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Clothes soaked for an hour in a tub of hot water in which som? of The Digman Soap has been dissolved, and covered over with a tliick cloth of any kind to keep the hot steam in the tub, will require Jittle or no rnbbing, as the dirt will squeeze or wring right out. It is the great labor saver and invention of the age. Remember the name of Dmgman, and beware of imitations claiming to be like it, as ïheve. is no soap made like the Dingman soap is made. Ask for it, and take no other until you try it. For sale by S. 1 1 BAMGA1 DRÉttlDUGL A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody useing a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experitnce we have succeeded in producing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present trouhles of extracting lime and other sedimenta ichich accwnidate in water backs, of ten making them useless and in a great inany instances becoming dangeroiis. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household useing a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by useing city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove ask your stove dealer for Hutzeis Water Back. Masón ib Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. jhfoerbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this ueful invention. ZEEEtttzzeilj óz da. Plumbers and Steamfitters. ANN ABBOB, M1CH. ZECZEX.-IjIT'ö IDÉB m ! ■ Is given on trial and warrantod to give satisfaction or money ref'jnded. Chronic Cases a Speuialty. Office No. 6 Washington St. Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Stcre. Arm Arbor THE CREAM OF ALL BOOKS OF ADVENTURE Condensed Into One Volume. . PIONEER' , DARING HER0E3MDEEDS. The tbiilling adventures of al' the hero explor. eis and irontier fighterswith lndians, uutlaws and wild beagts, over our whole country, froiu tbe earliest times lo tbe present. Lives and lamous exploitsof ÜeSoto, J.aSalie.Standish, Boone, Kenton, Briidy, Crockett, Bowie, Houstou, Carson, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Generáis Mili s and Crook, great Judian Chiefs and BCOiesciotberB. SPLENBIDLT ILLUSTRATED witb 22L' fine engraviogs. AGKNTS WAMÏED. Low-priced, and beats auyth ing to sell. Time iot paymenta allowed agents sbort oí funda. H. SCAMiMELL&CO., St. LOUIS, MO. AGENTS WANTED) the best and only perfect machine oi its kind in exNearly 50 per et. to ngents! Retail ior Mc, 75c, and $1.00. 1 Write for terms. Samples F. J. Relnhóld. 12 to 16 Sbeiman Ht.. Detkoit, Micb See sample at Akgx's Office. broad-cut rignriA CeniertM È"J WÍ11 save one-half afiUCJB rTTr dlj i v your labor in I Ue hay KmHBv a L ' ' L M MAT. field. A pair of ponies Qgpr NO TEDD1NG. will hand Ie the ïarger size. Tbe iucxeased deinand for tbe Eureka attests its merlt, Send for 18S8 Catalogue. Mention this paper. Address EUREKA MOWER CO. Utica5N.Y. FOR SALE BY M. STAEBLER. "Why you should send us your orders. We handle Hfcjr nothingbut BEST and CHOICF.ST BRANiJS; rJTBiafíri Sen at Manufacturera' and In.portcrs' Prices; CTMJMb- ShipatüNE UAY'S NOT1CE. enabling you to receire eoods day fullowing; ElggWgFili oidccs fcr aLL KINDS of Frostel Bohetnian, Gcrnnn Lookinf flBHCP The quality, vancty and quADÜty üf our stock 50 Is exceccied by no house in the United Stans. Wffi. REID, 73 4 75 Lirned Síree West, DETROIT, MICH. r. s.- Write for Pnces. No trouble to answer correspondence


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