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Some "red" Deviltry

Some "red" Deviltry image
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Chicago, July 18.- Frank Hronok, Frank Chappek and Frank Chelbowa, all natives of Bohemia, are locked up at the Central tion. ïhey are three men "ho were arrested early yesterday moruing, and it is claimed that their arre3t saved the lives of Judges G-ary and Grinnell and Inspector Bonfiela, all of whom, accordhig to the story, ware to have been assassinated to-day had not the conspirators been frusti-ated by tüe pólice, vrho acted upon informat.ion given by a fourtb member of the "group," whose courage failed him as the critical moment drew near. The plot dates back to the time of the oonviction of Spies and his comrades. At that time the Anarchist leaders were loud in their denunciations of the tribunal before whieh the conspirators were tried, the attorneys for the proseeution, and the pólice, who were represented in the person of Inspector Bonfield. As soon as the terror inspired by the prosecution had in some degree subsided, the leaders of the red flag movement liesran to formúlate plots for revenge. A close watcla was kept ou tbem, and seeiug that tbeir efforts wou ld be futilo, they subsided for the tiir.e b e i n g . Among t'je most activo of tlie agitators was a woodwork er naraed Frank Hronek, a native of Bohemia, who was a coniparatively well educa t e d man. He spoke Englisb tolerably well and was also well versed in the Germán guage, wuicn üe lea'ned, together with a knowledge of the uses oL bombs and dynamite, during a three-j-ears' residence in Vienna. Hron : was a personal friead of Lingg, and was an ardent admirer of the dead bombraaker and nis companions. He deoided to organizo a "group" similar to those of days gone by. The group was to be much more limited in members and was to be bouud to the strictest secrecy. He found an able lieutenant in the person of Frank Chappek, who was so intimately connected with the designs of Lingg, Fisher aud Engel that be was arrested with them and spent several weeks in a cell. Chappek is also a Bohemian and speaks Gierman as weU. Another member of the group was Frank Chelbowa, a tailor, who is, like his fellow conspirators, a Bohemian, but bas 110 knowledge of any other language. This trio formed a group to which two others were admitted. They beid frequent meetings, aud Hronek was elected "Number One." or Jeader. The great design was to avenge tbe "marder" of the dead Anarchists, and Judges Gary and Grinnell and Inspector Bonfield were selected as the responsible parties and the victims. The group held frequent meetings and read wofks on dynamite and its uses. Hronek had a stock of the explosive, which be had procured in the days preceding the Haymarket tragedy. He also invented a bomb which was snherical, about three inches in diameter, made of tin and designed to be charged with dynamite oud broken glass, and ignited by means of a fuse f d a f ulmiiiating cap. A number of his boi. bs were made, beside a quantity of others of the ordinary design of gas-pipe bomb, Dut sumewaat smaller than usual. Chappek and Chelbowa were furnished witn dynamite and bombs, but the other members of the group were not so deeply trusted and received none of the deadly materials. About July 1 the group bad its plans in shape and began to reconnoiter. The three leadiiig spirits did not work July 4, and celebrated the dny by taking a walk to Aldiue square, where Judge Grinnell resides at No. 10. Tbey prowled around the square for some time, surveying the house and seeing how it might best be attacked. As they were leaving they came face to face with the judge himself as he was leaving t!io house. The sudden encounter unbalanoed them, and they gave vent to exclamatious of surprise, which attracted the judge's attention. He immediatel) told Inspector Bonfteld of the incident, saying that be eould identify the men if he were ever to see them agaiu. This was tbe first learned of the probability of a plot, and a guard was at once putupon Judge Gary 's house, though the suspicions were carefully guarded from the judge himself. Inspector Boufield went to work on the case, but for several days met with little suceess. He eould learn nothing of the conspirators, and tbe only safety was to be found in carefully guardiug the houses of the persons wtom the Anarchists would be likely to attack. Tbeu a prominent Bohemian citizen visited the inspector's oiBce and told him that he bad heard vague rumors of a plot. Two days later a Bohemian, one of the members of the group, became conscieneestricken, or terror-stricken, and going to Bonfield made a clean breast of the whole matter. The designs, he said, bad been fully prepared, and it had been agreed that each member of the group was to seiect his victim. There was to be no formal plan of. action except tbat Hronek was to take Inspector Bonfield's life, Chappek was to murder Judge Grinnell, and Chelbowa was to kill Judge Gary. The day of the "execution" was fixed as the 18tu of July (to-day). Each man was to select his victim and use wbat means he considered best - the bullet, bomb or poisoned dagger. Should either fail and be captured he was to die without disclosiug the names of his comrades, who on their part were to avenge his deatb. The informer not only gave the inspector this information with the name of the group and a number of sympathizers, but told how much dvnamite each had and bow he generally protected himself. Hronek, he said, was tbe most dangerous of the party and alway slept with a revolver and a poisoned knife uuder his pillow. Monday Lieut. EEiott and the inspector want to Hronek's bouse at '952 Farrell aveuue and made a plat of the vicinity and the easiest way of getting to the house. Tben Inspector fion field aud Chief Hubbard had a coüíertuoü aui it was decided to act without further delay. Inspector Bonfield went to Justice lyan nlout midnight Monday night and swore out a warrant for eao i of the suspects under sección B- chapter 33 of the revised statutes. This section is usually kuown as the "dynamite act," and provides a penalty of not ess than five nor more than twenty-five years in the penitentiary for having in possession for any illegal purpose anT dynamite or similar exp The warrants baving been seeure'l, the inspector selected the offieers who were to assist iu making the srrest, and about 3 o'clock yesterday morning the party started for the house of Hronok, on Parrell street, betweeu Lj'mau and Tlurty-flrst. Eaeh of the officers was provided with a photograyb of Hronek, copies of one furnished by tbe informer. The officers were taken to Farreil streefc and three wore placed at eaoh end of the block to watch for Hronek's appearanee, the inspector not desiring to capture him in his house aud run the risk of having a man killed with n bomb or the bnrbarous knife. Meanwhüe Lieut. Mahoney, at West Twelfth street station, had been diréctéd to go to Ghappek's house at #98 We:t Twentieth street, and urrest him. The men at lTarreU street waited mtil nearly 7 o'clöck bef ore Hronok emerged from his house and strolled leisuroly toward the corner, where Lieut. Eiliott was lying in wait with threi; tnen Tiie lieutenant iraraediately reoognize.d Hromk freía his picture and gave the signal for his arrest Two officers spraug from the corner w hile another, stepping from behind a tree, took the Anarchist in the rear, and in spite of a desperate resistance, he was soon overpowered and locked up at the Deeriug Street station. Then Inspector Bonfield and Officer Muncasky jumped into the inspector's buggy and drove to Chelbowa's house on Zion place. The Anarchist was found in bed aud was promptly put under arrest and taken to the Deering Street station. In the meantime Lieut. Eiliott and his men entered Hronek's house, where they were met by the Auarchist's wife, and two children who attempted to oppose their passage. The woman was pushed aside aud the offioers went to Hronek's room. Over the bed was a frame containing the pictures of the executed Anarchists, and under the pillow was found a large revolver and the poisoned dagger. In one corner of the room were a lot of small tin cases about 1}{ inches by 4, which wero all empty. There was a large tin can, full of some substance, which has not yet been analyzed. Several cast iron pipes about four inches in length were also found, and a small quantity of dynamite. At Chelbowa's house Inspector Bonfield found four packages of dynamite containing eight sticks, each about ten inches in lengtb, a fulminating cap, and a loaded bomb. These were taken to Deering street, and with the stuff seized at Hronek's house were sent to the Central station. The officers were greatly disappointed at the small quantity of dynamite found in Hronek's they had been informed that he had a large stock on hand. It is supposed that there is a lot more either buried in the yard or bidden in somo nook in the house. A f urther search will be instituted.


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