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Washington City, Sept. 11.- President Cleveland gare bis letter of aeceptance to the public Kunday nuht. It is ad Iressed to the Democratie uotification committea, P. A. Coliins, chairman: The letter beglns with sorae reflectious on the relatons(of a eandidate for the presidency to the people, and the uecessity of the self-consecration of the mau elected to the dut'es of his oöice, and says the experiencs of the past three years has taught the writer the valae of the trust reposed ia hira by his couatrymen. He then gives the most important of the objects, ia his view, thac shoukl be the aim of the uatioual admiuistration. Amomr these are protection to American citizeus at home and abroad; the regulation of a sound financial systera; the construction of meaos of def euse f rom foreign aggressioa ; the preserva - tion of the national domain for the settlers; proper care of the iuterosts of American labor; the checkiug and limitation of trusts and monopolies; generous regard for the welfare of surviving soldiere and sailors, and the widows and orphans of those who are deai, and prevention of the application of the pension fund to the benefit of those who have no claim upon it; protection against foreign servile immigration; steadfast adherance to civil service reform; the guaranty to negro citizens of all their rights of citizenship; a humane Indian policy, and economy in all departments of the government. Mr. Cleveland then devotos most of his letter to the tariff. Of the surplus, he says it is au L.vil carrying others in its train, such as an incentive to extravaganee, and a general hoarding of money by the people, brought on by the scarcity of curreacy eaused by the large sura in the treasury, which latter makes investors timid and stops enterprise. He declares that all parties are agreed as to the uecessity of reduciug the income to the needful expenses of the government and that unnecessary taxation is unjust taxütion; that when the government extorts more money from the people than is needed for legitímate expenses the creature has rebellcd agaiust the creator and the masters are robbed by their servants. He assumes that it is well known that all tariff taxes ai-e added to the cost of the things imported, and also to the cost of thiugs produced at home, and says this increase of price is a form of taxation as inevitable and certain as though annually paid into the hands of taxgatheiers. This increase is a burden that ought not to be tolerated. Very heavy burdens, which are uncompiamingly borne when necessary, become grievou when not justifled by necessity. While our citizens scan closely the slightest increase iu state and county taxes, they are expected in some quarters to view with indifference the invidioua taxation of the tariff. The surplus revenue, he says, the conclusivo proof of too niuch taxation. The question is how to get rid of it. He theu defends the Mills bilí as a very moderate measure of tax relief, but declares that there is no hint of free trade iu it; that the Democracy has ahvays looked to the interests of the workiiifrmen, and that now no measure is sugsjested that will leave those industries whieh have beeu taught to rely on tariff protection, without it; but by letting in raw materials free it is proposed to enlarge our markets to taks in the world and compete with foreigu couutries in those markets from whichwe are now shut out. He says, in this conuection, that the tariff nurtures trusts and combiuations of thatkiud, which increase the cost to the consumer, and tariff reform would make theni impossible. With refereuce to the Republicau proposition to take the tax off only such thiugs as can not be produced in this country, he says most of thera are already on the free list, and that the existence of a protective system is entirely consistent with the regulation of the extent to which it shall be applied and the corree ion of its abuses. Our people, he says, ask relief from burdunsome taxatioh on the necessaries of life, and they are otfered by the Republicana instead- free tobáceo and whisky, and he submits that the relief asked can be better supplied by a tariff reform on the lines laid down by the Democracy. In conclusión he says that the dimculty of applying a remedy to this conditioa of national taxation will never be less. and "with firm faith in the intelligence and patriotten of countrymen, and relying upon the conviction that misrepresentation will not influence them, prejudice will not cloud their understanding, and that menace will not iutimidate them, let us urge the people's interest and public duty for the vindication of our attempt to inaugúrate a righteous and beneficent reform.


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