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Michigan State News

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Frank Hoppin, a Moncelona msin, has determioed to uot let the seasun of '8S pass away without a fair supply of sauerkraut material. Re's raising 17,000 head of cabbage. Nine young lady graduates of Olivet college, who ilou't mean to let that fact militate against their usefulness, have accepted positions as dining-room girls at the Rssort hotel at Harbor Point. Newberry's .?15,000 shingle-mill at Alauson wns cremated on the llth. No insurance. Pinekn y is to have a pickle factory and thus do her share toward f urnishing the sharp things of this Ufe. A WebberWlle hen was so high minded that she built her nest in the cupola oí a barn thirty feet from the ground where she hatched out a baker's dozen of little chicles. H. E. Hawkins, a Wayland citizeu, stretched himself out on a grocery counter f or a snooze on a receut hot day. Presently he dreamed of a warmer country and rolled off upon the floor, his nose striking a spitbox. The box escaped in good shape, but the nose is laid up f or repairs. A Pontiac citizan offers to hire a parson and buy a marriage license for the couple who'll be raarried at the county fair in Sep tember. As a iurther inducement he'll give them a ring and pair of shoes apiece to keep them warm during the winter. A Bellaire firm contracted to furnish water for the high school, and after many trials and much tributation succeeded in obtaining a good supply at a depth of :Í15 teet. Shortly afterward the bottom dropped out and the water disappeared, and now the drillers are again going down in search of another veiu. Edward Harris, of SpringBeld, is the owner of seven Shropshire sheep that gave hira 364% pounds of wooJ for which he obtained 28 cents per pound, an extra price for this season. It pays to raise good stock. A couple of Williamston farmers hal ttair;y-two sheep killed by dogs in one day ,but the ogs won't do another job of that kind - not ntü the resurrection auy way - for they were dispatched to the land whera bad canines are supposed to dweil. There is a balsara poplar tree at Adrián hat stands 100 feet in height, its branches overing an area of 1ÍÍ5 feet. The trunk is x feet in diameter, and the tree, which is seldom fcund in this latitude, is a most maestic one. Eliza M. Fitzgerald wants $5,000 because section of one of Concord's pesky poor sidewalks jumped up and gave her a cruel blow. iliza nieans business, for a law suit already tareth at the Concord village council. After a long, long search for hadden treasres, the Monroe gas well struck a small but teady flow of natural gas at a deptu of 743 feet. The well will ba torpadoei ia tbe lope of obtaining a "gughei"." Gladstone's iew grain elevator will have a apacity of 300,000 busliels of wlieat when ompleted. The Catholic society at Muskegon has aranged for the building of a $30,000 house of worsliip. Hormon missionaries are trying to make onverts in Ionic county. The Latter Day Saints areivt aU dead, nor eyeu sleeping, by a long ways. Howard City's cuttjr fnctory has nhanged ïands, the new firm proposing to turn their attention to the manufacture of fuiuiture. 3robably there's more money in it. T. F. Satbam, a Pontiac personage whan he's at home, bas EOne to Soutli America with a lot of blooded cattle, where he proposes to stay awhile and see 'em grow in that genial climate. Rev. Father Schmitdiel haviug completed his twenty-fifth year as pastor of St. Michael's Catholic church at Monroe, his parishioners celebrated the event in a marnier that showed their appreciation of his services and which must have gladdened the heart of the good dominie. A. hack driver was flned 6 by the Mt. Cíemeos authorities for lea ving his team unhitched. Next time he'U probably tie the halter. The Congregationalists have multipliec and becotne so numerous at East Saginaw that a second society has been formed, with Rev. B. Hunter for pastor. A Grand Rapids factory has received an order from President Cleveland tor a portable cottage 26 feet square, for use at bis country place at Washington. It may be proper to add that this isn't a campaign item. Durand folks appreciate the advantage oL having tbings handy, their three railways occupying union passenger and freight depots. By a recent decisión of tbe suprenie court, local justices can no longer sentence oft'endors to tbe Ionia house of correction, that being a state institution. The land upon which the village of Romeo now stands was first ovvned by Gen. Lewis Cass. Th$t was some time ago, however. Mary Crentilli, a Grand Rapids lass, thinks tbat John Mamowski, ought to pay her about $5,000, because John didn't toe the mark, matrimonially, as he agreed, and Mary has invoked the aid of the courts, de spite the tact that some folks aver that he recreant lover ain't worth half that numbe of pennies. An Arab, that belonged to Barnum's cir cus, got out of whack when the great show man was doing this state, and is laid up a the Jackson hospital for repairs. C. R. Richardson, of Detroit, the owner o eleven boot and shoe stores in that and othe cities of the state, has assigned. Liabilitics $65,000; assets not ascertained. A couple of companies of state troops e route for Mackinac, dropped off at Cadilac and to show their valor tackled the Salva tion Army, hugging and dancing with the army lassies, and finally routing the entire detachment.


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