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Lightning damaged thjg Lapeer Eaptist jhurch S200 worth during a recent storm. ] Electricity seems to be no respecter of ■ ngs. John Sullivan, an Oakland couuty citizen, , tvhile driving across a bridge was somewhat mrprised and injured by ths thing giving i n'ay and dropping him and his team into the drink, but John's inclined to the belief that 85,000 would make everything , tory so far as he's concemed. The tax-payrs havra't been heard from. Lightning got in its fatal work on John3on's tub and stave factory at Coldwater on the 14th. Loss nearly 12,000 with $3,500 nsurance. Hon. L. G. Palmer, the silver-tonged orator of Big RapMs, will represent Michigan at the nortbwest centennial celebration, to be held at Marietta, next month. John McMartie, a Homer smoker, found a $160 diamond while filling his pipe, preparatory to an evenlng's solace. But we don't recommend this as being a sure method of attaining wealth. It cost (2,711.40 to entertain the publishers and their families who attended the annual meeting of the Michigan Press association at Detroit. The avere.enewspaper man knows how to eat and drink. The supreme court of the state bas decided that the law prohibiting one sáloonist from going on ancthtr's bond is off its base, and that this discriraination must cease. Hon. E. Brownell, a resident of Hadley, was so badiy hurt by falling down stairs that death resulted three days afterward. Dangers ofttimes beset us vhen we leat suspect their preseuce. The world may be, and doubtless is, growing better as it grows older, but uevertheless there's some mighty imperfect specimens of humanity that still nbabit it. An Ithaca man has just been convieted of a criminal assault upon his own dfughter. An $l,S0Obell is one of the lusuries that Negaunee Presbyteriar.s have recently invested in. They evidently intend to be heard. The long-continued revival at Bronson has brought some 250 sinuers into the fold, and local melón growers are hoping that reformation may be permanent. Eastera galt manufacturers thought it would be a good scheme to give the western market :i whirl and the Michigan Salt association dropped the price to 50 cents par barrel. TUis wïll give peopie a chance to season their dollar potatoes to their heart's content. Oi'in Coleman is the Omer boy who woke up a dynamite cap by poknig it v.ith a pin. He has just about fingers enough left to try one more experiment. Grand Rápido people $15,020,400 invested in 377 factories, employing nearly 12,000 people, with an am.ual output of ?23,000,000. Her imp i i -ost a little less tban $5,000,1 i New Haven people are puzzled over a midday shower when there wasn't a cloud in sight. The pumps at the Calumet and Hecla mine have been steadily worklng ïor the past six or eigbt weeks, and now there are only f eet oí leít. At tliis rate the mine will be dried out some tinie m the twentieth century. Pitteen people have found '.vatery graves at Saginaw since the opening of navigation. Water is good in its place, but it's a fatal beverage in too large doses. Alpena lumbermen have disposed of 5,000,000 shmgles and 60,üOJ,i'00 feet of lumber since ths lst of January. Somebody didn't love A. J. Loomis, a Chesire, Allegan couuty, farmer, and to acquaint him of the fact. girdled his apple orchard. Some folks have strange ways dt showing their ükes and dislikes. It may be true that a cow can't run, but a coúple of 'era swam trom Burnt Island to St. Ignace, a dlstance of nine miles, though tiniy were exhausted by the trip. A burstiug emery wheel at Sand Lake shook up G-eorge Mehrtens in a lively manner, but Greorge will survive the shock, thougb he may uever again be quite so good as new. Jackson City authorities say the Ei'.glish sparrow must go, and have voted $50 as an incentive to thtir removal. This is the season of the year when the truly good his themselves away for a season of recreation and rest, leaving those with iight purses and ordinary tendencies to sweat it (.at on the same oíd line, even if it takes ail summer. There are fifty-tbree members of the Fort ytreet Presbj-terian church at Detroit already sojourning in Europe. The Rope:s gold mine having pa.ssed into the bands of Detroit capitalista, new and improved macbinëry will be put in and an earnest effort made to make the mine pay a golden dividend. Israel Williams died at Bronson at the age of 90 years. Ee was a veteran of the war of 1812. Professor Charles A. Barr, of Baldvvin university, has been ccosen to fill the chair of astronomj' at Albion college, made vacant by the resignation of Professor Samuel Dickie A use has at last been found for the English sparrow, as 'tis claimed to have a siiarp eye for the festive grassbopper, which gives promise of being too abundant this Si-ason in inany sectious for the farmer's welfare. St. Louis iil be represent-d at the Cincinnati industrial exposition by a lig exhibit of water f roía ber mineral springs. To avoid making this exhibit too co.nsiicuous on the summer air, it will be caretully socured in bottles. An Adrián couple who recently relebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversury, oulit to be pretty well acquainted, as tbey've not been separated louger thau tno days ut a time during all that period. Joe Hickson, who lived near Cadilln.', met a horse's heels and an untimely end. He uu-, 22 years ola and single. The hearts of Albion college professors have been made glad by inereuse of salary ot from $U3O to i'M) per annuni. Within thepsst uine montlis Uïl matrimonial partnerships have been Wmcd in St. Jofieph county. A Detroit ciergyman pubiiely advocates the wliipping post tor the man who so far forgets his manhoud as to beat the wife he has promi ed to ove and protect. Rev. Albert 'A'itham, a Barry county parson, is under arrest o:i a charge ■( porjury. Witham it is cluimed, bore false wituufS to axonerat a nieinber of his Üot-k yvUo was charged with comtnitting an a-ault wirli mteut to kill, and who was reltKHmt (in the parson's testimony. Saginaw City has mad up ht-r mhld to invesi í'i'r.íiOO in tlie improvenwut ui her water worka. A oouplp of Buchananites are puttii)j in the summer raising 100,000 heads of cauliflower. The iusatiable cut worm has aireaiy furnished a, market for some of 'etu. George Vntl,the Marshal! butclior, ivho was recently drowned in the Kalaniazoo river, had set a line ot' fish hooks in the river and in attenipting to capture a large risli that ba3 fu 'Jifd tlm t"mpting bn:' boffm en tangled himself in the treaeherous hooks ana lost his life. Emancipation day is to be celebrated in great style at Flint tbis year. Governor Luce, and ex-Senator Bruce, oL Mississippi, will do some of the talking. Typboid f ever has again broken out at the Jackso i prison, By and by the suspicion will get a'n'O". 1 thüt the wards of the 9tate areivt Luvi g fair sbow-, An electrie torm bêld a cotiïlion at Lansing reeen tly. -baking up thiags generally, destroyiiu Hit useiulness of sixteen teleph'One boxes. Tne teiephone line to Detroit was also knocked out oL coramission in the fusillade. The idea of dressing convicta aeording to behavior is beiug agitated at the Jackson prison. The plain is to abolish the striped uits, except in the case of incorrigibles. Four lady teachers and three clerks at Portland subscribed $10 each to the bonus for a new railrrad to that town. When the ladies put their shouiders to the wheel it's pretty sure to ba a go. Muskeon pays Professor Hogan, the Jackson balloonist. i'J ) for making an ascensión there on July 4. Capt. Barnes, a St. Joseph Citizen, baving worn a full beard for the past twenty-flve years, sha ved the other day and his most intiraate friends didn't known hira. Corunna bas at least one citizen who doesn't believe that success is best attained by specialty. Tbis man divides up his attention between preaching to erring sinners, selling organs, making stump speeches, and doctoring sick horss and cattie. There's surely some variety. Anybody baring lost a gray horse and covered buggy might possibly find tbe rig by applying to Tilliam Hilt, of Blumfield. Such an outñt wandered in upon that gentleman's premises on a recent morning, and at last accounts the owner hadn't (.'laimed the property. A young dauliter of H. T. Bristow, a Calhcun couuty citizen, was bitter, by a rattlesnake and cUed the next day ín great acony.


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