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Michigan State News

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Agricultura is often .ommended as being a "safe bnsit:," bt, Henry Geriz, a Hougliton farmer, feil from a load or hay on election day, breuking lis neek. He leu vas a large faini y. The ups and downs of life were finely illustrate.l at Mílwnukee tha other day, when a 10,UOü note, drawn by Mooie, Benjitmin & Co., at 011e Unie the great Gogebic irou kings, waa sold for $.0. A steam iri-ycle is he invention of a Stmgis man. We'll wagar a new silk tile ttmt he's a man wbo likes to get along easily. Some three or four raontlis ago, Jobn Halton, a rspeeted citiien of Farmington, was seriou8ly injured bv tbe fall of a barn door. It eoon became evident that rocovery was doubtfnl, but he expressed an intense desire to live utitil olectiun day. Hls stront; hope eeeni' d to keep him up, and wben the day carne he was c rried to tbe polis, deposited a Cleveland ballot an i died suon after reaching horna. A couple of Coopersville curs worried the life out of eigliteen sheup in one nigut and were still at iheir dogt;ed work wben daylight carne and a shotgun cut short their slaying carcer. Tbe Baiile Cr ek aanitariam has recently gradúa, ed a baker'a dcEen o nurses, eleven cf the biitch b ing ladies. A Hwrton's Bay man cin 45. 2ü') shingles in a day of elghr, nd one balf boiim with a Perkius hand mnobine, and wtulii liketogaze Ou the ma wbo can "beat tbe record. " Four years ugo a Bat t le Crefk nwn lost ]59 acres of lana on an e eciion bet, but tbis year got Iba same tract buc-k again aml quite a bit of booule tesides. Ail of wbii-U inclines us to the lielief that betting is migbty unsartin business. Along in September a eertam Saginaw county tarmer prayed eariustly lor rain so is tü enaiile bim lo piow lor wbeat. Now , be's reperued as ibi rained so aiuch that be . can only gt over tbe ground with a skiff. Patriek Daley, a Marquette man, was so anxiou.s to die that he tabbed hiniself times in the región of tbe beart ! before be accomplisbed bis purpose. Hs was ] Buffering from delirium tremens. i Tbe Salvation anny is marcbing on to ] tory at Big Ripidi Maquette p.-uple are enjoying cheaper gas and didu't h ive to strika f or it eitber. AU . rorporatious aren't altogetber soulless, af ter kü. A Frankfort man drove his team to Manistee, a distance of % miles. In less than three bours, and . nybody acquainted with tbe rouds ot that región knows that it's (ast time. A Lapeer man went over to Saginaw for a "little time," swapped bis tin Cor benzine and crawled into an empty dry goods box for a snoozi.' at nigbt. But the pólice disoovered his place of hiding, and now he's doing ninety days at the Detroit house of correction. R. A. Loveland, a Saginaw lumberman, has reeenlly p irehassd a tract of Canadian soil upon wbich 200,0ü',ü00 of pine is now standing. Kome of it will succumb to the woodman's ax the coming winter. Nelsou Tuttle, an lona county boy of 88 summere, wbiles away his time on a farm, and buskt'd about 8U0 busbels of corn tbe present fall. besides doing otber little "chorea" The era of a useful oíd age basn't entirely passedaway. Tbe State Millers' association bas decided that tbe interests of its members would be best sunserved by tbe appoiutment of a state flour and wheat inspector, and the next legislature will be asked to provide for such an official. Tbe somewhat celebrited case of J. H. Chandler vs. tbe Calumet and Hecla Mining compauy, in wbich the plaintiff sought to obtaiu an interest in mineral lands beid by the defendant, was decided adversely to Cbandler by Judge Severece in the United j States district court at Marque tte. The case now goes t the court of last resort. John Allen and Erastus Stewart, Bridgeport farmers, qurrelled over the división of crops in wliich tbey were mutually interest , ed, resulting in Stewart sbooting Allen in tbe groin. Stewart now boards with tbe sheriff. ) The recount of the votes in the Tenth congressional district gives Wheeler, the Republlcan candidate, a plurality of )15. Michigan's delegation in the Fifty-first cougreas will therefore stand nine Republicana and . two Detnocrats. Stimsoa Bros , well known lumbermen at Huskegon, are building a (150.000 mili at Washington, and will soon ta kie the job of cutting 500,UJ0,000 feet of logs in that torritory. The Canadian governraent has recently placed an export duty of f% p.r 1,000 on pine logs, wuich doesn'c please the mili owners of tbe Saginaw v .lley. 'Tis thought that this move will eflectually check the further manufacture of Canadian pine in American milis. Thieves made a haul of Í4Ü0 worth of watches frora the jewelry store of J. A. Snits, at Dowagiae, the other evening, wbüe tbe propri tor was at supper. Edward Russell, the AHendale man who criininally assaulted a 10-years-old girl, bas been given a life sentence by Judge Arnold, Russell is ÍJ4 yeai s old. The Mio man who turned up missing last spring, and has since been mourned by hi family as an inbabitant of the farther shore, returned a few days sinca in good bealth and spirits. Ho had beeu "out west" for a visit. Jobn B. Briggs bas been beid to trial at the next term of the Siginaw circuit court for tbe slasb ing of $200 worth of belting in Soper's mili at East Saginaw. Monroe, witb a population of but 5,000, has twelve doctors. And there are people wbo insist that tbe town would grow faster if tbey bid fuwer pill and powder dispensers. Flint ilotbiers tried tb 6 o'clock closing schema and it worked all right until soma dealer began to lengthen bis business bours, go as to steal marcb on the other fellows. An i now they vie witb the dealers in wet goods in keeping late hours. The fishing industry at Charlevoix 18 panning out in grtat shape this fall Two tugs are busdy engaged bringing in the catcb, oneof bieb returned with 7,000 pounds oo a recent trip. Tb fish are mostly trout, and of large aiza Nt a casrt of contagious disea=e in Jackson, and her people aren't worrying a bit over the iMiálion. The state agricultural coüege at Lansing bas clo.--ed for a 14 weens vacatio i, when the boys w 11 get tojí-tber again und study a litt.e more scint;6c agriculture. There wtM many close shaves in the recent politnal contest, but David M. Bateman, candida e lor judge of probate in S . Josepb county, squeezed in by a piuraity of two Votes count in a contest lik., that. Stealing rul s on freigiit trains raaf be a pleasant ptói. me, but is a tnUe dangerous ne, never heless Wesly Strong tried it on a D & M. train, but. will herealter have to hobble around on one toot - if be recovei-. An Ionia woman, 42 years old, married, and tbe mottier of veven cbildren, beeame tned of her liege lord, aüd borro wi.ig $100 of bis oasb skipred ouN. with a Grand Uapids music wbo was fifteen years her juuior. On heir nr iv 1 at Detroit tlie pair weie arrested and returued to lonia.


Ann Arbor Argus
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