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Game is plenty about Manchester. Fred Keenes, of Freedom, is build new barn. Mooreville's new school house has been commenced. Mrs. Henry Briggs died in Lodi, October ioth, aged fiftyyears. Austin Durkee is building a new reBÏdence on his farm near JVlilan. David Russel, who was burned out at Eaton Mills, is restocking his store. The democrats of Shulte's Corners, in Salem, raised a pole last week. Mr. Morrice Niles, of Eaton Mills, had a stroke of paralysis recently . Daniel O'Reilly, of Clinton, is inning as mail agent between Detroit and Chicago. Ex-Senator Jones spoke in Ypsilanri last evening at a large democratie meeting. The Southern Washtenaw Farmer's club meets at J. P. Lapham's, November 3d. The Stockbridge fair was not a success this year, either financially or otherwise. Typhoid fever has been prevalent to some extent in Bridgewater and Trestern Saline, Walter Bullis will preside in the brick school house in Willis for$275 for nine months. Miss Anna Zahn died in Saline township, October 4th, of typhoid fever, aged 22 years. Thirteeu thousand Germán carp were last week placed in Hiscock Uke by Sill & Reeve. The Smead system of ventilation _yyill be put into the Clinton school house at a cost of $700. Stockbridge decidedly objects to being called a tamarack swamp, although it admits it looks like one. John Braun died oí typhoid fever, October 6th, at his home in Saline township, ajed seventy five years. George F reeman, an old resident of Eaton Mills, died at his daughter's ínEUiott, California September 2oth. Fcty additional village lots have been platted at Stockbridge. It must be that village expects togrow. Grass Lake grain buyers during the recent fiurry in wheat ran the pnce to $1.25 a busbel. It didn't stay there long, however. Rev. Dr. McCorkle, of Ypsilanti has been appomted one of the trustees of Alma College, the new Presbyterjan institution. Miss Delia Angel, of Salem, died October 4th and the funeral services were held from the Northville church üctober yth. R. W. Trussel, of Milan, put one foot on the other in such a way as to lay himself up for a short time. Trussel steps heavy. The South Lyon Picket is now fcnown as the Tri-County Ficket. For a full fledged republican organ the Picket is doing well. Rev. Dr. McCorckle, pastor of the Ypsüanti Presbyterian church, has been prevailed upon to withdraw h6 recent resignation, Nate Schmid, of Manchester, can now divide his attention between his Store and a new daughter which carne to his house last Thursday. The Clinton base ball nine was defeated by the Jackson leage nine by a score of 6 to i . Rain stopped the game at the end of the fifth inning. Rey. Mr. Schlessinger, of Bridgewater, will address the Germans ot Clinton in the town hall at half past two o'clock, every first and fourth Sundnv in each montn. The Grass Lake News office contains six onions which aggregate seven and a half pounds. How that editor's eyes must have watered when he wrote that iiem. Judge Look, assignee of ]N cholas Cordary, has closed out the groceries left belonging to that estáte, after the numerous attachments, to a firm of Ypsilantians. Rev. W. T. Beale, of Ypsilanti, told his congregation last Sundav evening how to be rich : " It isn't by borrowing your neighbors paper, when you ought to ue taking it yourself. A unión meeting of the Washtenaw Pioneers and the Fraternity Grange vvere held in the hall of the Jatter, Wednesday, October 17, when a tarifï for revenue or protection was discussed. AU of Manchester's California emigrants do not send back favorable reports ot that land of plenty. A. H. Greene, one of Manchester's latest losses, writes from California advising his friends to stay away frnm thprf Thomas L. Spafard died in Manchester, on Tuesday of last week, aged ninety one years and six months. He was one of Washtenaw's pioneers, having settled on his farm in this county fifty years ago this month. If the Lake Shore doesn't furnish handsome depots, it does have the decency to put a lïttle paint on its Manchester depot. It might better have built a new one or purchased a barn some place and moved it down to the track for a depot. An ell is a sluggish creature but t can do considerable damage fóiall that. One got into the water wheel of the Manchester roller mili, last week, and stopped the machinery. It was three feet long. A mili wheel is an odd kind of an eel trap. There was a mest enjoyable time at the M E. parsonage in Dixboro, last Tuesday night. The people quite generally met in a pound party and with substantial pounds sought to get better acquainted with the new pastor, Rev. H. Palmer, and family. Happy people and happy parsonage. The Stockbridge Sun knows how it is tdhave one's help leave without notice. It employed a stranger, a smooth-tougued fellow, whospeedily became choirister of the Congregational church in that city. Last week he attended a church conference and lit out for parts unkriown, with not previous notice, leaving, the Sun sayp, a number of dupes in Stockbridge. The Sun got out late, with the help of plate matter. The Manchester high school has a " statistical cuss," who finds the tallest scholars in that school to be five foot eleven, a boy and a girl each being that high. The twenty three boys aggregate 137 feet 101 inches in height, and 2,009 pounds in vveight, while the twenty seven girls aggregate 143 feet 9 inches in heightj and weigh 3,142 pounds. The average age of the scholars is 16 years and 7 months. The prohibitionists have 4 boys and 4 girls, the republicans 9 boys and 7 girls, and the democrats 10 boys and 15 girls. Munchausen and Tom Ochiltree are nowhere. The Grass Lake News contains the following item: " Last Monday morning while a small knot of men were talking together at the Central depot in Jackson, the peep of a chicken was distinctly heard. Thereupon one of the number opened his vest and in an inner pocket was revealed a chicken jnst h;itched and partly in its shell. He reported that he had carried the ecrgr for twenty one days on a ten dollar wager thát it would hatch from the natural warmth oí his body. DEXTER LODGE F. AND A.M. The Tyler, the new Masonic paper of Detroit, contains the followíng Dexter ítems: The Tyler paid a flying visit to Dexter on Friday last, and enjoyed the opening of acquaintance with several of the craft in that pleasanly located little town. They all speak hopefully of the future for they Lotige, and expect this winter to add considerable good timber to their membership list. The Worshipful and esteemed Past Master, Judge Crane, cclebrated his Sist birthday on Friday, and is apparently hale and heaity enough to stand the wearand tear of another twenty years. If the w ishest ot the brtthern of Dexter could ern the matter, Bro. Crane would live longer than Methusalah. Worshipful Past Master J. W. Spoor, is looking healthy and enjoys as true an interest in Masonry as he ever did. Bro. Spoor is one of the noblemen of the order, who loves Masonry for its in heren glories and practices its precepts in his daily walk and conversation. Bro. Doan is another oí the solid pillars of the Craft in Dexter, with vrhom Father Time is dealing very generously. Our brother has been a Masón these many years, and has never yet seen the time when he feit occasion to regret his connection theiewith. 'He has enjoyed its privileges in the South, where he generally spends the winter, and has Lood words for the brethern of that portion of our great country. Bro. Doan has a fruit farm in Florida, fortuuately outside the fever belt, and will probably be down there this winter. May every success be his, says the Tyler. Worshipful Past M aster Bro. Cook is taking care of Uncle Sam's interests in the Dexter Postoffice, and is deservedly popular with every body, and never misses the Lodge meetings. Bro. Danser is another of the warm-hearted Masons of Dexter we had the pleasure of meeting. He is a busy man, but alwas has time for a brotherly greeting, and takes a deep interest in everythin'g that concerns the Order. Dexter is a lovely spot, surroundcd oy as fine farming country as will be found in the state. It is still a good market, though not the busy center it once was. Bro. Epwin Forbes, who formerly resided near here, has removed with his family to Pinckney, and, we learn, is prospering well. The Dexter brethern promise to make Detroit a visit in the near fulure, and excbenge salutations with the Craft there.