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UNíVersIty ï Hall, ANN.ARBOR, Moqay Eie,, IíoV. 26. THE IB IB H) -A.T ZE3I LYCEUM IBIIB CONCERT WITH AHEBICA'S GBEATEST ABTI2T3: Miss Emmajuch, Prima Donna Soprtno Mlss Hpe Glenn, Contralto of the Neil son Concert Co. (Spccially engaged from London.) Mme. Teresa Carreña, The WorM-Renowned Pianist. Mr. Leopoia l,ichteiibergr,Violin Virtuoso. Mr. León Keacb, Musical Director and accompanist. ' ♦ . ADMISSIOW: To all Parts of the Hall, with Keserved Seats, 1.00. Family Tickets, six, $5.00. Boards Open, Wednesday, Nov. 21. JIJES. A. OTTO, EIXj Ij 1 1T EE, 1 Fourth Stroet. Has just recelved a choice assortinent of the atat thing-s in ladiei and childrens headwear in Feit, Plush and Casan eres, cbildrent handknit worsted hoods, fasoinators. triinming-s, Sc. Lowest living prices. 90 S. Fourth St, Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated LIVER PILLS WILL CURE HZÜÜOL A few doses taken at the right time will often save a severo spell of sickness. Price only 25 cents at any drug store. Be sure and see that Dr. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED IJVER PILLS, FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., is on the box. None ot her is Genuine. Use IVORY POLISH for the Teeth, Perfumes the Bbeath. tstateot Walter H.Whitlark. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Wti8foteuaw,s8. At a session of ihe Probatt Court for ihe County of Washteuaw, holden at the l'robnle Office, in the City of Aon Arbor, od Moudsy, the 12th day of I ovember, in the ?eai ouethousandeighthundred and eighty-righl. Present, Williain D. Harrinian,Judg;eof l'robate. In the mutter oí the estáte of Walte H. W hitlark, deoeased. On readingand filing tbe petition, duly verified of Ida E. Whitlack, praying that adniinistralion of said eötate may be granted to Edward Tre-idell or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, thatMonday, thelOth day of Decem'-er next, at ten o'clock in thE iorenoon, be aasigned lor the hearing ofaaidpetition, and that the heirs at law of said doceaed, and ail other persoDS interested in said estnte are required to appear at a sessionof said court th n tobe holden at the Probate office in the city of A.on Arbor, and show cause, ifanythere be, why the prayer ofthepetitiODer should not begranted: And it is iurther ordered, thatsaid pctitioner give noticeto tue persons intereeted in eaid estáte of the pendency ol said petition, aneLtlie hearing thereof, by causing acopyoflhis oniw 1o be puhlished in the Avs AitBoR Arous, a TBpaper printed and circulated in saidcounty, three succesBiTe weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D.HARKIMAN A true copy.] Jndge of Probate. Wm.O. Doty, Probate RegiBter lc


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News