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Michigan State News

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Harvey McDaniel - In ham county far mer - imbibed Lansinj tangl' : jol- and feit gloriou-lv ! .ippy- asked -l range r to rida home ritli i i i ■ 1 1 - stranger f"cept 1. nut when farm ovf oirán ger as gone - Mtú iidrveyV - i ! ■ i k?tbook. Anthony Steele, ati Orange man, is board ing at the Uisiilr; te thirty days because he hadn'fc t!rt neceswry On to meet a $23 fine imposed by the .-ourt tor walloping his wife. I Ilivs Gr ■" Houck, a 17-year-old lass, i walked ini ;ie store of an ïonia merchant with her '. o. 8 foot, and claimed the prize which I. uüd offered for the best developed di=fc' understauding. And she got it. Mrs. Sus m Cotton, a Saranac lady, relates many anecdotes of President Cleveland' father, with wliom she was acquaiuted. The old gentleman buried Susan's first husband and pronounced the words that consumaled her second marriags. Susan often had charge of Grover wlieu he was a kid, and used to wallop him for youthful disobedience. Fiunegau Bros. store at Gladstone, was burned i,000 worth on the 12th with but $3,000 insurance. J. M. Leane, a prominent Grand Rapids lumberman, hasassigned; liabilities í)00,000, with scattering assets. Notwithstanding the unfavorable comment that the action of some juries ba elicited, there's now and theu a jury that distingnishes Itself. A Grand Ledge man brought suit to recover pay for eighteen quarts of milk at 4 cents per quart, but the jury, af ter wrestling with tae problem a whole day, gave it up. Base ball isn't the pathway to fortune and renown. Miss Annie Bohns, the Imlay City lady wbo sewed 5,440 pieces of cloth into a bed quilt, has been requested to set her own price on the the mucb-pieced coverlid, by a Los Angeles, Cal., citizen. Fire mowed a swath at Diamondale the otüer nigbt. using up foar business buildings and sighhig for more. David Clark, a Clinton county citizen, Uves upon the farm which he has continuously occupied for the past fifty-three years, and declares his intention of staying a while long, er as he makes a good living. A Gladwin county tree that started young and grew up with the country was recently cut into eigliteen logs, eac i sixteen feet in length. A true tale of a tall troe. W. D. Buil, a Grand Rapids barber, is so weary of Uiis wicked world that he's made three attempts at a suicide trip, but each time the doctors were too spry for bim. Two ounces of iaitdanum was what they had to contend with the last time. A Mosherville man who weighs an even 200 pounds, avers that he never imbibed tea, coffee, nor whisky; or if he had 'twas so long agothat he's forgotten how the stuff tasted, and that he has hever allowed a single "euss word" to get away froiB hira. Now it's pretty safe to presume tbat this particular M. m. is an inexperienced mortal, and that he's never attended a political blow-out nor assisted in the task of setting up the kltcheu stove. Scarlet fever has bid adieu to Lansing for a season, and the folks are not a bit sorry over its departure, either. Charles Michael, a Brockway citizen, had his barn and contente eremated, iucluding four horses, 2,000 bushels of grain, farming implements, etc. Loss $3,000, with slight insurance. It is supposed to be the work of hü incendiary. William L. Young, a would-be benadict ot Grand Rapids, has lof t this vale of tears via the carboiic acid route, because pretty Hattie Powling, a domestic, had refused his matrimonial propositions. A total of 313 students are learning scientific agriculture at the state agricultural college. When they've graduated, tuare's lots of good plain farmers wqo can Klve 'em some usaful practical pointers. The prosecuting attorny of Muskegon county is such a good fellow atid attends to his knitting so well, that the board of supervisors thougbt it propur to raise his salary $400, whioh gives bira a $l,GÜü remuneration. Burglars spoiled the beauty of N. & B. Mill's safe at Marysville, and lugged off $500 in cash and a quantity of clolhing takeD from the stora Chicken pie socials have been so numerous at Clinton oL late, that the poultry roosts begin to look lonesome. A movement is on foot in the upper península lookiug toward a federation of the miners in that section. None but local unions have heretofore existed. The Roscommon county farmer wbo buried his watermelon crop.hoping to preserve it'till spring, bas found that tbey don't keep well. Neighboring boys dug 'em up and ate 'een. A Sterling youth recently blew his nose with a dynamite cartridga. Although chili November's blasts are coming, the nose was blown so far that its owner won't be able to jlow it aeain - not this season. Monroe's city council bas empowered the ocal hacknien to charge doublé rates when called out between the bours of 11 p. m. and a. m. Hackmen have nocturnal rights whicb the public are bound to respect. Medina boasts of a girl who clambered to the top oC a tree, fifty feet from the eartb, and picked tive bushels of bickory nuts Wonder how inany Medina girls can do 8 good job of bread-making. A Springs lady, who was granted a divorce tho otber day, procurad a marriage license and married anotber man an hour afterward, all of which indica tes tbat matches aren't always made in heaven. The state university library now contain nearlv 6S.000 bound volumes, besides a whole grist of pamphlots. Several of the 1,700 students Imven't read 'em all vet. Tha home of P. H. Ketcbam, an East Saginaw lumberman.was raided by burglars tbe other night before the family liad retired, and a considerable quantity of jewelry and silverware taken. Tbe East Snginaw professional knows how to burgle tor keeps. Quita numbor of Freinout farmers find a sitting posture extremely uncomfortable, for which tho raany mustangs sold in that vicinity are said said to be respons'.ble. Upper península towns uro plucky, progressive aad thoroughly inbued witb. the "get there" idea. Lake Lmden,wl)ich vvus so badly singed some timo ago.will soon have a $1UO,000 national bank. Jackson is agitating a canning establishment proJBCt, bat tlie scheme isn't healthy enougb to maturializa right away. A burglar not only got avray with the trousers of F. U Burdiek, a Mendon man, but also captured his gold watch and chain and a little wad of good casb. A certain Jackson lanudry is noted for its jaw work. Kvery peraon connected with the establishment, inciudiug tbe proprietor, chews gum. Hei eaf ter, every St. Clair county citizen owning real estáte, who wants more than 8ix months' assistance f rom the county poo iund, must turn said realty over to th county. P. J. ötimpion, postmaster and respectoc Citizen oï Mackinaw City, was ürowned a the straits by tbe capsixing of a small boa BtimpsOD hud made f ast toa passing steame for the purpose of sellinp; papers and ' ing marine reports, as was bis eustom, when the accident occurred. He had been marine reporter at the straits for 15 years. Sainaw eounty wants an additional circuit juiii, ;s ber court calendars are so crowdtd nirti causea that a singl- Jjig ünds il v t] to dispos of luttufl as fast f '!- &?. Tbe proposition will be voteii i. . l tlie coming eiectioti. A Mr. Rieliardson, Trentoti farmer, read the repons of l.ig 1888 pumpkins that bave been fluuting about the state, and then trotted out a ninetv-six-pound squash with a beat-it-if you-can sort of gait. ïhe ssessed valuation of Detroit property is a little more than $152,000,000, being an increase of $10,ÜOO,0C0 over that of the previous year. Just 132 Michigan towns now have weather signáis displayed daily, while the baggagecars of twentysix railway trains also carry 'em. And yet it's just as hazirdous tobeton to-morrow's sunshine as ever it was. Mis. JSancy Clark, a Varnon lady, reeently went to Mnneapolis tospeml the winter with her son, Imt two weeks later her remains were brought home for biirial. Dath ofttinies spoils our most clierisLied plans.


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