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Chicago's Big Hall

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Chicago, June 13.- The Auditorium, in whieb tbe uational Kepublican convention is to meet Tuesday next, is uot vet completad as to deeoration, hut it will undoubtedly be ready iu time, and tlie work is so far done as to giva au idea what it will he; and it is not too much to say that when the delegates reach the interior of the building thoy vvill e dazed by the brilüancy of the soene. Last night, for the first time, the vast hall was üluminated by the 2.700 Edison incandescent electrio lights, which have been set in the archesand walls in various cmiqno and ratriotic designs, and the effect was ) :ul and pleasing te the eye. The four mighty arches spanning the pit where tlie delegates will sit, and the proscenium areh, were a Dlaze of light. Between these, at mathematioally correct distances, were twenty mighty blazing stars, each comprisïng two incandescent lights; ;hen tbere were on each side of the walls 'acing the seats of the delegates thirteen smaller stars of ten lights each, forming a sort of magnificent, circular, fiery setting wherein will lie placed the portraits of Lincoln and Grant. But the masterpiece of the whole system of illumination is the immense shield of red, 'hite, and blue lights in the center of the proscenium, directly over the spot where the chairman will stand. This was, after some difficulty on the part of the electricifms, swung into place shortly after 9 o'clock last night, and when the polychromatic colors of the national ensign were turned on in f uil power, a cheer and round of applause were heard from the little crowd of spectators present. The national colors are seen everywhere. The coats-of-arms of the various States, profusely draped with flags, form a circle round ;he rail of the main balcony. The front of ;he chaii'man's desk is embellished with a portrait of George "Washington. Besides hese there are yet to be displayed Mulvaney's picture of Logan at Atlanta and other bistorical attractions of artistic design. Milward Adams said in speaklng of tho seating capacity that it will be nbout 8,200, or nearly 300 more actual seats tLan were in the Republican convent'on hall of 18S4. Perhaps the most wonderf ui and striking feature of the hall is the compactness with which it will bring the great convention together. Every person who is so fortúnate as to get a seat will be able not only to see, but also to hear. It will present a great opportunity for the orators, if any chance to come to the front. The avant couriers of some of the "booms" are beghming to arrive. Col. Hecker arrived from Detroit yesterday. He is president of the Peninsular Car company , in which Gen. Alger is also interested. Col. Hecker is managing Alger's campaign on the most approved Dusiness principies. He has arranged to bring to Chicago six cars filled with Alger's friends from the New England States. The delegation will be heade,d by Hannibal Hamlin, of Waine, who will work for Alger until Michigan's favorite son is nominated, withdrawn or snowed under. A middle-aged man of medium height, with dark hair and lusurious beard- the ideal of a successf ui business man in personal appearance - is Gen. A. L. Conger, of Ohio, who brought the Sberman boom from tho Buckeye state yesterda}' morning. "Ohio," said the genera!, "is solid for Sherman. We are entlmsiastic for Sherman and have no second choice. It has been said of him tLat he will be the 'hardest man to nomínate and the easiest man to elect.' That assertion was made when Blaine was a factor. Under existing couditions we expect to nomínate John Sherman with the minimum of friction." W. S. Capellar, of Ohio. and Editor Hanna, of The Cleveland Leader, came yesterday to do advance picket duty tor OUio's favorite son. Priace Roland Bonaparte is coming to Chicago to attend the Republican national convention. He telegraphed f rom New York yesterday to Gen. J. S. Clarkson, chairman of the sub-committee, asking tho courtesy of a seat lor the princess and bitnself. He was informed by wire that preferred places would be reserved for him, and Mayor Roche will ask the French nobleman and his wife to be his guests on Warren avenue during their staj in Chicago.


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