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Alleged Dynamiters

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Chicago, July fí. - Three men, who were arrested on a Burlington train, are accused of a plot more terrible than the one tbat led up to the bloody Haymarket massacre. lts object, it is charged, was to blow up the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy office building and destroy tbe Uves of perhaps 500 men who daily ocoupy the big structure. Since the strike of the engineers the Burlington road bas had a large torce of detectiTes engaged in watching the movements of the strikers, and several "agitators" have been put under special surveillance. It ia said that dynamite has been used ia several unsuccessful attempts to wreek trnins withiu the past month, and those suspected have been closeiy watched. Positive inf ormation is said to have been received yestei'day of a contemplated concerted attack upon the company's property, including trains and station property, and it is believed Mr. Stone's office was marked for annihilation. Acting upou iniormation given them warrants were sworn out and Deputy Marshal Burchard proceeded with them to Aurora, in company with Assistanee Superintendent McGinty, oí Pinkerton's forcé, with a detective. Tue men were located and shadowed to the 2:15 afternoon train. Thomas Broderick and J. A. Bowles, two brotherhood ex-engineors of the Burlington, in company with a stranger, wero seen to board the train. The train had barely started whon the men were placed under arrest. They made no resistance. Uuder their coats, and lying on the seat between Broderick and the third man, whose name proved to be Wilson, was a package, which, when examined later, was found to contain four dynamite cartridges, each containing about a pound of dynamite. While tbo captives were being handcuffed Broderick snatched a letter from bis pocket and threw it out of the window. The train was stopped and this letter reeovered. it is said to f urnish damaging evidence against the conspirators, involving the brotherhood. Broderick ana Wilson had little to say, while Bowles was profuse in explanations of bis innoeence. The men were brought to tbis city and taken before Commissionei Hoyne, vvho held them in $5,000 bond each for examination on the lSth inst. They declai-e they know nothing oL any plot. John A. Bauereisen. chief engineer of división 32, of the Burlington road, was arrested later at Aurora and brought to this city, charged with being coanected vvith the conspiracy. He was also placed under bonds of $5,000, and some of bis frieuds came and said they would see that the necessary bail was f urnished. Bj noon the engineer was a free man again, he baving given bonds. The men previously arrestad are stül in ja'l. Tho cases are set for a hearing on July 13. Lawyer Frank P. Collier, attorney for the Chicago, Burlington & Quiucy railroad, lias the case in charge and is conducting the investigation landing to the discovery of the men supposed to be concerned in the dynamite plot. Withic the next few days it is given out that a large number of locomotive engineers belonging to the brotherhood will be arrested, and by the day of the trial there will be quite an array before the commissioner to e.nswer the general charge placed against tboso already in the clutches of the law. The offlcers who arrested Bauereisen returned to Aurora at noon, and at 7 p. m. arrived in the city, having in custody Alee Smith, who was taken over to tho jail, and this eapture will be put under bonds liko the rest. He is a striking fireman on the Aurora división, a young man of 26, wbo has lived in Aurora some time. He is said to have also handled some of these dynamite cartridges. Last nisht a statement was given out by General iïanager Stone, of the Q, which in effect is as follous: A few days after the middle of May last the company was informed that attempts were to bo made to Üamage its property and trains by the use of dynamite, and that Bowles, tho brotherhood engiueer who was arrested Thursday afternoon with dynamite in his possession, was about to leave town to put the plan in operation. Bowles did leave Chicago, as was espected, having taken a package of dy namite and caps nith him from room Si, Grand Paciflc hotel, the headquarters of the griovance committee of th strikers, and occupied by S. E. Hoge, chairman of the general grievance committee. On May 2s, at 10:40 p. m., a bomb was exploded under a locomotive between this city and Aurora, without doing any material damage however. Examination of the spot where the explosión took place showed abundant evidence of dynamite, and the name of tlie manufacturer of the explosive. After a large picnic of brotherhood people at Aurora, June 15, another case of the same kind occurred with similar results. These ezplosious are attributed directly to Bowles, who then, went to Noblesvüle, Ind., where he was supplied with funds by means of a draft from John A. Bauereisen, the chiof engineer and principal ofiicer of División No. K3, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, who is also the chairman of the local grievance committee at Aurora. Bauereisen is also one of the principal members of the brotherhood on the whole Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system, as well as a leader in the strike. Broderick is also a member of the brotherhood, and was during this time at Crestón, Ia. He had repaatedly asked Bauereisen to send Bovvlts tüere, and he accorduigly went, met Broderick, and delivered to him the dynamite and caps. Shortly after Bowles left Crestón, and a few hours afterward au explosión took place in the west end of Crestón yard. The next week another explosión took place just southof Crestón, and another on July 5 just east of tho town. During al] this time the tno men wsre in pcssession ol full eredentials from the brotherhood - letters of introjuction, etc. - and such were found on them when arrested. Broderick, bef ore going to the train at Aurora on Thursday afternoon, went to the hall of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and there got the package of dynaraite which was afterwnrd taken by him, Bovrles and "VVilson on to the train with them. Tbis package of dynamite had been taken by John A. Bauereiseu, spoken of as being the chiel engineer of the brotherhood of the Aurora división, to the Brotherhood hall for Broderick. He was therefore arrestad by the United States marshal as an accomplice. Mr. Stone then gave the press the fol'.owing circular, whieh he claimed was issued as it purports to have been : Chicago, April 10, 1R88.- To C. E. &. F. A. E. Div. No. - : The C, B. & Q. have only got about oue-half of the men prior to the strike. They want about 400 or 500 more engineers. We have decided to cali on you to furnish mie or two men from your división. We will ask th same of all divisions throughout the country to come aud apply fqr situations on the ' Q" uncieran osumed name, and, as soon as they get to work, to correspond with John Sowers, National hotel, Chicago, for instructions. The objeet is to ilisable engines in tvery ray they eau, and. on a given day, to quit work iu a body after receiving instructions from us Thecompany is on their last leg, aud, by this mean, we propo e to taks the other. We dou't want any of them to come here, but to irake applications at the foüowlng poiuts: Ani-ora. Galesburg, Burlington. Crestón. Plattsmouth, Lineólo and McCook. Be very careful who you seltot to come- men that dou't talk too much. r.r who are in the habli of druiktog. Supply them with plenty of sal Boda nul emery. Have them get a leave of absence for thirty days or more. P. S. Please don't let this outsida except wlthlo yourselves aurt those you select to come. Please aoswer on receipt of th3. Yours. frateraally, "S. F. Hoge, Chairraan G. G. C. Eoom 34, Grand Pacific Hutel, Chicago. At tbe time. however, Mr. Hoge issued this circular the company was fully supplied with engineers and had a large number of applicatious from reliable men, with good references, tor any vacaneies which might occur. A number of attempts were made to carry out the suggestions of the circular, but in all cases the applicants were refused employment. The company, knowing the character of the leaders of the strike with whom they bad to deal, bad been on its guard against this veiy sort of taing from the first day of the strike. Mr. Stone explained that the sal soda was to be put Into the tanks of the engines, so that the water on being pumped into the boiler would "foam," so as to prevent the engine from getting dry steam. and make it impossibla to proceed, and to cause the burning of the crown sheots of tbe fire boxes. The emery was to be thrown on to the bearing surfaee of different parts of the machinery, causing the bearings to run hot or even ruin them. Chicago, July 10.- Thesixth man has been added to the list of accused, the United States marshal having gone to Aurora and arrested George Godding, a "Q" striking engineer, on the same charge as the others. He was put under bond of C-5,000. and not being able to supply it, remanded. Bef ore being taken there he was closeted for a long time with the commissioner, lawyers and railway officials, but what he said is a profound secret. Godding, however, was not actuallj put in jail. He was put in charge of a marshal, and says he can get bail, and this fact bas started the rumore that he has made a "statement" to the officers. The railway people say nothing fureher will be known until the trial Friday. Chairman Hoge says he does not kuow Godding. He also said that if the men under arrest are guilty the brotherhoed has nothing to do with them, but if they are not guilty they will be defended by tbe brotherhood. He was ssked: "What is there in your allegad statement that there may be a general streke over the countr3'?" "I metin nothing furtber tban tbat if the "Q" road should arrest some of the brotherbood leaders there would be a complete cessation of work. If Arthur had been arrested when that subject was agitated it would have stopper! every wheel in the country. 1 think it would b ■ the same if I should be arrested. They have gone no further among our ofiicers than Bauereisen, and that's far enough." Chicago, July 11" - Surprises in the C. . B. & Q. conspiracy case began early yesterday, and were not completed until the afternoon, when what is claimed as the most important development of the sensation ca:ne out. After a long night's consultation upon the situation by tbe Burlington officials and their attorncys it was decided yesterday morning to arrest the chairmen of the grievance committees of the Engineers' and Piremeu's brotherhoods, S. E. Hoge and John H. Jtfurphy, respectively, on the charge of couspiracy. Warrants were also sworn out for the arrest of Eugiueers John J. Kelly and John H. McGilvery as accomplices. Before 7 o'clcck in the morning Hoge and Murphy had been arrested at the National hotel and louked up at the Central station. They were arraigned before Justice Lyon, before whom a chantre of venue had been taken from Justice White, and admitted to $1,500 bail each, Curnished by Wiliiam Fitzererald. These arrests were mado liypause of the issuance of the circular alleged to have been issued by SJoge, vrhich was printed in these dispatches a few days ago, and Kelly and McGilvery were wanted onthesnma account, but it was some time before tbey could be found. They were arrested in the afternoon and taken to the Desplaine? street pólice station, and provided the climax to the sensation. John J. Kelly and John H. McGilvery, are clerks respeetively to Chairman Hoge of the striking engineers' grievance committee and Chairman Murphy of the firemon's committee. The sensation is explained as fol.ows by Inspector Bonfield: "Kelly and McGilvery were arrested this afternoon," said he late last night. "When arrested they sent for me. I went to see ;hem flt the armory, where they had been taken, flrst sencling word to Mr Stone that [ presumed tbey wanted to talk. He came over, bringing Attoruey Collier with him. We consulted with them. They appeared to ae very nice young men, intelligent and honest. They told us f ully of their connection with the circular. Then, as the result of the conference, they wrote out all thoy knew, and I can say that their statement was perfectly satisfactory to Mr. Stone and Mr. Collier. I had to leave before the statements were fully eompleted, but understand that ;bey settle satisfactorily, and bevond the possibility of a doubt, the authorship of the sal soda and emery circular. It also settles who John Sowérs is, the man none of the reporters could find." "According to this statement, continued the inspector, "Sowers is Hoge. When the circulara were sent to the different divisions inquir ies as to its authenticity were received in numbers from chief engineers who doub ted v, hether such a radical circular could be sent out by Hoge, and asking if it were genuine. Both these young men answered a number of these inquiries, invariably saying, by the direction of Hoge, that the circular was all right.


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