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Littlewood Is Champion

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Iíew York, DcC. 3. - Tuero was an immense nssemulnige in Madison Square garden Saturday ni'bt to witness tue closiog cenes of tiie bíx days go as you picase. wbieta began sbortly af ter mid uight Mouday last It is estimateii ihatfrom 8,0()0 to 10,000 people were present. Froro 5 o'clock and cip to tbe close of tbe race mest of the pedestriana tetnained on the track, and every time the band played tbe men would spurt around at a lively rate. The sporting men unauimously declarod that but for the lack of beart Cartwrighc would have been pushing LHtlewood for firit place. At 6 o'clock Littlewood was ten miles abead of Albeit'a reciTd. He was going around gamely, althoujli it was evident that oue oL bis feet wos fcore, as he limped in rather a painful way. Littlewood's iutention wben he started was to cover 675 miles; his sickness preeiulad tbL, but he ivas determined to break the record. At 7:30 be made his 619tb mile, and the crowd cheered loudly. The exWtement was great as be drew near Albert's record. Albert and bis wife sat in a box and saw Littlewoori win the title of champion walker of the worlrl. Sbortly after starting out on toe 622d n ile it was stated tbat ba would on eompleting it retire for eood. While Littlewood was coveiiDg bis 622d mile the crowd grew more enthusiastic. When be had completed it be wasprosented by Guerrero with a handsome wreath, a present from Jockey Garrison, while tbe band played "Hul to the Chief," and followed with "Yankee Doodle." It was 8:0! prefisely when be finihed. bcrt carne down with him canying a broom, wtaile tbe other pedestrians bore aloft American flags. Ooe cií'cuit of tbe track was then made in a sort of triumphal proeession, and Littlewood left tbe track. Moore, wright, Hart, Connor, Golden, Jlusoa, Campana, Taylor, and Bmith folio wed ahortly after, but Herty remained on tbe track running insplendid form. It was .announced that ba bad detérmined to beat Uiwell'a record of 60'2 miles and 1K5 yards. At9.4 he made tbé 6'J'JJ mile, and sbortly after passed Rowell's record, making the greatest record of bis life. All the contestante returoed to the track between 0 and 10 and indulged ia frequent spurts. At 9:26 Littlewood, escorted by Manager O'Brlen and limping liadly, went around the track amid great cbeering. After making a couple of lnps Littlewood and Herty were stopped by Kelly, of the Boston Base Ball club, and presentad with wreatbs of laureL After Littlewood made a few ruore laps he was stopped in front of the scorer's stand and presented wita the diamond cuampionship belt by Mike Kelly, wbo made a few brief remarks. He said that while Araericans bovved to his superiority now, he boppd Ihat soon an American would again get possession of the belt and the title of champion of the world. The belt was then fastened around Littlewood's waist, and he thanked the speaker for his good wishes, and said he had wou the belt once, but supposed he must win it twice tnoi'e to hold it. Albert then stepped forward and challenged Littlewood to another raco for the championBhip oL the world under the eonditions that each man entering put up $1,OJO, to be divided among the walkers in addition to the gate receipts. The 10 p. m. score was: Littlewood, 63'i miles 1,830 yards; Herty, 605; Moore, 5W; Cartwright, 54i; Noremac, 542; Hart, 51; Howarth, ;3ti; Connor, 6,6; Golden, 534; Masón, 52S; Taylor, 450; Campana, 4."; Elson, 421; Peach, 262; C. Smith, 301. Tbe receipts for the week amounted to about $1'J, - 123. Of thissum $9,501.50 will be divided among tbo walkers. Littlewcod gels $.S,824, with $1,000 added for breaking tb record; Herty will get $1,721 ; Moore, $1, 147; Cartwright, $.60; Connor,. $286; Golden, $i!U, aml Mason, $95.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News