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IXTEW LIVERY STABLE. li Old Moniter barn.i Corner Huron and Second Sts. FIRST CLASS New Riga, Good Horses and iirixht Harneas. Best accommodations for Feeding or Boarding by week. Barn Thoroughly renovated. w. S. SOCTHARD, Prop. MEAT MARKETS. iyr r. vogel, DEALER IK Fresta, Salt and Smoked eats, And üiiiie in se&son. 18 E. HXTiaO2sr STBEBT. A A. MEUTH, 24 DETROIT STREET NEW YORK MEA V.RKET, Carries a full lin of choic fresh, salt, smoked meats, sausage and lard. in eigbteen years expriene in New Yrk City eable8 m to put up meats in regular New York styl. Tle-hone conneetions. 1 W . V( i, T. A-N.1 Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. A kinds o EATS A.VD SAUSAGES. Fresh lard always in stock. Poultry in season. MiSCELLANEOUS. TJ OBERT S. ORR, Agint fok TOLEDO BURCH PLOWS, VICTORSCHOOFURNITrRB, Manufacturer of llectric Knamel Furnitur Polih and rarnish restorer, silver and zin polislies, etc. 41 Datreit Street. r W. AMSDEN, - DlAI.IR IM- FLOUR,FEED, COAL, AND ALL KINDS OF HARD AND SOFT WOOD, BALED HAY AND STRAW. Also Linseed Oil Meal an excellent f eed for stock. No. 33 East Huron Street, ext to Flrmen's Hall. M1LLINERY & DRESSMAKING. JIÏS. A. OTTO, ïvi: I Xj Xj 1 2iT E H, lï Fourth Street. Full and complet lin of ladies nd childrens liut. caps and bonnetB In all th nimmer blocks at th lowest prices. All th new hades in flowers and ribbons for trimming. Cali and inspect my goods bfro purchasing. , . ïyjRS. F. L. UXDERWOOD Dress, Cloak and antle aker, INorth Main Street. Special attention priven to trousseau and traveling costumes. Oood fits guaranted in every instanc. Good refrence girem if desired. MUSIC DEALERS. ItCUSICALMERCHANDISB, iTl 25 South Fourth Stret. Pianos, Oegaks and Tii New Rotary Shuttle "STANDARD SEWIXfl MACMINE." Largest stock, lowest prices . Eaiit terms. ALVIN WILSIT, PA1NTERS VlfM. HERZ, NO. + WEST WASHINGTON STREET. House, Sish, Oínamenalnd Fresco Paihter, gilding, calcimining-, glazing and paper hangmgr. All work is don in th best tyle and warranted to give satUfaction. PHYSIC1ANS. Í1 HOWELL, M.D., PHT8ICIAN AND SURGEON, 1OOM 4, MA8ONIC BLOCK. Telephone, Dr. Nichols' ofllce, Telephone, No. 100, at the House. Calis Answered Day or Night. rR. u. ü. WHITE Clairvoyant Physician, Has removed to 204 Trumbull Avenue, Detroit. Especial attention t9 the treatment of chronic diseases. TJR. JAMES C. WOOD, Office Cor. Hurón and Main. Residence6 South División t. Offlc hours from2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephon No. 114. JR. H R. ARNDT, Offico over First National Hours: 10:1 to 12; 2:30 to 3:30. Can be reached at residence. West Huron St.. at the "Prof. Nichols place" by telephone No. 97, and will reply to calis in the evening. RESTAURANTS. rrONY SCHIAPPACASSE, :KAI.EK IN FRUIT, J l , CONFIïCTIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Presb ;ouHigninont.s of frultfl rcceived daily. Cali and aee my new erop of oranges, lemons, and bananas. No. 5 Main Street. A NTONBBAHM, EEASTAUEANT & 00NFE0TI0NEKT' Depot street, opposite M. C. freight house. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Soft drinks, full line of tobáceo, cigare, etc. T JACOB KOCH'S LITTLE GRAND RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM PARLORS, Mcals to order and lunches at all hours for from flve to twenty-flve cents. Confections, tobáceo and clgars. Twenty-four East Washington Street. lyi-RS. WM. CASPARY, COR. ANN AND FOURTH STREETS. Bakery, Restaurant & Oonfectionary Store, Ice cream and soda water, fresh bread, cakes, and eanned goods. A good meal for 25 cents. Lunches at all bours. ANN ARBOR. SMALL PRÜITMRW AU kind3 of Berry rianta. Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellanger Barry, Rocheater, N. Y. tif Orders must be sent at snee. -J& Wii)es antis y rups Sweet and sour home-made wine for invalid3. Bonesett Shrub, llaspberry Wine and Srrup, Dried Pears. Plymouth Rock Eggs. EM1L BAUR West Huron Street,1.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News