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Washington City, Sept. 30.- Edmunds reported to the senate yesterday aa order of the foreign relations committee djrecting the presiding offlcer to withhold the Chinese bill from the house until furtuer diroctious. He wantod immediate consideration, but Teller objeeted. A resolution was passed appropriating $100,000 to be used exclusively for relief of yellow fever suffers, and not for quarantine. Jones of Arkansas spoke at length on the tariff, declaring it a syatam of naked robbery, and Stewart replied deelaring the demouetization of silver the cause of sll the trouble. Bills were passed: Appropriai ing $750,000 for a public building at St. Paul; granting Duluth & Winnipeg railway right-of-way through Fon du Lae Indian reservation in Minnesota; forfeitiug lauds grauted Michigan to atd the Ontonagon & Marquette railway ; appropriating $75,000 for a public building at Kalamazoo, Mich. The senate toen adjouraed. The house spent the whole day debating the public library clause in the sundry civil bill, and when a vote was taken on the conference report to agree or not to agree, it stood yeas, 68; nays, 67 - no quorum - and the house at 2:i5 adjourned. Washington City, Sept. 21. - A bil! was reponed to tne senate yesterüay to amend the act for the relief oí the Stockbridge and Muncie tribes of ludians in Wisoonsin. Edmunds, for the reasou that the Chinese exclusión bilí had passed out of control of the sennte, moved to lay ou the table the resolution directing that the bilí he withheld; agreed to. Mitcbell made a long speech against the MilU tariff bill. The senate then held a short secret session, after which the bilí to oréate an executive departraent of agriculture was taken up, and it was agreed to vote to-day at 3 p. m. on the proposition to transfer the weather bureau to the proposed new department. The seuate then adjourned. The house refused to agree to the conference report on the sundry civil bill- 32 to 47 - and a further conference was ordered. A bill was reported suspending the timber culture, pre-emption and desert land laws until action is taken on pending legislation on those subjeuts. Morrow offered as a question of privilege a resolution directing the enrolled bilis committee to immediately transrait the Chinese exclusión bill to the president. Declared no question of privilege by the chair. The house, at 3:15 adjourned. Washington City, Sept. 22.- Stewart introduced a bill in the senate yesterday providlng that billa which have passed both houses shall be immediately transmitted to the president; alao a resolution requesting the house to require its offlcers to so transmit bilis. To the latter Edraunds objeeted. The clause in the house bill providing for an executive department of agriculture which transfers the weather bureau to the new department was rejected, and the bill passod. The conference report on the sundry civil bill was agreed to, and a motion adoptad to drop the library clause entirely from the bill in case of further disagreement. The senate then adjourned until Monday. In the house Kilgore, by objeoting, prevented the passage of the senate bill appropriating $100,0OU to aid the yellow fever sufïerers. The senate bill forfeiting the Marquette & Ontonagou land grant was amended, limitir.g the forfeiture to lauds along the unconstructed part of the road, and extending it to lands granted to the line from Ontonagon to the Wisconsin state line, and then passed. Hopkins of New York objeeted to unanimous consent to eonsider the bill providing for the suppression of trusts. The bill to suspend the pre-emption, timber culture and desert land laws was ameuded by strikout tbe suspension part and leaving the provisions that railroad claimants shall not secure any better claim to lands, nor the right of the United States to forfeit be in any way diminished during the pendency of the forfeiture legislation. The bill was passed. Several private bilis were then passed, and recess taken to 8 p. m., at which time the Mrs. Sheridan pension bill camo up, but Cheadle of Indiana objeeted. It was then proposed to niake the bill special order for Dec. 6, but Kilgore of Texas objeeted. Thirty-two private pension bilis were passed, and the house, at 10:30, adjourned tili Monday. Washington City, Sept. 25.- A bill was reported to the senate yesterday allowing any person (not only veterans) who has relinquished a homestead entry to malee another one provided he is not a speculator. Plumb spoke in favor of forfeiting certain land grauted the Northern Pacific railway. Ten thousand dollars was appropriated for a monument to commemorate the surrender of Burgoyne. The general deficieney bilí was taken up and an amendment agreed to inserting each of the items contained in the book of estimates which had been omitted f rom the bill exceptthose for the Pacific railway eompanies. Other amendments appropriated $?6,(iOO for indemnity to persecuted Chinese ; provided for two additional associate justices for the Dakota supreme court; appropriated 125,000 for the annual leaves of absence of employés in the government printing office, and extended the criminal laws over the public land strip. The bill was then passed. Stewart introduced a sweeping measure of Chinese exclusión requiring the abrogation of all treaty obligations permitting the immigration of Chinese laborers. A bill was introduced to appoint a commission of seven physicians of different schools to go south and investígate the yellow fever. Plumb introduced a bill to pay a reward of Í 100,000 to the proprietor of the copyrighted remedy that cures 981 out of 1,000 yellow fever patients. The senate then adjourned. The house passed a bill authorizing the construction of a bridge our the Mississippi at LaCrosse, Wis. Other bilis offered were: To establish yellow fever refugee camps at jroper points in the south and equip the same; to prevent aliens being employed on )ublic works. A joint resolution extending he existing appropriations for sundry civil expenses to Oct. 15 was adoptad. Sayres of Texas made a speech iefending the administration from he charge of extravagance, and laying the jlame on the senate. Further conference was ordered on the public library clause in the undry "vil bill, the rest of the report béng agreed to. Holman asked immediate eonsideration of a bill to extend the criminal aws over the public land strip, but the 'riends of the Oklaboma bill notifled him ;bat a quorum would b insisted upon. Mctf illin of Tennessee objected to a proposition ;o fix a day to consider the Blair educational )ill, and the house adjourned. City, Sept. 2fi.- Stewart offered a resolution in the senate yesterday alling on the president for such information is he bas regarding the Chinese treaty, reeived since the 7th inst. Edmunds said that iras a matter tor executive session and the euate thereupon closed the doors and a seret session was beid, during which Stewart withdrew tris reeolution in favor of a more comprehensiva anothad Kdmunds offered. Upon resuming the open session Morgan con tinued aufl concluded a speech on Sherman's pesolutioa for an inquiry into the relations bedwoen G-reat Britain and this country. Th hoise joint resol ution for contiiiuance of last year's appropriation for sundry eivil expeases was adopted, being the fifth resoJution of the kind tuis sensiot of congress. The bil! granting a pension o $3,500 peiryear to Mrs. Sheridan was passed Berry of Arkansas alone voting no. Then in f orty-üve minutes tbe senate passed 1private jiension bilis. The bill granting the Ut. Louis & San Francisco railway right-oL way through Indian territory was passed, as well as a number of othar miscellaneous nieasares. Joaes and Platt had a persona controversy over a bill to pay Lor capturec cottOB, which was stopped by the presidiag officer, and the senate adjourned. The house passed a joint resolution accept ing the invitationof Grermany to take part in au international geodetic association, and for the appointment of a eommission to set tle the Mexican boundary line question. A bill regulating the course at the Naval acad emy and making the limit of ages 16 to 21 years was passed, and the h jjise adjourned


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