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Washington City, Oct. 11.- In the senate yesterday Hale presented the report of the select committee on the operation of the civil service luw uodertbe present arlministration. Briefly stated, the report declares that the luw has benn practicaüy nullified; tbat the condition of affairs is as diametrieally opposite to tbe president's promises as could be miagined, and that about all the evils which civil service reformers complained of exist now. ]t is suggested, also, that the president's eantribution of $10.000 to the Democratie campaign fund was a direct violation of the law. The statements are forcified with the evidce taken by the committeo. The minority report is yet to be presáatert. A resolution for au inquiry iuto th;it the Union Pucilic bri3se rit bnuiha is an obstruction to nuvigtition fK passeU; '.. resolución to inqiiirc lie can nol ba transported tliroU!fii;'taDatl without the present quarantine dolay, Tbe liill to pay the widow of the lal.a Cliiof Jdstioe Waite $8,745 waspassed; also the housa lull for the relief and civilizatioa of the Chippowa ludians in Minnesota. Bate then spoke on the tariff, defending the Mills bill, and the senate, after a' sbort executive sossion, adjourned. A point of order was raised in the house against the passage of the bill to perfect the electoral count bill, and a motion to reconsider entered, which led to "no quorum" filibustering. The speaker said the bill could be acted upon when reported as enrolled for the speaker's signatura. The point against the bill was "no quorum." The report on thedeficiency bill was agreed to, action on several bilis was defeated by the "no quorum" objection, and the house adjourned to Friday. Washington Citt. Oct. 12. -The senate yesterday passed the bilí appropriating $50,000 to enforee the Chinese exclusión act. Mitchell made a speech in favor of one-centan-ouuce postage. The tariff debate was then proceeded witb. Cullom and Plattspeaking in favor of tfie senate bUL At 4:-0 p. m. the senate adjourned. Washington City, Oct. 3.- The senate yesterday attended to some routine bnsiness, and then continuad the discussion on the tariff hill. Allison, in answer to a question by Dolpb, stated that in the bill coal slack or culm was put on the free list, but that was one of tne mistakes of the bill, and the committee would move to amend by restoring it to the dutiable list. Cali then spoke in opposition to the bill. Hawley sfoke briefly for the bill, stating that it was the best first dral't oí a tarifï bill he had ever seen, but congress could nob dispose of it this sessiim, and he wanted to go home, and was going. Reagan said he would not agree to vote either lor the house or senate bill on every clause. Conference reporta on the Fourtu of July claims bill aud the bill to retire Gen. Pleasanton were agi'eed to. A resolution to investígate the airears of work in tbe land office was adopted. Tbe senate held a short executive session, and then adjourned till Monday. The house attendance was very small, and half a dozen leaves of absence were granted, one of them being to Cheadle of Indiana, who expressed a "desire to visit my constituents." The conference report on the Fourth of July claims bill was agreed to, as was the report of the Stahlenecker investigating committee. Joint resolutions were passed to print the first and seeond annual reports of tbe labor commissioner. A long discussion took place on tbe senate Nicaragua canal bill, but no action was taken. Thè bill to retire Gen. Pleasanton was agreed, too, and tben, after some "no quorum" filibustering, the house adjourned to Monday. Washington City, Oct. 16.- The president's vetoes of the bilis giving pensions to Mrs. Sarah Woodside and Mary R. Richards were read in tbe senate yesterday and Blair made a speech against the vetoes, bringing up tbe case of Mary Ann Dougherty, whose bill was vetoed beeause the president said she had no claim. Blair in the course of his remarks declared the president was an "infamous libelier," while Cockerell eharacterïzed Blair's documents as "trash and bosh." The ürst Tuesday in December was set apart for considera tion of the Pacific rail way funding bill. The joint resolution autborizing the executive departments to make exhibits at tbe Paris exposition of 1889 was passed. Brown presented the patition of tlie VV. C. T II oí Georgia, asking the repeal of the internal revé iue laws. Brown spoke in favor o( adjournraent, and Allison said eongress could not adjourn until the general deiicienoy bill had been signed. Vest delivered a speech on the tarifï question, and the senate adjourned. . In the house E. B. Taylor objected to the eonsideration of the resolutiou relativo to a conference to iuquire into the best means of suppressing yellovv fever. He said no more legislatioti should be enacted at this session. Wheeler offered a resolution pledging the Democrats to continue t eir efforts tor tarifï reduction, declariug the senate tarifï bill constructed in the interests of monopoly, and that it should be discussed in the house. A bill was introduced giving a bounty of 160 acres ot land to veterans of the war of the rebellion or their heirs; also granting pensions to veterans who are disabled or have reached 0" years of age. Oates ofïered a resolution for adjournmentsine die.Oct 17. Dougherty withdrew his pointof no quorum agaiust the passage of the electoral college bill, and the passage thereof was cliucbed. The house th n adjourned. Washington City, Oct. 17. -The senate yesterday put in the time talking tarilf, Cockrell openiug with a speech aainst the senate bill, in which he quoted speeches of Allison and Wilson of Iowa in opposition to high protection. Cockrell filed a letter from the commissioner of internal revenue which c-iri t.ho vptnoval of the duty on alcohol used in tbe arts would lead to extensire frauds, to which Allison replied that England and Germany liad not found it tbat way. Spooner spoke next, giving reporta f rom Englisb sources m opposition to (ree fcrade After a brief execulive session tbe senate adjourned. Tbe house agreed to tlie bill aulborizing a bridge across tbe MississiDpi at LaCrosse, Wis. An appropriation for tbe printmg of 50,000 copies of the report of tbe bureau of animal industry was passed. The Oatoa adjour ment resolution caine up, and Oatos cfTered an amendment makin;; tbe date Oct. 18 Tbe house refusefl to consider it, and postponed it for tbe day. An altempt tocall up tbe Dill to settle tbe accounts oL laborers under the eight hour law was defeated Oates sai thai ie had failed in bis effort to get the house lo adjourn, and be would like to aitiourn hiraself. He as-ked leave of absence lor the remainder of tbe session, wbu-h was uranted. as was also a similar request ot Lanham ot Texas. The house tben. at 1:10. adjourned. It is ruuwred ihat negoiiations for an alli anoe ot tbe Northera Pacific and Wiaconsiu Central aro on f oot.


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