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A General Blood Purifier

A General Blood Purifier image
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COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF HERBS Positívely cures Llver and Kidney Complainte, Constipation. theumotism, Scroíula, Dropsy, Bilioueness, Malaria, Dii. tetes and sil Di8e&L63 AriBing frorn Impiire Blood. l'OR THE L.ADIES. Ladiee will ilnd thie a Perfect Hemedy for Female Troubleu, euch asPainful and Suppressod Jlenatrution, Sick Headache, and al6O for beautifying th Complexión aad Kradicatiug Pimples and Blotcheeand otlier Skin Disensos. NOTICE OUR GTJAEAKTEE. We say to all tiy it and lic convinced.theeanieasw have convinced othere, and if itdoesnotdo Juet a represented, rturii the packuge and hu ve your money refunded. For sal by all DruggrlBts or authorlzed Cauvaesin A(tents, t 26c, 60c, ond $ 1 .00 per Package, ormttiled ou receipt oí prico, by the Diamond Medicine Co., " 77 STATE ST., DETROIT, MICH. Everyone Bhould hare a, packatfe in their home and uerer be without it. VAgnt Wantedlnall Localltle. VExtra InducamontS. ff Diamond Medicine Compani 111 7 State ST.-DErroii Mictí. jjl


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