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Only One Powderly

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1NDIANAPOLIS. Nov. Kl. - In the general assembiy ut tbe Knigbts of Labor yesterday tbecummilteeon lawssubmittwl a pai-tial report Tt conmiending that section 15 of article 8 of the constitution be 30 cliansed as to 1 rovide for tbe following ofüuers: Gen. ral master workman, general wortby foreman, genBral director of woraan's work, general executie board of five, inciuding tbe general master workman ( nstead of seven, as now); general co-operative board of tbree, inciuding the general wortby foreman (instead of six, as at preseni), and general serretarytreasurer (insseatl of two separate offleers, as now). It was furtber recommended tbat all these offieers should be noniinated upon the floor of tbe general issembly and eleoted by ballot, a majority of tbe vote to make the choice. Tbe term of office was fixed at two years, as now. Tbe duties of the various oök-ers were specifically naraed in the report, tbose of the general master workman inciuding bis acting as ex-officio chairman of the general executive board The general wortby foreman is provided with the cbairmansbip ex-officio oL the general cooperativa board. In selecting a general executive board the general master workman is to eubmit to the assembiy the names of eight knigkts oligibie to the position, from which the assembly is to choose tour members of th board. The general co-operatiíe board, it is provided in the report, sball be composed of three kniguts, taken from a list of tour to besubmitted by tbe general worthy foreman. All the changes except tbat relatitig to a consolidation of tbe offices of general secretary and tieasurer wei e strongly opposed. The friends of Powderly, however, urged that a general master workman could not aecomplish the result desired unless be could have men about hiiu who are in harraony with hls views. Charles H. Litcbman favored tbe amendments, and George A. Schilling led tbe opposition, but the committee's report was adopted by a vote of 93 to 54 without change. At the afternoon session a resolution from the committee ou laws embodying the suggestiin of Powderly tbat the time of the annual meeting be clianged so as not to come directly before or directly af ter elections was reported upon adversely, and the report was approved. The committee also recommended that article 23. of the constitution be amanded so as to permit tbe general master workman to fill by appolntment all vacancies occurring in the general executive board; that the general secretar y-treasurer be required to submit weekly inste. id of daily financial statements; that any ïnember of the general executive board may audit tbe accounts of the general secretarytreasurer, instead of requiring thé general master workinan to do the work, as now; that the secretary-treasurer shall furnish quarterly Itemized ace unts of the flnancial condition ..f the order, and that he shall send out quarterly a list of local assem blies and their standing in the order; that the seat of any general oflioer may be declared vacant bv a majority vote of the general assembly; that the condemnation of the provisional committee by General Master Wortrman Powderly be endorsed. ïhe report as to all these matters, together with several otliers of minor iniportance regarding the government of the order, was concurred in by the assem bly. As lts concluding work of the day the assem bly approved every decisiou by General Master Workman Powderly during the last year. Barry last night gave the public an open letter in wbich he reiterates all the charges he has heretoforo made against Powderly and his followers. He will organizo a new order to be called the Brotherhood of United Labor.


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