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WANT COLUMN. Wantnotices, for sale, for rent, lost, etc. three lines tor tbree weeks in this column for twenty-flve cents. GIRLS WANTED-At the Foilett House Ypsilanti; two rïining-room girls and one laundress. Mrs. L. N. Nowlin. 22 - 24 The nereon that borrowed the " stove truck trom Eberbach's hardware store to return it p. d. q. FOR SALE-House and lot 113 West Huron Street. Price 81300. Inquire of George B. Greening over Farmers & Mechanies Bank. 21-23 FOR SALE- Fine black horee six years old. Weight 1150 pounds.. Sound, gentle and all right. Reason for selling, don't want two. Lew H. Clement, 38 South Main Street. 21-23 FOR SALE --Lot No. 111. Smith's addition, sixth Ward. Long time toone who will build. Eugene K. Krueaufl, 48 South Main Street. TAR WALKS.- I make and repair tar walks, also do teaming. Orders will be proinptly at.tendfd to. Address O. M. Thompson, P. O. Box 1846. tfORSALEAT A BARGAIN- The store be longingto the estáte of M. Claney, now occupied by C. F. Burkhardt, No. 4 East Huron Street. Enquire of E. B. Pond, at No. 6 North Main Street, up-strairs. Hf POR REKT, Several Very Desirable PIANOS, ■ in Excellent Condition.- Apply at the ARGU8 Office. 48tf FOR SALE.- Six acres sultable for fruit On good road near the city. Eugene K Frusauff, 48 South Main Street. IOR SALE.- Twelve acres peaches and small ■ fruits. Good house and barn, two miles, from court house. Terms reasonable. Eugene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. POR SALE.- One and one-half story house JL seven rooms, three lots, barn, etc. Terms easy . Eugene K . Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. OTARK'S beautiful tintypes at half price until July lst. Just north of the po6toftice Ann Arbor. 20-22 FOR SALE:- A newtop buggy, harness and putter for sale cheap. Enquire at 21 North Univereity Ave. rp HE UNION HOTEL gives a good meal for 25 -l cents. Bottled beer. Quarts 10 cents, lnts 5 cents. 16 W. Washington street. ohn Schneider.Jr. 19-30. OR RENT- A modern house with furnaoe, - gas and water accommodation, in fine localon. For particulars apply at 21 North Unier8ity avenue. 16 tf . MI ANTED- Every farmer and gardner to try ' the horse shoe brand of land fertalizers for ale by M. Stabler, Washington street. 15tf. FOR SVLE.- House and two lots in second ward. Lot sold separate. Terms easy. 3uirene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE- House and lot 101 South Main St. Inquire witnin or at county treas irer's office .


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News