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THE AKN ARBQR SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Capital paid in $60,000.00 Capital Security - $100,000.00 Transacts a general Banking busines; buys and sells Exchanges on New York,Detroitand Chicago sells drafis on all the principal cities of Ku ropej also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Ixmdon and Glasgow, via. the Anchor Line of Steam ships, whose rates are lower than most other firstclass Unes. Thip Bank, already having a large busins. invite merchants and othurs to open accounts with tiiem with the assurance of the most liberal deuling consistent with safe banking-. In the Savinps Department interest is paid semiannuaJly, on the first days of January aod July, oo all surrs that were deposited three months prevlous to those days, thiis affordinp tli peoplt of this city md county ft pertei'v depository for their 'unds, together wnn a air reiurn in interest for the same. 31ony to Lioan on Ajyproved. Secuiities. Directors- Chnstian Mack, W. W. Wines, W D. lliirriman, Daniel Hiscock, Wm. Deubel, and Willard B. Smith. OFFICERS: CHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, PresidentVice President. CHAS. K. HISCOCK, Casbier. C. H. St. Ciair & Sons, MANUFACTURERS OF Schooi and Ghurch FURNITURE Opera House unairs and WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manufacture school and church furniture, opera house chairs, lawn settees and camp tables and' the TKIUMPH windmill, the best and simplest and most reliable in use. Repairing done on short notice. Also dealer in pumps, cylinders, pipe, etc. Tans made to order. Ladders, berry crates, peach boxes in fact, AM .IIITIILE .1IIM Til ORDER Ko. 33 Fourth Street Al ABBOR. MICE NAMPAIGN GOODS ■Uniforms, Flags, Torches&c. ÜSend for Catalogue. E. A. Armstrone, til & M Woodward Avenue, 1H &I18 W'Hsbintrton Avenue. Detroit, Mücli The Greafc Er.glUh Preoeiiptlva ffft íttjííík Cures Weaknett, Svermatorrhea, LL X T&W Emiuion, Impotency and all Dle-W" J f3' eura cnuseI hy elf-abuse or Io-S. lölk discreticra. Onepaokage $1, sir gs.UI [dbfoueI Bt mail. Write forPamphlet. UnfB] ISaruka Chemical Co., DetroU, itUcb. ■ PENNYBOYAL WAFKRS am Wn successfully eed monthly by oTer 10,000 W Ladles. Ar Safe, gffectualand Pleatant W SJ $1 per box by maU.or at drnggists. Sealed r 3?articulara 2 postale seomps. Address Thb EuKiti CsünoiJi Co., Det&oit, Mjca


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News