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Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MIQHIGAN, COUNTÏ jl' Washtenaw, ro. Notice is bereby triven, hat bv au order of the Frolute Court for the bountv of Washtenaw, made n the I3th day Df June A D. 1SSS. six uionths trom that date erealiowi.-df.jrcrfrditcs to pre;-eut their claims igainsl theetuiteoi'Phoehe Ann Martin late of snia onn',li?ceased,nniitljat ill cveditors of said deseased aie required to present their claims to said Probate Court. at the f róbate Oiüce in the city of nn Arbor, föv examiDatioil and ailowanee, on or beforu the ISth day of December iiext, and that such claims will be heaid betore said court, on Tuesday. the 18th day of September and on Tueaday, "the 18th day of December nest, at ten o'clock iu tne torenuon of each of said days. Dated. Ann Art.or, une lSh, A. D. 1888 WILLIAM D . HAIUUMAN, Juc'.seot Probate. Notice to Creditors. DTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY Qof Washtenaw, s. Notice is hereby giveu, thatbyan order ot' the Probate Oourt for tbe County ol1 Wimhtenaw, made on the llth day oí Jnne, A. T). 1SSS, six munths from thnt date were allowed for twiitors to present their claims ae-.unst the estáte ol'Suruh A . Vandawarker, late of county. dc-cwised, utid thnt all creditors cf said deceasod are itquirea to present their claims to aid Probate Oourt, ut the Probate Office in the ciiyof jiuii Arbor. lor examina; ion and aUowance, on orbefore the ilth day of December next, and that sueh claims -.vill bu hemd bQtore said Court, on ïuesday, the Utb day of September and on ïuesday the llth day of Deceniri'r next, at ten o'olock in the forenoou of each of said days. Dated, Arm Arbor. June 11, A. lJ. 1S88. WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, Judge of Probate. Estáte of Jennie Shadbolt. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of tbe Probate Oourt íor the County ot Washteuaw. bolden at the Probate Office in the City of Ana Arbor, on Mouday, the Uth day' of June, ïu the yearone tbousand eieht liundred and elglity eight. rreseul, Wm. D. Harriman . Jud;e of Probate. In tbe miitier of the Esiate ol Jennie Shadbolt, deceased. Willium V. the adnimistrator of said estáte, comes i uto court and r apresen Is that he isnuw prepared to render 1) Is linal account as sucta adnilnlstrator. 'Chereupon it ís ordered, that Tuesday, the lOth day of July, next ar ten o'clock 111 the ï'oienoou be assisned for examining and allowing Buch account, ana that ibe htirs at law of said deceased, and all other personsmteresied in said estate.are required to at a session oí said court. theo tobe holden ut the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county and show cause, if any there bc why,the siid account should not be aiioued. And it ís further ordered that said administra tur give notice to the peisons iuterested in aaid estáte 01 the pende.icy ofeaid account and the heariug thereof,by causiugn copyof bis order to bepuplishedin the Akn Akdok Anörsa newspaper priuted and oirculatlnj? ineaid counly ihree aucoessive weeks previouslo said day of hearing. W1LLIAM D. UAKEIMAN, A trueoopy.) Judpe of Probate WilliamO .Doty, Probate iietfister. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, SS. Noticc is hereby Riven, that liy au order of the Probate Court foi the counfy" of W6hten:iw, raade on the 22ud day of June, A. D 1SSS, six months from that d 4t? were allowed for creditors f-) preaeDI tbeir claims aainst the fstale of David Blacktner, late oisHid i.'ounty. deceased, and ihat uil creditors ot said deceased are required to prese utt hei r claims to s .id Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, for examination and allowunce, on or before the 22ndday of Deceniberjneit.and that euch claims will be heard before said court on biiturday, the 22nd day of September and on Saturday, the 22ud day of December next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoou of each of saiddays. Diiteó Ann Arbor, Junu 22, A. D. 1S8S. WILLIAM D. HAHRIMAN, Judge oí ProbaLe. Commissioners' Notice. STATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersiirned havinir been appolnted by the Probate Court for said Countv, Commissioners to reccive, examine and adjllst all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Williaui Eobbius, iate of said County deceased, hereby give notice thal six months from dale are allowed, bv order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that thev wil! muer atjthe orüceof Elihu B. Pond, in the city of iil Ar'.u'.r in said County, on Saturday the twenty-sevoiid day of September and on Saturday the twenty-seoond, dayof December next, f at ten o"'clock A.M. of each of said dayi 'o receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated June 22nd., iSSS. jt EfJHU B.POND. BENJAMIN BROWN. Commissioners.


Ann Arbor Argus
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