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B. F. Watts went to St. Louis yesterday. E. A. Aldrich, of Saline, was in the city Monday. Ed. A. Gott, of Detroit, was in the city Monday. Mrs. Kate Moore returned from St. Louis, Tuesday. J. C. Knowlton returned last week from Charlevoix. "Mat" Gilmore, of Ypsilanti, was in the city yesterday. Prof. G. W. Knight returned to Oolumbus, Monday. I. A. Turner has gone to visit relatives at Wheaton, 111. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dean have been visiting in South Lyon. Mrs. Dr. Sigler. of Pinckney, is visiting her cousin. Mr. A. J. Paisley. Mrs. W.G. Doty and son Ralph returned from Manchester, Saturday. J4ert. Chilson, editor of the South Lyon Picket, was in the city Monday. John Koch and Jchn Wirtner, of Manchester, were in the city Saturday Charles Wells and wife, of Chicago, are visiting his mother on State street. Miss Viiginia :JLaw returned last week from a live week's visit at Charlevoix. Mrs. George Johnson, of Lodi, spent several days with her sister, Mrs. L. J. Liesemer. Miss Mattie IIuddy returned Tuesday f rom a two weeks tisit in the northern part of the state. Profs. McLachlan, "Wood and de Pont returned Wednesday from a carousing trip in the north. Ir. C. J. Hand, a thriving dentist of Romeo, sis spending a few days witl. William Merithew. The Misses Mclntyre and Rinsey left Tuesday to resume their studies at the convent at Monroe. Mrs. J. T. Jacobs and daughter, Clara, left Monday for a visit to her sisters at Columbus. Mis. Munson Monroe and daughter returned from a two month's stay in Petoskey, last week. Mis. E. Wadhams, of'Mt. Pleasant, is visiting her son, Warren Wadhams, of west Huron Street Miss Grace Seabolt returned Saturday from Eaton Rapids, where she visited for three weeks. Mary L. Kearney returned to her studies at the convent of "the Pines," Chatham, ünt., Monday. Frank Legg, clerk at L. H. Clements, music store, is spending nis vacation with his parents at Colon. Miss Tessie Slattery returned Wednesday from .Negaunee, where she has been spending the summer. J. H, M. Anderson, of Allegan county, formerly of Scio, is visiting old acquaintances in this vicinity. Mrs. K. C. Barker and Mrs. T. B. Fargo, of Detroit, were the guests of Airs. A. VV. Ames over Sunday. N. H. Winans, of Battle Creek, ran down last Friday and stayed uutil Monday with his family in this city. Mrs. Davis, of St. Thomas. Canada, accompanied her sister. Miss Enima Ilaley, home Saturday evening. Warren Wadhams, of J. ï. Jacobs & Co., who has been on the sick list, has recovered and is at his old place. Rev. Dr. Ramsay and wife returned Tuesday, from Ohio, where they have been visiting for a couple of weeks. Airs. R. G. DePuy of South Maynard street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. White, of Wilhamsbura;, Mich. VV. R. BÜS3 returned Sunday from Grand Ledge, where he has been working on thenew depot for O. O. Sorg. Miss Susie Harrington, of Detroit, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Milo JL'ulcipher, returned home Monday. Miss Alice Porter returned from Bay City, Saturday,j where she bas been spending the summer with her parents. Miss üertrude J Sanford left last week to resume her position as teacher in the Merril district school, North; Webster. Rev. M. S. Woodruff, of Big Rapids, lit '67, iias been called to the pulpit of St. Luke's Episcopal church, Ypsilanti. The Miases Dungan, of Chicago, and Greemug, of Chelsea, are visiting the family of Martin Seabolt, on Bowery street. H. J. Brown has been in Detroit this week attending the meetings of the national and state pharmacèutical association. Mrs. J. R. Miner and family returned Monday from Striat's lake, where they have been camping duriug the summer. Castle Curtis and brother, of St.Louis, have been in the city tosee their mother, Mrs. Geo. Rudman, who has been very sick. August Beringer and Adam Brown, with Rose J Seyfreid and Barbara Walker, visited John ;Rauschenberger at Manchester, last Sunday. Mrs. S. Smith, nee Essie Pitken, who has been visiting her mother on 3outh Fifth street, left for her home in Minnesota, Monday. Willard Stearns, of Adrián, th : democratie congressional nominee, was around seeing old friends and making new ones Wednesday. Mrs. Gertrude Henderson, who has been visiting her father, G. M. Henion, for the past nine weeks, has returned to her home in Cleveland. Ld. Kiebler left last Sunday to attend the meeting of the L.A.VV. atBuff aio, this week. He rode his wheel to Detroit and part way through Canada. Arthur Brown has resigned nis appointment as a railway postal clerk and resumed his duties as deputy county clerk again. Art. says life is too short to put it all in work. Mail Carrier O'Kane left Monday for a ten days' vacation, during which time he will visit at Kalamazoo, Chicago aud elsewhere. Substituto Fruhauf takes his place during his absence. Mrs. W. A. Hatch, Jr., was called toJBay City, last Friday, by a telegram announcing the serious illness of her daughter, Kittie. of typhoi fever. Word has been received that she is improving. Dr. Harold P. Wilson, of Detroit, who removed there recently from Ann Arbor, was in the city Wednesday. His office is 100 Miami avenue where he is always pleased to see Ann Arbor friends. "Jack" Abbott, medie '87, has been appoiated as assistant to Dr. McLean, in the medical department. Jack will make a success of his work, as by his vim he worked his way through the medical department by working at Southard's barber shop outside of school hours. Next year he will have charge of the sanitarium at Detroit. Many a bible text ispopularly quoted in another form than that in which it stands iu the bible. And many a bible tact is incorrectly stated in itsmore frequent mention. Even men who cali themselves bible students rerer to these incorrect tests and incorrect facts as if they were vertible transcripta hom the inspired record. Thus the story of Dean Swift's chanty sermón, preached in a single sentence from the text, "He that gi veth to the poor lendeth to the Lord," has been accepted as widely and as readily as if that text were tobe found in the bible. So again it has been said ten thousand times over that the llehjvwa in Egypt made bricks withc u" straw.although the bible naroS tive says nothi ng of the sort. As recenily as the past month two bible teachers at Mr. Moody's summer school for students, at Northfield, referred to the find ing of ancient brick without straw among the ruma of lower Egypt, as if in confirmation of the truth of this assumed bible story. If men srouid examine the bible text more carefully before they assail it or before they attempt its defense, there would be fewer blunders made in both directions.- Democrat. Wrong again. Mrs. Judge Joslyn, doubting the above item, has invesügated it and finds the quotations as follows: Prov. XIX, 17th verse; "11e that giveth to the poor lendeth to the JLord, and that which he hath given will He pay him agam." Exodus V, 7th verse, "Alaking brick without straw."