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Famed For Its Length

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Washington City, Oct 20.- The first sesrion of the Fiftieth eongress is notable only íor its inordinate lengtn - ha ving lasted three weeks longer than any ot'"r sessiou ia ihe history of the country - and for its volnminous tariff debates, whijh also exoe9d greatly any previous debate on the tariff. Of the so ealled public acts a very arge proporción are local or private iu their cliaracter. Tbere is a lon list of acts permitting railroad cornpanies to bridge navigable streams and extend their lines throir'h Iudian reservations, and creating corporations ia the District of Columbia, and permitting Tariousthings to be done in particular places and authorizing terms of court to be held where they are not held now. ïhe following list comprises about all the general acts of much iniportanco during Ihe session of near)y eleven rnonths: Tho Chinese prelusión hill an9 a bilí speciflcally forbiddiug tha re-antranco ioto the country of Chinese laborei's now here. Authorizing the presideat to arran ge a conference betwuen Mie nations of Central and South America aud the West Indios for f hu estahlish ment of international arbitrution and the promotion of commeree. Reviviría th(; grade of general for the benefit of Gen. Sheridan. Enabling cmtain olunter soldlnrü, who, under atreasury ruling, were deuil the $100 bounty ander the act. of 1872, to reoeivo Uhj Insnefits of mat act. IncreositiK the rateof peusion for total rieafness from $13 u. tSO. llaking DecoratiOQ Day a holiday in Lhe District cf Columbin Paying state and territorial hornea for oíd soliers SlOO a ycar for e;u:h Ioinatc. Appropi'ia ing money for the erection of a Run factory and tlie purchase of steel forgings to bo made into heavy ordnanca. Providing in the naval appropriat.ion hill for several new ships of war. Establishing a .statuU) nf limitations for the benefit of the boudsmeu oï disbursiny: ofilcern, Bendcring jiidjments and deomes in federal conrts lieos on property throughout Ihe state iu which the court is held. Breaking up the exclusive rontracDs of the ■Western Union Telegraph company vltli the Paeiflc railroads. Limiting the hours of work of letter-carriers to eight pel' day. For the d ivision of the Sloux reservat ion according to a plan and on conditious which the ïadlans have just rejected. Ameuding the act e.tcluding offensive matter from th mail. Ameuding 1 he act authorLdng the postmaster general to actjust the claims of postniasters for ;oeses by llro. burglary, etc. F3tablishing beacon lights on the Illinois river. Providing for an intarnatioaal conference to teenre greater safety for life and property at cea. Haking changos in the navigat ion lavrs relat ing malnly to consular f ees. For the protection of federal officials in ludían Territory. Authoriing marshals to arrest offenders and fugitives f rom justice in Indian Territory. Punishing robbery, burglary, aud larceny ia Indian Territory. Anthorizing the condemnation of land for sites ïor public buildings. Amending the law to punish timber depredalions. Oï private bilis about 800 have become laws at this session, and of these 688 werö private pension bilis. Araong the private pension bilis of this session are two grantiug pensions of $:2,000 a year each to the widows f Gens. Logan and Blair. The bill to give Jira. SLeridan $3,500 has not passed the house on account of the failure to get unanimons consent at a time when a quorum was absent. Several generáis' widows have had tbeir special pensions doubled at this session. Kancy Rains, the oldest revolutionary pensioner, has had her pension raised to $30 a month. John W. January, the Illinois soldier who amputated both o E his own f eet at Andersonvilie, bas had a pension of $100 a month given him, and several disabled sol bave had their pensions raised to $73 a month. This congress has the distinction of voting more mouey for rivers and harbors and for public buildings than any previous session. The aggregate appropriations for public buildings amount to $7,879,510, but more thau a million of this is contingent and may not be required. Congress provided for wenty-seven new public buildings besides appropriatiug money to continue a large number now in process of erection and to repair and enlarge another considerable nuraoer. Chicago gets $300,000 in addition to $180,000 on hand for the appraisers' warebouse. Amoug the joint resolutions of the session were that directing the geological survey to investígate the practicability of construeting reservoirs for the storage of water in the arid región; appropriatiug $200, 0Ü0 to prevent the introduction of yellow fever into the TJnited States or its transmission from one state to another ; making appropriations for the representation. of the United States at tbe exposilions to be held in Paris, Brussels, Barcelona, and Melbourne. The bilí to créate a bureau of labor became a law at this session, but it merely changes the organization of the existing bureau. Among the measures that failed for this session aro the following: The ta riff bill; the bill to quiet the titleofsetHerson tlie Des Moines river lands; bill for the fcettlement of private land claims; the postal telegraphbill; tho inter-state telegraph bill; tlie bill to amend the inter-state commerce law; the dependent peusion bill; bilis to admit Pakota and Washington und to créate the territory of Oklaiioma; the Blair educational bill; bill raising diarict judges' salaries to $5,000: the bill for the repeal of the pre-emption and timber culture laws and the amendment of the homestead law; Pacific railroad funcling bill; forfetiure of the Northern rant aud forfeiture of all unearned grants: anti trust bilis; bill to refund the direct ♦ax; bill Uy prevent the undervaluation of imports: to incorporal tlie Maritiaie Canal company oL Nicaragua: to pay the remaining losses of the depositoi's in rhe FrecMmen's bank; the Canadian retaliation bill: liill for the purchase of bonds; InUon depredivtlon rlaim.s settlemeot; bill to créate ao execiil ve departinent of agriculture; international copyrighl bill; bill for the erection of coast defenses: eight-hour clainis bill; for the taking of the next oími.sii. MU for tho inspcution of nieat ior exoorl .


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