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The Club In Action

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Chicago, Oct. 6. - At 8:30 o'elock last nigbt, afier fivo bours' consultation with President Yerkes, the comnjttee of drivers and conductor of tbe north bidé street railway systein were unable to reach an agreement, and a strike was inaugurated at l o'clockjtbis m'rniug. Two hun Ired thousand people will therefore be temporarily, ut east, wubout street car facilities. ín th i course of the conference tbe strikers, it is said, offored to submit the matter in rtispute ;o a board of arbitration - tvvo to bo cboseu jy the employés, two by the comp my, and tbese iour to choose a fll'th, but Mr. Yeikes declined to accede to tbe propositioa. OniCAGO, Oct. !).- A1 the. men on the west side decided at 4 o'clock this m. rning tn naugurate a strike on all the Unes in tbeir división of toe city. Thisaction was brougbt about by tbe report of the connnittee tbat calleü on Mr. Yorkes at 3 o'clock this tnoining askiug for (urther demun is for tbe North side men. Mr. Yerkes asked for more time, saying he woul 1 lot them know later in the day. The committee said ho must decide ;hen and tbare. This hu refused to do.and it was so reportad to the men in waitingatSeamen's bali. Upon receiving this news it was unanimously deeided to strike, and as soon as tbe lust allnight car was run in- about 6 o'olock tb is niorning - all the linos on th I west side were to be tied up. ) Chicago, O 10.- The fourtb day of the 'treet car strike closed wil h a record of several miuor brawisand one sèrious collision between tho pólice and tbc crowd, in wbicb severai heads were broken. Tbe teelmg last nigbt was not as good-tempered as it bad been, and unlers tbere are some quieting influences set to work it is probable that the tumultuous soenes of fou years ago may be repeaied beCore the strike has coutinued much longer. Tbe action of the railway officials in attempting to start the cars ou tbe west side was, of course, the cause of the troubles there, and though it is said that the company had announced positively that it would not altempt to run cars on the west side until the north side trouble was over, which announceinent wben disregarded angered the strikers, tbere is no reason to believe trouble would have been averted at whatever time the attempt to start the cars bad been made, The confeience Mooday night bet ween Mr. Yerkes. üayor Roche, and the west side and north side strikers' committee resulted in Mr. Yerkes making very considerable concessions; he offered to increase the wages, but not to the extent demanded, and to grant severai of the deinands of tbe men as to time, etc, but bis offer was almost contemptuously rnjected by the strikers' meeting. The consiquencewasa "tie-up" on the west side, leaving about 500,000 people, in all, to depend on walking or the iunumerable "arks" tbat are being dug up from all purts of the city, to get down town. When the west side company determined to try to run a few cars yesterday afternoon some half dozen cars were manned with new men, and started out of the barns. The news that tbis step had been taken spread l:ke wild flre over the north and south divisions, and tbe exciteuient among tbe strikers and the unemployed that crowded thestreets was inflamed to fever head. At every crossing along the route of two miles or more large crowds bad assembled, and the appearance of the cars, with their loads of police offieers was the signal for a tempest of groans, hisses and shouts of "Scabl" "Shame!" and "Rats!" But the offieers, much to their credit, bore the attacks with equanimity, and simply smiled at tbe exasperated crowds. At Fif ih avenue and Madison street, where the cars were brought to a halt by a blockade of vehicles in front, about 20Ü newsboys took up the strsin of their elders and burled imprecatious at the conductors and drivers, one diminutivo urchiu in knickerbockers, not more tbau 10 years oíd, going so far asto step upon the front platform of the forward car and shake a bundie of papers under the driver's nose. A blue coat promptly took h'.va by the collar and landed him in the pólice wagon, and the action bad so salutary an effect tbat tbe rest of the journey was made in comparativo peace. When the cars had reached the Western avenue barus on tbe return trip, bowever, the trouble was resumed. Severai hundred strikers and their adherents had congregated in the locality, and Superintendent Nagle, who stood at tbe barn doors ready to give admission to the cars, was singled out as the especial objuct of their wrath. Scenting danger he rang up the pólice box for the pólice, but he had hardly done so before Jack Gleeson, a heavy, muscular swiiehman on the rorthwestern road, sprang forward and struek him a severe blow in the face, felling him to the ground. This was the signal for a general rush of the strikers to the barn, and a riot seemed imminent. Fortunately at this moment Capt. Aldrich with a detaehment of pólice appeared on tbe sceue, aml Gleason, meanwhile fighting like a tiger, was dragged into the barn, the officers clubbing him at every step. Meanwhile the crowd had retreated to a safe distance. Upon the arrival of the patrol wagon Gleeson, still biting, kiking and fighting, was dragged into it and hurried away to the pólice station. Xt took the coni' biued force of the entire wagou-load of offlcers to hold him down. It was half an hour later before Superintendent Nagle veutured to emerge from the barn in his buggy, but the 'rikers were waiting for him and stones feil as thick as snowflakes about him and his vehicle as he rapidly drove away.


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