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BIffil á SMliï'S BATO, &ROGERY AND FLOUR AND FEED. STORE, Wejieep constantly on h;ind BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, o. For;Wliolesale or Hetail Trade. We shall also keep a supply oí OSBORNE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Co. 's Beat White "Wheat Flour, Bye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A eeneral stock ol CrROGERIES AND 2R0VISI0NS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as rcsonable terms as at any other house in the city. B-Cash paid for Butter, Ejfgs, and Coun tr Produce generallv. H"Goods Deliveredto anv part of the city wlth out extra charee. Rinse y & Seabolt. THE CREAM OF ALL B00K8 OF ADVENTURE. Condensed Into One Volume. . PIONEER L, DARING HÉROES And DEEDS. The thrilling adventures of all the hero explor era aneï fronticr lichters with lndians, outlawa afid wild be.ists, over our whole couutry, t'rotu the earliest times to the preeent. Lives and lamous exploitsof UeSoto, IaSalle, SlHudish, Boone, Kunton, Brady, Crocketl, Bowie, Houston, C&rson, Custer, CaliforDla Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Hill, Generáis Mil s and Orook, reat ludían Chiefs and BCoic8cfother8. 8PLENDIDLT ILLUSTKATED with 22" fine eugravings. AGENTS WANXED. Low-priced. and beuta auything to sell. Tiine ior payments allowed agenta short of funda. H. SCAMMELL & CO., St. LOUIS, MO. LADIES LOOK ÊéÜSS AGENTS WANTED1 iSa To 8e" y ''Knife SharpeSfjsJsgH ner," the beat und only perW"rfi7 BWSwjflr fct machine ol lts kind in Sk ÏEaJy existence . Over 2,500 sold BPkL wo U8enl8 n three f Vk weeks. Eighty per cent to -'jk "'n'1 Ketails for 5üc. 75c, JP ii %, J? .nid $l.üo. Write for tenca. ■Ste 'apr Samples free. AddreBS. A. J.LANGGUTH, 12 to 16 SheimaD St., Dethoit, Mica See sample at ARGDsOrBce. IBF I mm MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Rates. Four Trips per Weelc Betweon DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. I -nace, Chïboj'cati, Alpona, Harrisville, O coca, Sana Beach, Pott Huron, St. Clair, Oak.ia.nd House, Manna City, Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Epcoial Sunday Trips duriDg July and iusiut. OlIR iLLUSTRATtJ PAMPHLETS x-ica find "xcursion Tioketa will b furniañed by . ar'l'i.ket Agonl, or aderan E. 3 WHITCOMB, G.n'IPtM. Ag.nt, Dclroü & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co DLTROIT, MICH.


Ann Arbor Argus
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