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URIACQUA1NTED W1TH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN MUCH USEFUL INFORMATION Ff!OM A STUOY OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK I8LAND & PACIFIC WY. lts central position and close connection with Eastern Lines at Chicago and continuous Unes at terminal points West, Northwest and Southwest, make it the true mid-link in that transcontinental chain of steel which imites the Atlantic and Pacific. lts main lina and branches inclnde Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, La Salie, Feoria, Genaseo, ÏEoline and Rock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Fairfield, Ottuniwa,Oskaloosa,'WeHt Liberty, IowaCity,DesJffioines, Indianola, Winterset, Atlantic, KnosviUe, Audubon, Harían, Guthrie Centre 1H- - BMMB and Council Bluffs, in lows. ; Gallatin, Trenton, Calieron, Bftiff im"Bl IB 3t' 3ose11 zn Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth IfifmT V ra I H an. Atchison, in Kansas ; Mlrmeapohs and St. Paul, in HlSZlJJ E Minnesota ; Watertown and Sioax Falls, in Dakota, and HHBHEBSKnBIHB raany other prosperoue towns and cities. It alao offers a CHOICE OP KOXTTES to and from the Pacific Coast and intermedíate places, making all transfers in TJnion Depots. Fast Trains of fine DAY COACHES, elegant CABS, inagniSceüt PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and(between Chicagro, St. losspt, Atchison and Eansa3 Cityi re3tful BECLINING CHAIE. CARS, seats FEEE to holders of through first ciass tickets. THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (CREAT ROCK I8LAND ROUTE) Extendo west and southwast from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fairbury, Nelscn, Horton, Topeka, IH "ifi WW HL fl WVH Hering-ton. Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwell, and all B7TB1 M gé ïVJ" Poillts in southern Ncbraska, interior Kansas and beyond. V A r jj 3 E BE Entire passencer equipment of tha celebrated Pullman S fl M i M manufacture. Solidly ballasted track of heavy stee; HfiBBlMraBnllMB rril. Iron and stone bridgres. All safety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, weli built stations. Celerity, certainty, comfort and luxury assured. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROÜTE Is the favorite between Chicago, Rock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and ÏÏEinneapolis and St. Paul. The tourist route to all Northern Summer Resorts. lts Watertown Branch trarersea the most productive lands of the great " wheat and dairy belt" of Northern lowa, Southwestern Minnesota and East-Centr al Dakota. The short line, via Séneca and Kankakee, offers superior BraNSSSHDHni facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, ITb J B tf ■ jpj I yette, and Council Blufüs, St. Joaeph, Atchison, U " 3 1Ik1 worih, Kanaas City, ïïtinneapoHs and St. Paul. I fcj I M al 1 J For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any desired Information, BffBHHHSHBBBB apply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or address, E. ST. JOHN, Chicago 1LL A" "OLBROOK, Qenertü Manager. tniUAUU, ILL. Qen'l Ticket & Paas'r Ageut


Ann Arbor Argus
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