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Michigan State News

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Itcost Deiioit $2a,000 to do har sharo toward boiding the laLe eleetion. Most luxuries come bigh. Clifford Culver, a 13-year oíd lad, tried the early ice at Howell but went down to a damp, dark grave. Many pleasurea are preferabla when not harvested too young, and io skating is oae of 'ein. Twoyeaisrtso W. B. Perkins tried his hand at captuïing the prosecutiiig attorneyship of Kaikask oounty, and carne within a single vot of doing it This yèar he iried it agam but lapked three votes of "getting there." Politica is mighty uneertain. Kitty True, a Jaclcsou girl, pared seventytwo bushels of applej ia ten hours, and is of I the opinión tbat the boy who beais her day's work will have to get up early in the n.orning and dust. William Phillips, a Paw Paw farmer, lost his barn and contenta by 810, causod by the spontaneons combustión oL a quantity of cornstalki. Loss, Í 1,590. The St Jonna creainery hs tnrned out 50,000 of real, genuino butter, this year. Wilüain O'Kefo, the chap who raysteriously mp.da lis oxit from tbo Sb I?OHCe jafl, was cauK'ut by Deputy SberiGE Stuurt 011 the Michigan lake sbore, some sixty miles away. O'Keefe will doubtless make tbe trip 10 Jackson this i'.me, without i'ail. The Smitb Purifier compmy - the Jackson concern tbat fln-ted with half of tbe larger towns in the state for a bonus, and then didu'c move - is shipping punflers to far off Constantinople. Aceording to all reporta tbat town will stand a deal of purifying. The Detroit ÍIre departn.eut has 90 fire alarm boxes and operates 298 miles of wire (108 of wliich are under ground), fourteen steam fira entines, and tbe sime nutuber of hosii carriages. W. C. Irwin, a Broiiklyn man, converted the juice of 12,000 liushals of apples inlo eider añil jelly, sbipping the product to reven different stte.i. Ishp.ming people have this year invested $251,000 in i.evv buildings. Isbpeming isone of tbe uppur psuiusula towua that has come to scay. Frank Godfrsy, of Tbe Lansing Republican, is ci-odited witb havins designs ou the govcrunient print sbop at Woslnngton. Tbe place mxy lie expected to capitúlate some time in Marcb nexc. A Caseville cilizen, who has lived in Michigan fifty-cne years, and has seen 81 frosty winters, has just taken his tirt railway ride. 'Twas a case of betler late than never. Miss Cipriani, a Kalamazoo teacher, of Italiun desoent, has recentiv boome an beir to a goodly portion of a $35,000,0J0 estáte in taly. Sbe can take a vacación now. Conrad George, the Wyandotte man who liougbt he was tired of life and so out his broat, afterward became terribly uu-ious o live, but the most st enuous etl'orts of tbe physicians proved unavailiug, audComad died on the 2dl. Burglnrs worked Belleville business boules ! very induscriously the otber night, rking i 11 all the loóse changa to be found. Not 10 xceed $& was secured, howevar, at auy one place. James Harppr, the man who shot and lied James Turner at au Enst Jordán gamng talile some time since, htis been given a if'e job at the Jatkon prison. be won't [jly the shooting biz either. Kalaniazoo is inclmed to the belief that a cily bospital noulil l)e tlie proper caper. Dr. Goucber, of Nasbville, goes into exile at the Jackson prison for a yenr on account of his conuection witu a grave-robbing exxjditiou. The annual meeting of the State Trotting ïorse Bree Iers' assosiation wes heli at Jackon on tbe 2sth atid was largely atiendcd. i'ha association is out of debt with $-'Ü in I he treasury. It wasdecided at tbis 111 eling j to hold 8ix stakj races during tbe season of 18H9. Takfng tbe vote recently cast in this state ís a basis, as compared with that of 18S4 and ;be census taken tbat year, Mieliigau now las a population of nearly 2,2ü,U0J. Tbe ne)rt meeting of the National Pross associatvou will be huid at Detroit in September, 188M. B. W. Long, a Lansing druggist, recently nircbasei a t'arrei ui whisky trom a Detroit wholesa.e house that proved to be adu terated and now tbe reven ua offieers ar nitor he fellow wbo did the drugjing. A Lansing man has a thirty-live foot well hafs tuniing ouc crude petroleun. Soms of the neihuors 9uspct that a leaking barrel tont loctted very far away. In tbe case of Park vs. Tbe Detroit Freo Press, tbe supreme court declared ihe libel aw ol lbS5 uncoDstitutioaal. ín tha soniewbat celebrated case of Mrs. Fiske vs. tbe Perrin estáte, thesuprenieconrt j dfcides the plaintilf to be entitled to 1 025, and a solieitor's fee of $20,000. Protitablu lawsuiL But ninety-two of the 752 boarders at the Jackson pnson now wear Btxiped suits, the -alance being permitted to dun the gray oa account of good behavior. A lot of its nummer cottages at Huronia beaoh have recently been burgled of their furniture. Perbaps so nebody's going to try tbe summer rosort business oii tbeir own account. Two cases of small-pox at Howt-11 maketba denins of that town leel a little norvuns over the situation. A Jackson citizen accuses his wlfe (tvho eft his bed and board without jut cause, eta,) of 8tealing bis clock and bedclotLts. The woman wüo'd leave her hubaud thus deS'itute tlie.-te tros! y nights, nitbout mi alarm clock to awakon him from a cbilly slnmber is- well, she can't love bim much anyhow. A Three Rivers barn that was Ci-ed by an incendiary was ent rely consuined, inc uding hay and grain, four draft borses, vvortb Í250 eacb, tbirteen head of fat cuttle, seveu cows, and a lot of bogs. A min wbo COUld commit a deeil like tbat isu't- well, be isu't exactly civiiizrl. A öquad of twenty-fiva Osceola county citizeus bave piccherf tonts in far-away Oregon wttb a view to tbo of pursoiial forlunes. May tbey live long and pros per. Cbnrles Beehstein, of Maneellona, carefs 'd a power: ui dynnnio, just to get aqu;iinté(l wiib the tbinj, l.ut says be doosu't caro to be struck by ligiitning aseoonJ tiir.'í. Few people would. Alma collage oponed up for business oue year ago with thirty-iive studonts. Now she bus 1SJ5, repreeenting four state aud Canada, witb more a-coniing. WilliumsOn is said to be the only town in this country that ba two large ecliool bouses that stand eloe eiiouih to bo nextdoor ceighboi-s. Tbey are st'parate4 by a dis tance of less than four rods. Marquette' water supply allows ach iubabitinit, big or little, sixty gallous per day. Tbey ougtat to be able to keep clean. The meeting of tbe ministerial association of the Lansing M. E. district was cbanged trom Vermontville to Lansing on acoouut of the prevalenee of diphtheria at the form-r place. There are only eighteen talkers on the programme. Itisnot often ihat a horae attempts the feat of climhing a pol?, but a runaway nag that was gomj likj a streak slruck an inclined one at Like Linden and slid up the thing tor a disU:ice of thirty feet q'he animal was so badly uurt that it had to be killed. Tbe Landing Condensed Milk coinpany is nbout lo e&tablish a branch factoiy al Sterlinp;, Hls. ( ouldn't get lacteal fluid enough at home to fill ita orders. Junios Donövan, tho man who brouht $3 iO.OOÜ wortb of libel suit against Bisj Rnpids citiz 'lis, bas had the fun of paying cosis withouG gettiiia; any damage money. Tue libel erop hasu't returned a rich harvest thia year. Juda ing, a llonroe citizen, is writing a bistory ol that county, anl knows how to do a good jvb of it, too.


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