld, 111., mourns the loss of nis brother Rev. R. Delbaere, who died in Burgess, Belgium of appoplexy, which is hereditary in the family. Another brother is also a priest and wo of the three sisters of the family are in religious orders, one in Belgium and one in South America. An incipient fire in some straw in the cellar of the house on Washington treet adjoining Lentz's tailor shop on he west, was luckily discovered before he building was in flames, Wednesday. Cliief Seabolt of the fire department, was on hand promptly and the Bre exingnished. If it had not been disj overed at once, the row of frame buildings wouid probably have burned. ' Jacob Weidelich had an examination before Justice Fond, Monday, for the tabbingjof John Wiedeman, in Pitts beid, the day before the recent local opion electioti. 2Jo counsel appeared to efend him, and he was bound over to he circuit for trial. Mrs. Mary Collins Vhiting bas been assigned to defend üin. This is Mis. Whiting's first appearance as a criminal lawyer, and the court room will undoubtedly be crowded "The Liltleüld Folks" of the M. E. church, cleared S87.50 by their concert ast Thursday evening, and matinee Saturday. Forty-six children participated, and the entertainment wasgreaty enjoyed by those present. The little ones appeared in fancy dress, and took heir parts well. Quite a rivalry existed as to ivho should sell the most tickets. Xiua Howlett carried off the palm by elling thirty-üve tickets, Perry Dougass being second, selling thirty tickets Hutzel&Co., have iuveuted a new water back which will replace all the old fashioned kind in ranges in this ity and in others where tlie water used s impregnated with lime. The fault witli the old water backs is that the ime soon elogged thena up and a large ilumbers bill was incurred in cleaning hem. The pipe in whieh the lime ia leposited in the newly invented water back is reniovable and replaeèd at the expense of a few cents. Already one arge mauut'acturing flim have put tlie ïew back in their ranges. ' The followinsc which perhaps is as pplicable here as in Jackson is from ,he Grass Lake News: It is said that while the Jackson burches raiëe monev in goodly suais to isseiBinaie the sosyel abroad, they do iot pay the least attention to the jeathen living almost in the shadow of iheir owii houses of worship. The josshoiue devotees of that town are never pproached by the saints and saintesses urrounding thern, and the welfare of heir souls is of too little consequence ,o incite inquiry or work from anyödy. The soul of a Chinatnan on the otlièr side of the earth is of immense onsequence, but here at home it does iot amouiit to phucks. McKee R;inkin, who has always been a decided favorita i;i Ann Arbor, will ppear at the Grand Opera House next .'hursday evening, in bis famous play ntitled The Danites, which has been ntirely reconstructed for this season, and which has met with great favor all ver the country, and in which he made a decided hit in New York. He is sup)orted this year by an extraordinarily strong company, and no pains have been spared to inake this wne of the most entertaining and successful aitractions on the road. He will undoubtedly be grested by a large audience. The Chancel Society ot St. Andrews church held a sale on Fri lay afternoon last. Not a great variety hut very pretty and useiiil articles,fancy aprons, working aprons, paper work in flowers, pSper balls, bas, and holders, etc. Uaving but a short time to prepare for the sale the amount of work done was surpnsing and sales satisfactory. This was f olio wed by the tea socinl ot' the Ladies' Society whicli takes place once a month. This also was a decided suceess in every respect. A large attendance, a üne supper and pleasunt coinpany making it more like a party than strictly church work. Hobart Hall 3 adinirably adupted for the purpose for which it was built. The fine large pá - lors, brigiit, spacious diaing room make it just the place for a large social gathei ing andit is highly appreciated. being in almost constant use, but this is too wel! known to neel mention here. The Michigan Central railroad vvill sell lana excursión tickets at one tare fot Ihe round trip on March '_'üth, April 3rd and 24tlï. May th and 22nd, June 5th and 19th. 1888, to points in the State of Miniiesota, Dakota, JMebraskn, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas and New Mexico, tickets limited to 30 days f rom date of sale. Willalsoon March 26th, April 9h and 23rd, 1888, sell round trip tickets at one tare lo a larcte number of points in the South, sou tb of the Ohio riyer and Bowling ( i reen, Ky., tickets limited to 30 days trom date o sale.