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C. H, St. Ciair & Sons, MANUFACTURERA OF Schooi and Ghurch FURNITURE Opera House cnairs and WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manufacture school and church furniture, opera ' house chairs, lawn settees and camp tables and the TKIUMPH windmill, the best and simplest and most reliable in use. Repairing done on short notice. Also dealer in pumps, cylinders, pipe, etc. Tau e made to order. Ladders, berry crates, peach boxes in fact, m mm made n Ho. 33 Fourtb Street Al ARBOa MICH. "CHICAGO TRUSS." New Spiral J0 Y=V_-' A pproved by Spring Trusa. ""F "-j RC3 the highest Hard Kubber 2S5 -Medical AuPad; Light, cFfj-, thority.Worn Clean, Durable fegí, dayandmght (Jool, 'masOÊ0' by au Infant a week old or an Ad uit SU years. Easily adjusted. It meets all forms oí Scrotal, Fermoral, Inguinal. and Umbilical Hernia, in both Iniants and Adalts. Satisfaetion guaranteed in all cases. Any desirable pressure obtained Uur Ladies Umbilical Truss is a grand success. If your druggist does not keep this Truss, enclose stamps and address, CHICAtiO TIIUSS COMPANY, 122 E. RANDOLPH STREET. CHICAGO, 1LL. Office same place. T. Y. KAYNE, Manager. WANT COLUMN. Want notiees, for sale, for rent, lost, etc. three lines for three weeks in this column for twenty-flve cents. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE AT A BARgam if sold by July lst. House in perfect order, freshly painted and papered throughout, S. W. Cor. S. University Ave. and Forest Ave. Enquire of C. N. Jones. SSJ - 25. LOST- A twenty dollar bilí. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to Mrs Mosior, 21 South Fifth street, Ann Arbor. 23-25 GIRLS WANTED-At the Follett House Ypsüanti; two rtining-room girls and one laundress. Mrs. L. N. Nowliu. 22-24 VirAKTED- The person that borrowed the "■ stove truck from Eberbach's hardware store to return it p. d. q. FOR SALE- House and lot 113 West Huron Street. Price Í1300. Inquire of George B. Greening over Farmers & Mechanics Bank. 21-23 FOR SALE- Fine black horse hx years old Weight 1150 pounds. $ound, gentle and all right. Reason lor sellipg, don't want two Lew H. Clement, 38 South.Main Street. 21-23 FOR SALE --Lot No. 111, Smith's addition, sixth Ward. Long time to one who wil] build. Eugene K. irueauff, 48 South Main Street. 'FAK VaI.KS. - I niake and repair tftr walks, alsn do teaming. Orders will be promptly anend?l to. Address O. M. Thompson, P. O. Box 1840. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- The store belonging to the estate of M. Clancy, now occupied by C. F. Burkhardt, No. 4 East Huron Street. Enquire of E. B. Pond, at No. 6 North Main Street, up-strairs. 14f tpOR RENT, ñeveral Very Desirable PIANOS, ■ in Excellent Condition.- Apply at the ASGüS Office. 4Uti' FOR SALE.- Six acres suitable for fruit On good road near the city. Eugene K. Frusauff, 48 South Main Street. t'iOR SALE.- Twelve acres peaenes and small fruits. Good house and barn, two miles, from court house. Terms reasonable. Eugene K. Frueauff, 4S South Main Street. IjOR SALE.- One and one-half story house r seven rooms, three lots, barn, etc. Terms easy . Eugene K . Frueautf, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE:- A new top buggy, harness and putter for sale cheap. Enquire at 21 North University Ave. HPHE UNION HOTEL gives a good meal for 25 1 cents . Bottled beer. Quarts lü cents, pints 5 cents. 16 W. Washington street. John Schneider, Jr. 19-30. VOH RENT- A modern house with furnace, gas and water accommodation, in fine location. For particulars apply at ül North university avenue. 16 tf. lf ANTED- Every farmer and gardner to try the horse shoe brand of land t'ertalizers lor Eale by M. Stabler, Washington street. 15tf. FOR SALE.- House and two lots in second ward. Lot sold separate. Terms easy. Eugene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE- House and lot 101 South Main St. Inquire within or at couaty treasurer'B office.