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Michigan State News

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Miss Ida Greilick, the Traverse City lady who was injsired at Detroit Spt. 11 by A runaway accident, died on the 27oh. She renioined unconscious from the time of the accident until her death. Georgië Young, Grand Rapids lady and the o ner of a piece oí real estáte, didn't like the idea of a posse nf ruthlasa raen tearing down the fnacts thereon, nnd so slie proceejed to interview 'em witb an unloailed revolver. And then the bravo men caused Georgie's arrast. A Greenville wotnan wants a divorce, nnd will prob-.bly get it, jnst bréame her liege lord allowed "a little me.isley chap" to whip hini, and she couldn't bear tbe idea of longer living'with a man like that. James M lier, a Mt-ct sta man, is happier'n aking H answured an easterra , nial advert setnent, corvepmlel with the i lady, went and visited her later and liked her so well (and she liked James, too) thut he brought lier home a? his bride. Henrv McCamly, a Battle Creker, was bom 103 years ago, and still persiste in the US3 of tobáceo, which he both ohews and mokes. Had he let the vile weed alone, ib mi ;ht have attained a ripe nld a ï ] ; A Detroit c.erk not only lost his situation for malining a marrled lady, but got a good solid horsevrbippra; at tbe hands of the irate female. That olerk will doubless be a tri fie more c rcumspect next tima he sets his tongue a waggiu'. Lansiníí bas got her business eye on a tmitting faoÉory that will em;loy 100 giris. Tbe capital city folks are great on scbemes that iil Uring them wealth ani beauty. Wait's furniture factory was burned at Sturgis ou tbe lst, wbich knocks a $75,000 hole in tnut gentleman s fortune, and throws 15 people out of employment. A freight train on the Duluth, South Soreh & Atlantic went through a bridge at Anna river on the 2nd, wrecking a dozen cars. Fol'tunately, no one was injured. Nisnor's salt blouk tgethm-, with 4,000 barrels of the saline product, burned at Eas Saginaw on the 2nd. IjOss $8,500, covered by insurance. The Cadilloc crate and box factory was burned 5,000 worth on thu lst. Insurance, $3,000. Pive persons were drowned at Port Satrilac on the 2d by the capsizing of a Ufe boat. While driving home from Kalatnazoo Mrs. William Preston, of Climax, was throwu from her carriage, breaking her neek. íáhe was a hiuhly respected lady. John Hall, at Rives, planted a little garden patch last spring and bas just completed the harvest of l.'.OOO beads of cabbage ,fi,0()0 bushels of, 1,600 bushels of potatoes, 1,500 ousbels of onions and a like quantity of beai'S. Proh fie garden. Torrent & McLaugblia's sawmill on Muskeaon lake has burned, entailing a losa of $50,00u. Somewbat insured. S. R. Wbeeler, of Detroit, who has been in tbe employ of the Michigan Central for the past 40 years, has retired from active business and will take a well-earned rest. . John Hagen, a Clyde farmer, lost his barn and all its contents, the other night. A threshing machine and three borses were also cremated. Incendiarism is suspeeted, as the owner of the thresher had baen notified not to bring his machine into that neighborhood. Sturgis people have already subscribed $3,000 to aid in rebuilding VVaito's furniture factory, and au election has baen called to bond the tovvn $5,000 worth for the same purpose. A couple of Battle Creek women have begun businoss by offering to sell tha artificial t etb once worn by a deceased rclative. So far they've only bad a bid of T5 cents, though thu set orginally cost $40 Mrs Charity Crosby died at Grand Rapid on the 3d aged nearly 100 years. She was tbe grand mother of Hon. Moreau S. Crosby. An Albion boy had a tooth pulled a few days since, blood poisoning set in, and the lad bas gore to a land where we trust tootbache is unkuown. Tbe Reformed Dutch and Presbyteran ehurebes at Constantino have fused and the united bodies adopted the Congregational creed. One of our exchanges intimates that Hon. R. G. Horr may be á candidate in "the Pirst congregational district." Wonder wnere it's loca led. The value of school discipline was shown at St. Louis the other day. Oae of the primary departments was located in the Congregational church, and one of the littlo cherubs noticing a firj, raised its little Hand to attraet the teaehtr's attention, and then pointed to the burniug ceiling. The teacher then formed the urchins into line and marched 'em out without a' scream or exclamation. Mrs. Samuel íícCormiek an Attica lady, took a trip out into a corn-field recen tly, and there met a blac bdar. Tbe surprise seemed to be mutual, for both beat a hasty retreac without stopping to apologize. H. W. Sueden, a Jamestown man, is tbe owner of what is termed a "breathing well." It is 133 feet in depth and for several days at a time a strong eurreut of air blows out of tbe hole, when the action is reversad and the air is sucked downward. Both cúrrente are very strong. A Bancroft man is the reputad owner of an apple tree that bears peculiar fruit. The apples are divided into layers, like oranges, each alternates layer being sweet while the intervening ones are sour. Benheim's Novelty works at Olivet are in ashes, and the snow shovel industry is at a tandstill. J. W. Jacksoo, a Constantino citizen, recently lost his Canadian pony, Jack, aged 85 years, "Peace to his ashes." A vigorous warfare is being wageci against the keepers of dens of infamy in Alcona eounty. One of 'em has already been conicted in tbe circuit court, and others are being prosecuted. Preparations are being made for the largest lumber cut the coming winter in the history of the upper península, but tbat south Of the straits will fall somewhat below the average of recent years. The Y. M. C. A. people, of Grand Rapids, have invested $13,000 in a lot and are now skirmishing about trying to raise $75,000 with whieh to build a suitable edifice thereon. A Lansing man struck a five-foot vein of coal wliil sinkin$ a well. But it' not the first blacl article discovered in the capital city. Q. A. Dickinson, a Junia a ruralist, raised x pumpkins wbich weighed 659 pounds and took the cake at the local fair. The plumpest one of the lot weighed 132 pounds. Pumpkin pie ougbt to be plentiful in that latituds tais year. The fruit train on the Chicago & West Michigan railway recently hauled twentyfour car loads of peacbes to Chicago one day last week, averaging over twenty-five tons of ffuit to each car. This is said to be the heaviest single shipment of peaches ever ent bv rui i f rom this state to the Garden City. " Alexauder Johns, a youthful gentleman of color, persuaded Ida Seybolt, a pretty white girl of Lansing, 13 years old, that she loved bim. and the pair eloped for the wild west to grow up witta the country, but they were overhauled at Chicago and tbe girl returned to her pa and her ma, wbiïe the youth of color went to the calaboose for violating the age of consent law. A typographical error in the premium list of the Coopersville fair made that document off r a cash prize for the "best pninting on salan," and the competition in tliat olass was very spirited, noiwithstanding thut the managers amant to have the vvork done in "satín. "


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