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Estáte of Henry W. Ellsworth. STATE O F MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Ai a session ofthfl Probate Court fortheCounty of Waxhtenuw bolden at the Pro "ate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eighth day of üctober in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eigbt. Present, WüliamD. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the marter of the estáte of Henry W.Ellswortb, deeeased. On readine and filing the petition, duly verified, of William H. Ellsworth, piaymfftlint Adininistration of said estáte may be granted to himselfor someotherauitable person. i hereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the fifth l;iy of November next, at ten o'cloek iu the forenoon,be aseigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that tht heirs at law ot said deeeased, and all othor persons interested in said estáte, are required to uppear at a eession nf said Court, th?n to he bolden at the Probate Oifice. in the city oi Ann Arbor, and show cauce, if au y thtre be, why the prnyer of the petitioner should not Ijegranted: And it is further orde red. said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in faid of the pendency o( said petition, and the ht-aring thereoíj bv caúsiníj a copv of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor argus, a newspaper printedand cireuiated in said County, three successive weeks previous to a id dny of hearing, W1LLIAM O. HAKRIMAN, fA true copy.) Judge ollJrobate. Win! Gr. Doty, Probate Register "WANT COLUMN. MALETEAOHER WANTED- in school district number 3, township of Scio, to teach a live month's school. Apply to P. Tuonioy, director . COR RENT- A barn on South Fifth Street. " Inquire at Akgus office. TO KENT.- A part of a larg-e convenient house. Also unt'urnished rooms, corner of Jefferson and División streets. Iuquire at 4T División. 37tí. tOR SALE- New house of eiirht rooms 148 MiïlerAve. Inquiru of Win. Gerstner, No. 't Detroit street. 37tf. FOK RENT.- House, barn and piece of land near Pittsfield junction. Good well of water. Anply to Hudson T. Morton, Anu Arbor, Mich. 37 tf POR RENT,- Several housef located in different parts of the city. One large house especially adapted for xeeping roomers and boardeis. Apply to Hudson T. Merton. 37tf A younjr man with experienee in the grocery business to clerk in store. Must be a good accountant. Address drawer D postofflee. FOUND- A pocketbook seven miles east 'of Ann Arbor on Plyinouth road. Owner can have same by callinf; on W. C. Murray, 16 Pontiae street, proving property and paying coste. FOR SALE- House and lot on East Cather. ine street choap. Inquire up stairs over Fred Browu's saloon, Main street. TARWAI.KS.- I make and repair tar walks, also do teaming. Orders will be promptly attend-d to. Address O. M. Thompson, P. O. Dux 18-Mi. (POR RENT, Several Very Desirable PIANOS, ■ in Excellent Condition.- Apply at the Akguh Office 8tf FOR RENT- A modern house with furnaoe, icas ami water accommodation, in flne location. For particulars apply at 21 Nortii University avenue. i tf. lliiïliTTilï TO GET FRESH M 0 y sters AJNÍP CLAPÍS SBRVED IN ANT STYLE IS AT J.SCHIÁPPIGÁSSEE'S 3 E. HURÓN ST. WE KEEP THE FINEST SELECTION OF Candies, Nuts, BBUS, JflUfflTTEB, m TOBACCQ, IN THE CITY. !


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News