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Gommon Sense In the treatment of sliglit ailments would save a vast amount of sickness and inisery. One of Ayer's Pilis, taken after dinner.will assist Digestión ; taken at night, will relieve Constipation ; ' taken at any time, vrill correct irregularities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayer's Pilis, as all know ivho use them, are a mild cathartic, j.leasant to take, and always prompt and satisfactory in their results. " I can recommend Ayer's Pilis aVjove all others, baving long proved their valué as a Cathartic for myself and family." - J. T. Hess, Lcithsville, Pa. " Ayer's Pilis have been in use in ny family upwards of twenty years, and luwe completely verified all tl i at is claimed for theni."- Thomas F. Adams, San Diego, Texas. " I have used Ayer's Pilis in my family for seven or eight years. Whenever 1 have au attack of headache, to which I am very subject, 1 take a dose of Ayer's Pilis and am always promptly relieved. I find them eqnally benelicial in colds ; and. in iny family, they are used fot bilious oomplaints and other disturbances with such good effect thafvre rareIy, if ever, have to cali a physician." - H. Voulliemé, Voulliemé, Saratoga Springs, X. Y. Ayer's Pilis, PKEI'ARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. ICE CEEÁM SODA. WÈ KEEP A FULL LINE OF Choíce Fruits Candies, Nuts, CIGA , CIQARETTES, AND TOBACCO, Fruit delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Bot Fo&auts Always D& Eand. J. SCHIAPPICASSEE 3 E. HURÓN ST. A-USTUST ARBOR, pÏRË INSURANCE. CHRISIAÑ MACK, Agent ior the follówin FlrafCIassCon presenting OTer twenty-eiffht Million Dollars Assosts, ïstiuea peliciea at the lowest raten .Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,1 18,713,90 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.60 liondon Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.96 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,6Ü8.W N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505,60 Fbenix, N . Y . 3,759,036 -WSpecial attention given to the insurance ot d welüngs, schools, churches and public building-i on terms of three and firt years. fÍoWey pee. You never can obtain, except at fabulous prices, coffee that will better suit your taste tban the celebrated 11! te Ctis SOLD BT E. WAGNE1(, who is making m tiimn wm. He also has a fine line of Groceries and Provisión, Glassware, Tobacco, etc. The proof of the pudding is th eating, 3 try bnying your groceries of WAGXVER, 33 S Main Street, Ann Arbor. ?YTH BOOE AGENTS UáiéAfl HIGH TERMS Ageut who hare ha4 fia lacoeas ihould wntfl nu in ft LSTTKU (no postal cards) aamei f books, date, number alu in wkat tia. wkat term rcived (fui.l f abtioulaks), and oblai iiom no NKvr run and xtsaoksiWat mtmiNi t botter themselvc iiaw ná fast-Mlllng books. HKNRY BUCKXIN A CO., ST. LOUIS, MO % jtffcl lea v al homo, aad umie atii mvuej VI I lat worK '"■ tbnn at "■7thig ls ■ I UUthisworld. Capital uot seeded ;yu aro tarted tree. Both sexe, all ages. ArtD can do tie werk. Large eaniings ur fr flnt itart. CostlT OHUit and teiiu ire. Better net deliijr. Oosti jeu notblng te send ub jout aildress ari liud out; il you ftre ie you will de aoatsMC. H. Hallit Co.. Portland, Main Agents Wanted I o? tn most complete popular family physician kook ever produced. Select BomethingTHOBoaoHlt USKTüL, of TKU TAI-üE, and pales are alway ure and lirge. ENTIKKLY NEW, np to the Terr latest cienee, yet In plain language. A GREAT NOVBLTY in all ita partë and attiacta lDitant attention. 260 engraving. The most profuselv and beautifullv illustrated book of the kind er got up. BE8T OF ALL, it ia BYPAB the LOWEBT-PttlCED eTer pobllshsd- lew tlian half the cost of any deeent Tolume yet out. Agents -wh are tired of itrufgling with highpriced booka, write tor particular! oíthls great new departme in bookselling. i PLANKT PUB CÍ6HING CO. 203 Pine Btreet, ST. LOITIS, MO. SCday's tiet giien Agenta witheut capital. BB PKKNÏHOÏAL WAÏ1UM arg HTS successfully ui-ed monthly by orer 10,0(XI W? "ViLadies. Are Safe, Effectualand Pleasmit W 3k $1 per box hy mail.or nt druprpists. ScaUd w "-JPartimtlars 2 postage stampa. Addreas Tb KcasKA CaamcMi. Co., Uïtboit, Mica


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