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C. H. SI Clair & Sons, MA.NUFACTURERS OF Schooi and Ghurch FUBNITURE Opera House unairs and WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manufacture school ancï church furniture, opera house chairs, lawn settees and camp tables and the TKIUMPH windmill, the best and simplest and most reliable in use. Repairing done on short notice. Also dealer in pumps, cylinders, pipe, etc. Tan s made to order. Ladders, berry crates, peach boxes in fact, II Mlffl ilil Tl) (111 No. 33 Fourtb Street Al ÁRBOa MÍCH. "CHICAGO TRÜSS." New Spiral nf???2 - irs ,,■ A pproved by Spring 'i'russ. -;_■ "' the b Hard Rubber S ■' -Medical Aupad; Light, i-síJJ tliority.Worn Clean,Durabe Lï57?r dayandnight cool, &'.. by au Infant a week old or an Adult Si) years . Easily adjusted. It nieets all forma of Serotal, Fermoral, Iuguinal.and Umbilical Hernia, in both Imants anfl Adulta. Satisfaetion guaránteed In all cases . Any desirable pressure obtaiued. OurLadies Umbilical Truss is a grand success. Ii' your drug-gist does uot keep tliis Truss, enclose stamps and address, CHICAOO ÏKUSS COMPANT, 122 E. RANDOLPH STKEET. CHICAGO, ILL. Office same place. T. Y. KAYNE, Manager WANT COLUMN. Want notices. lor sale, for rent, lost, etc. three lines for tbree veeks in this column l'oi twenty-flvé cents. fi EI.EKY and Cabbage plants and cows foi vísale.- W-. F. Bird, West Huron Street. 21-26 LOST,- Pair of gold spectacles. Finder will picase return tliem to 27 Thompson Street and receive suitable reward. Mrs. K. M. Herrón. 24-26 HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE AT A BARgain il sold by July lat. House in perfect on Ier, freshly painted and papered throug-hout. S. W. Cor. S. University Ave. and l'orest Ave. Enqulre oi' C. N. Jones. 23-25. VVANTED- The person that borrowed the " Btove truck trom Eberbach's hardware store to return it p. d. q. FOE SALE-House and lot 113 West Huron Street. Price$1300. lnquireof George ü. G reening over Farmers & -Hechanies Ijank. 31-83 IOR SALE- Fine black horse six yeara old. Welght 1150 pounds. Sound, gentío and all rijrht. Keason for sclling, ilon't want two. Lew H. Clement, 3S South Main Street. 21-2J FOK SALE-- Lot No. 111, smith's addition, si.xth Ward. Long time to one who will build. Eugene K. írueauñ, 4S South Main Street. TARWALKS.- I niake and repair tar walka, also do teaming. Orders will be proinptly attend?il to. Address 0.41. Thompson, P.ö. Bux 1S46. ÍOKSALEATA BARGAIN- The store belonging to the estáte of M. Clancy, now occupied byC. F. liurkhardt, No. 4 East Huron Street. Enquire of E. B. Pond, at Xo. 6 North Main Street, up-strairs. 14t C"ORELNT, Several Very Desira ble 'PIANOS, x in Excellent Condition.- Apply at the AKGUS Office. 48tf FOK SALE.- Six aeres suitable for fruit On good road near the city. Eugene K ?ru3autf, 48 South Main Street. LOK SALE.- ïwelve acres peaches and small 1 truits. Good house and barn, two miles, rom court house. Terms reasonable. Eugene K. Frueaufl', 4S South .Main Street. POK SALE.- One and one-half story house L geven rooms, ihree lots, biirn, etc. Terms asy . Eugene K . Frueaufl1, 48 South lluln Street. ÍOR SALE:- A new top buffgy, harness and putter for sale cheap. Enquire at 21 North University Ave. rpHE UNION HOTEL gives agood meal for26 cents. liottled ijeer. Quarts 1U eents, pints 5 cents, lti W. Washington street. ohu Schneltter.Jr. 19- ;J0. OK KENT- A modern house with furnaoe, i?as and water aooommodatlon. In line locaiou. For particulare upply at il North unierslty avenue. lö tf. A! ANTED- Every farmer and gardner to try " the horse shoe brand of land fertalizers for ale by M. Stabler, Washington gtreet. 15tf. IjOR SALE.- House and two lots in second ward. Lot sold separate. Terms easy. Eueene K. Frueauff, 48 South Main Street. FOK SALE- House and lot 101 South Main St. Inquire within or at county treasjrer's office . I


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