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James Purdy, a 13-year-old Brighton boy, has pioned and put íorty acres tato crops, tbis season. There's ambition to succeed. A Barryville boy of 11 years tried his hand at brushing a fly from a horse, but the equine was even more frisky than thí fly, and the boy died three days latir. TÍie horse was a bard kicker. A Stockbridge baby Tas born with a full set of teeth. Inquiry deve'.oped tlie fact that its pa was an editor, whose chüdren are supposed to be obliged to rustle for a living at an early age. Newspapers can no more exist without patronage than the nierchant can without trade. That's the reason why The Homer Herald carne to an early and untimely death. Three Ishpeming boys (brothers, from 9 to 12 years oíd), named Grass, seem to have been turned out to pasture early in life, as they were detected in tryiug to rob a house there one day last week. A SI 2,000 fire played smash with Kenyon's dry goods business and the grocery stock of L L. Fiinfc, two of Dundee's merchants. Light insurance. Stark Durfee, whodied at Plymouth at the age of 74 years, had been a Wayne county cítizen for sixty-one years. He never liad a lawsuit, although one of his ten children was a capable attorney. Let tnose who seek office just for the "honor" of the position beware of the fate of John Pridgeon, Jr., mayor of Detroit. By virtue of his official position Mr. P. was obliged to attach bis autograph to city bonds that made it necessary to write his name 39,500 times. Think of an official task like that. Good common sense seems to be terribly scarce in spots in this world. A couple of Lenawee county farmers couldn't agree as to which one of the two should repair a gap in a line-fence, and so they've been indulging in lawsuits over the matter. John Prinee, a Whitehall denizen, gave his wife a drubbing because she preferred to attend a different church than the oue at which he worshiped. Seems as though we had read somewhere about religión making its follow ers "first pure, the:i peaceable." A Lakeview dealer was comforted during the hot June wave by au order froin Pennsylvania for 20,000 snow-shovels, a sort of happy reminder of the coming January blizzard. John Murphy, the bad boy of Graad Rapids, who assiulted two little girls, has been glven a steady job of ten y ars at the Jackson prison. Leslie's Baptist church has struok a new light. It will be kept radiant by a 8125 chandalier. The sidewalks of Muskegon, the city of sawdust, slabs and sand, are said to be so poer as to be positively dangerous for pedestrians. Mr. Westfall, tBe Ithaca man accused of taking mouey not his own from the American Express company at that place, was honorabiy acquitted by a jury of his peers. Mrs. Wllliam Pettit, of Grand Rapids. showed her wii'ely devotion by pawning her sesving machine to raise mouey with which to pay a fine imposed upon her husband for eruelly beating her. There's some things that are bevond the ken of our philosophy, and this is one of 'em. líary Jane Miller, a resident of Grand Rapids, has been granted a divorce because her liege lord was too almighty stingy to feed and clothe her. Here's hoping tbat Mary Jane may have better luck the next time she tries the matrimonial lottery. Dunhara, Peters & Co., East Saginaw lumbermen, have been iuformed by a juiy that a L3,500 cash paymenc to Will Ë. Smith, who lost his hrmd in their mili a year or so ago, will be a just and proper thing to do. A Mancelona man is the owner of a cute cat. The feline discovered its master's store on fire the ocher night, and by a succession of nocturnal screeches, as only a healthy cat can make, awoke Mm in time to give an alarm and save bis property. Robert Hunt, a Belie River farmer, bored a deep well and got such a bad-smelling article of mineral water that it is sure death to almo?t every form of disease. At any rate a number of his sick neighbors drank it, and were not only healed on the doublé quick, but have been spryer'u kittens ever since. The perfumery collector of Pequaming, who killed twelve skunks in two days, is said to take his meals in a tannery and lodges in the local cemetery. A great fate is doubtless in store for him. Fire got in -? 5,00ü worth of work ou R. C. Ogilvie's salt blook and cooper shops at Port Hope. The proprietor was in Washington territory at the time. No insurance. Dr. Kendall Brooks, formerly of Kalamazoo, is in demand. Alma college wants him for a professorship, and Oakland (Cal.) university has a similar position it would gladly have him flX Charles Preebur, a young man working on a farm in Washington couuty, took along a gun when going to his work the other morning, for the purpose of bagging some red squirrels, but the gun shot the wrong way, and Charles, and not the squirrels, was killed. Weddings do not always pass off as "merry at a marriage bell. " One at Crystal Falls ended in a murderous row, Jacob Bender being fatally injured. Anthony Grohman, a farmer of Saginaw county, is the owner of a calf that closely resembles a sneep. lts pelt is covered with wool instead of hair. More and more the peopla are coming to appreciate the value of a season of rest during the heated term. Fifty new cottages have alreaiiy been built atBay View this season. Grasshoppers are getting in their perfect work in the neighborhood of Ishpeming, and upper península farmers are praying for a snow storm. Columbiavüle thinks herself a right lively wool market, her buyers taking in 100,000 pounds in a single week. A 3-year-old colt, the property of William Rolfe, of Vevay, had a fit of the "blues," and going to a creek near by, waded in, lay down and held its head under water until the last spark of life had fled. The principal street of Ironwoort is used as a race track, the common council voting money for its improvement for that purpose. A colored child carried off the first prize at a Boyne City baby show, and the ma's of the white entries are sad beyond expression. A wild man is rambling around loose in St. Clair county, greatly to the dismay of the small boy who has a moonlight eye on the watermelon patch. A Harbor Springs man, a namesake of David of old, narrowly escaped tyncuing for assaulting his little niece, S years old. The time may come when such brutish practices will be decidedly unbealthy. Lansing has a model mayor who evidently considera á "publio office is a public trust" A resolution of the city council to iucrease certain salaries, including his own which was to be doublud, was prsmptly vetoed by that official. A Kalamarco man w'io captured an escaped lunatic from the asylum there, was rewarded by the payment of a single dollar. And the Kazoo man says that the next time he rur.s bis legs off to capture runaway lunatics, it will be when he needs exoreise more thau he does now witta the mercury iu the 00's. A Jackson youth, named Ca?ey, bottled up some flrecrackers with which to celébrate the Fourth. Tup soheme was a sueeess, so much so that Casey hasti't seeu a thing since - his eyesight bbing ruined by the explosión. One uerson killed, three badly wouuded, and t'our files were the net resulte of East Saginaw's celebratlon. But the sruall boy with hls fireeracker had a good time. C. W. Wernette, oL Necosta, a meniber of the Knigbts (.f ;Maccabees, is gettmof well up in that order. He stands 6 feet and 7 inches in his stockmgs, The woodohuck harvest has been a grand oue at Wayiand. Over 350 have been slaughtered sinea April 1. Detroit letter carriers handled nearly 2,000,000 letters in June. And the belles and the beaux of the City of the Straits are still writlng loving epistles. Three years ago Noah Ruple. of Bronson, lost his barn by lightning and soon afterward rebuilt on the same site. A year or so later the eleetric fluid struck the new barn, reducing it to ashes Still another barn was built on the saine spot and the other day lightaing got iu its work on the end of the third building. Ruple seems to be located in a streak of bad luck. The family of C. H. Butler, of Almont, is n mourning. Death entered the household and carried away their pet cat, :1 years old. Ishpeming has a lady barber and she has proven that there is another avenue toa livelihood that's open to woraen. But the male members of the craft there are having a hard row to hoe, whieh shows that the lady is appreciated in her new position. An effort is being made to dry up the soda fountains and the cool milk shake on Sunday at Nashville. But the weather seems to make a cool drink as grateful on that day as any other. James Lincoln, a Brockway Centre citizen, went over to Illinois some months since for employment. Returning home to spend the Fourth with his family, he found that the wife of his youth had flora to greaner pastures.


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