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Michigan State News

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A St. Louis men was recently the victini of great expectations. His wealthy grandfather had died, leaving him a portion oC bis estáte, but when the draf t carne it called for just 17 cents, and he straightway assumed a didn't-appreciate-me expression. Detroit claims a population of 2.55,600 people. One wouldn't think so the way her ball club has recently been sliding down the bases. The Michigan división of American wheelmen wjll roll into Grand Rapids Aug. 18. They're a jolly crowd who make annual as well as diurnal revolutions. While the officers of the Sturgis National bank were getting dinner on the 3d, thieves effected an entrance and gobbled abaut $500 in cash and then skedaddled. Fire burned a ÍÜ'J.000 hole in the business portion of White Rock, Huron county, on the night of Aug. 2. In trying to save property from the burning barn of a neighbor at Harrjaville, Mrs. Joseph Fisher was badly burned. The owner of the burned building and his family were absent from home on a picnic excursión. 'Tis claimed that nobody has yet been drowned at Wolf's lake, Jackson's summer and picnic resort. That's not a th rilling record, surely. But then the water may be very shallow. Parties owning residence property in the vicinity of the Detroit White Lead works have begun heavy damage suits against the company, avering that they can't obtain renters because of the nauseating fumes exhaled from the works. Petosksy's gas well carne to a (lead halt at a depth of oS7 feet. It's not a very deep hole, but cost $4,000 just the same. 'Twas all water and no gas. Tbe story is told of a Bronson brother who, whilo looking in lus garden, imngined that be fel' g pécking aivay at his boots. By and by the thought .ni so much toat he concludèd to investígate, ;md looking arouud baheld a massasauga with the fatsful thirteen rattles. A snake fuuei'al immediately followed. Now this story comes to us as an actual, veritable tale, and yet we would remind the readur thut tht har vest of of suake stories is now in full blast. Owen Hauksrd, a Jackson eounty fa-mer, had ninety-three sheep killed by lightning during a recent thuuderstorm. Elijah Hamer, of Flat Rock, had six cows and two colts laid out for keeps by a single bolt oL lightning. The same bolt shook up Elijah somewhat, but didn't land him in the subsequent henee. Grand Rapids has voted tp bond herself $150,000 worth for the extensión of her system of water-works. A $55,000 tomb is to be built for the Palms family at Detroit. The expense of catering to the tastes of the wealthy doesn't seem to be confined to this life. A neavy gale at Escanaba ou the 8th partially wrecked the Cochrane manufactory and did much other damage. There are sixty flowing wells at Alma, and water isn't a bit scarce. George Rummele, a Frankenmuth farmer, is the owner of a cow that can kick equal to the captain of a base ball club when the urnpire's decisión don't suit him. The other evening sbe got on a tantrum ai.d kicked down a big barn door which feil on Mr. R.'s son, breaking both of the little fellows legs. A. H. Simpson, a clerk in tbe Grass Lake postoffice, saved the life of a little girl at that place by puiling her from the track of the Michigan Central beforo an approaching train. Simpson narrowly escaped beiug killed himself. Fire destroyed the planing-mül and factory of Cuarles Lee, at East Saginaw, on the 8th. He also lost his residence and a large quautity of lumber, making a total loss of $70, 0( i with no insurance. Adjoining property vaiued at $35,000 was also burned. Leander Jansen, a Swede, who recently carne to this country, was killed in the lumber woods near Big Rápida by a falling tree. He was intending to send for his family in Sweden in a short time. High license has laid out over 500 saloons in the eastern revenue district of the state since June 1. Loren Barnes, an aged resident of Benzonia, has reeeived notiee that he's entitled to a generous slice of a $30,000,000 fortune at Fhiladelphia. C. P. Sweet, a Kalkaskia gentleman, is preparing to embark in the trout industry. He's getting a ten-acre pond ready for the speckled fry. A mili for the manufacture of copper wire is to be built at Dollar bay, in the upper peninsuia. 'Twill be the first mili of the kind west of New Jersey. John Harniou, the well-known editor, printer, and politician, died at Detroit on the (th. Graud Ledge people are organizing a company for the manufacture fo furniture. Professor L. G. Carpenter, of the State Agricultural college, bas reeeived notiee that a cornet with a frisky tail has got loose, requesting him to keep an eye out for tbe runaway. 'Tis said to be cantering near the "bind feet of the great bear," and is traveling eastward. A passenger train now takes a load o folks out of Marquette on the South Shore road every mornlng, who go to the whortleberry fields to piek berries. An a recent morning the load numbered 2GS berry pickers. Church folks should remember that this is campaijn year and take warning from the fate of the Petoskey Methodist , who allowec a Prohibition speaker to occupy their church, since whieh time they've been deluged with applications from the other political parties. Robert Campbell, a Mancelona man, planted a field of potatoes, just to give 'em a good start, we suppose. But the experitneni has proven to be a complete success, the erop being extra largo and fine. A big burly Battle Creeker, who's been in the habit of beating his little wife, has reeeived notiee that if he dou't quit it there'll be a dose of tar and feathers prepared for him that will stick. The Calumet & Hecla mine will soon be connected with a 5,000,000-gaUon reservoir by au 8-inch pipe, and should another fire occur it will get a sudden douse of cok water. The Tittabawassee Boom company has rafted nearly "jO,000,000 feet of logs this sea son. The log erop pans out well, despite the dry weather. Thomas Heoak, an East Saginaw laborer, suicided by hanging because he was too poor to pay his debt. Some folks are not troublee that way. Karl Heinrich was an employé in the Michigan Central yards at Detroit, where he lost both feet by the cruel car wheels lait November. As the Central folks didn't stem inclined to remunérate him for his loss Karl has commenced a $25,000 suit against the company. J. C Allen, a well-known hotel man oi North Lansing, stepped on a rusty nailabout the middle of July, causing his death one day the past week. H. B. Ormsby, of Ripley, is raising the 6econd erop of potatoes from the same piece of ground thU seaeon. That's pretty good or the upper península, where it used to be supposed that notbing but iron, copper, cussedness and cold would thrive. Hailstones nearly an inch in diameter pelted Ontonagon folks one day last week, which reminds an old residenter that some twentyïve years ago a similar storm visited that section, some of the stones being as large as lens' eggs, and perf orating iron roofs so they would leak like all possessed. August Hoga, wto lost a leg on the De;roit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee railway at Detroit, June 4, has sued that Corporation for $15,000 worth of damages.


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