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OPENEVENINGS. You would guess Christmas was near. Store shows it. Now is the best time for picking and choosing. Take a hint broadly given. Don't put off your Christmas shopping and bother yourself on tha last dajs. We told you last week about the reliable Black Silk Striped Velvets, at 75e; we said they ought to go flying and they did. You won't buy of us much longer a $2.00 Striped Velvet for 75c. Our large assortment of Combination Dress Patterns, at $10.00, has attracted a great deal of attention. They are handsome, reliable as to quality, and no two patterns the same, and quite ckeap. Holiday Handkerchiefs and Mufflers now ready for inspection. We have a reasonably large assortmentWe don't care for many words about those 54-inch Broadcloths,they teil their own story. They have been $1.75; now $1.25. At $1.00 each: We will sell this week about 25 dozen Fancy Aprons that have just come to us. These aprons are very fine and well madeThe selling price should be $1.50, and you can't buy the same quality elsewhere for less than $1.50. We haven't lately done a more Tvelcome thing in Cloaks than putting a big lot of Seasonable Short Wraps, at HALF the regular f rice. This is the way we will save you money. All of our $8 and $10 Short Wraps, $5; all of our $15 and $20 Short Wraps, $10. Not a grain of reason for the drop - except that we don't wait till sundown of a season to do such things. We are showing a large assortment of Muff 's, Monkey Muffs, Hare Muffs, t rench Seal Muffs, Natural Beaver Muffs, Nutria Muffs, Lynx Muffs, Alaska Seal Muffs, Marten Muffs, Fox Muffs, Racoon and Opossum Muffs, etc. BAOH & ABEL. NEWGQODSI LOWER PRICES Than Ever. LADIB8' HM 8HOH8 IF'OIR, $3.OO as fine as any dealer can Bhow you in French Kid. In these goods we have OPERA, PHILADELPHIA, New York and Coijiíjioij Seqse Toe 1 JFrom 1 to 7, and A to C. Mes' Fatent Leathor Fosed Shoes, onlv SÍQQ Ladis' Kid Shoes for $1.00. Our Gent's Seamless, $1.75, is a clipper. Our Corduvan Shoes for 5.00, will wear as long aa any two pair Calf Shoes. Give us a trial. We can save you money. Laclies' Rubbers, 25c. Sai)iUe) Sï-abse, 48 South Main St., - AnnArbor. Commissioners' Notice. oTATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTY Oof Washtenaw, ss. The undersigned haviDg been appointed by the Probate Court fof said Connty, cominissioners to reoeive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all pereons agimst the estáte of John Smith, late oí sind cosnty deceased, heieby give notice that six Months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court ior creditorsto present their claims aïamstthesstateof said deceased, and that they will meet at the oflii'e of George C. Page , m the village of Dexter in Baid coimty, on Mondav tbe fonrthdoy of Marcb and on Mondav the thirc day of June next, at ten o'clock a. m. ol cach ol snid days to receive examine and ;i3ju6t said " December W ca0ARK1Ni JOHN COSTELLO, CommisBioners Mortgage Foreclosure. WHEREAS deíault has boen made in the eonditions of a certain Mortgage made by Georste W. Healey and Anna Hoaley, his wiie of the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washte naw, and State of Michigan, to Martm bea holt oí the same place, dated the secona aay of 8eptember A. D. 1887, and recorded in the office of the Register of doeds in and for said County on tne second day of September, A. D 1887 in Liber of Mortgages at pape 230,by the non- payment of moneys due thereon, the Dower of sale contained in said Mortgage has heoome operative ; and on which said Mortgage there is cfaimed to be due at the date of tlns notice for principal and interest the suin ol four hundred and eighty-cight dollars and fttty eonts, (MS8JS0) and nosuit or proceodinffs ut luw or in Chancory having been instituted to re eover the amount, or auy part thereot now re maining secured by said Mortgage. Now tberct'oro, notice is hereby given, that 1 Tirtue of said power of Sale and in pursuanee of the statute in such caso made and providod the said Mortgage will bo foreclosed by a Sale of the premises therein described, oi bo much thereof as may be necessary to satisf said Mortgage, attorney fee and expenses o this foreclosure, at public auction, to the hig-h est bidder, at the easterly front door of th Court house in the said City of Ana Arbor said Court house being the building in whicn the Circuit Court for said County of Washte naw is held, on Monday the llth day of Marcl A D 1889 ut ten o'cloek in the foronoon of tha dáy' Standard Itiuie, which land and premise are described as follows, to-wit; All that ce tain pioee, or parcel of land situated and hem in the City of Ann Arbor, Couuty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known and de scribed as Lot uumber Six in Block number On of Daniel Hiscock's addition to the City ol Au Arbor, Michigan. Dated December 6th, A. D. 1888. MAKTTN SEABOLT, Mortgagee. 1. McKERNAN, Attorney for Moitajree The ï. A. A. & N. M. R'y. Co., wit its usual promptness receive cars frorn Detroit, Toledo and the east on fas freight trains every nigtit. Same is i read forearly morning delivery. All bul and freight ready 7 a. m. sharp.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News