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Michigan State News

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Monroe is quite nnzious for water works, but not enough so to guarante taking $5,500 wortli of wator yearly in order to secure 'era. Honrou has a goodly number of waterIng places already. The Calery city bas foi-ty of Kalamazoo county's fony-six tsaloons, wbich is one to saeh 500 of lier inhabitants. This state of aïairs, combmed with au excellent systam of water works, ous'ut to reducá the possibili5ies of a drouzhc to a minimum. More than one-bnlf of the 4M, 000,000 feet of lumber turned out by Saginaw river milis the past seasju, was sbipped to Tonawauda and Buffalo, N. Y. It looks as though the "eflfeta easf'was thinking about building a house. An Ionia lady went down into the house cistern the other day on an exploring expedition to ascerfaiu the condition of the family water supply. But just as she started to climb the return trip the ppsky ladder broke and the poor womau was impriBOned for two mortal hoursin the cold, damu cavern, before the folks could lócate the voice that supplicated for deliverance. A Michigan editor claims to have a tooth from the identical whale tiiat swallowed Jonah. But it takeá a whale of an imagiuation toswailow a yarn like tbat. Sisteen unmarked graves of the soldier dead at Lansing are to have as many marble headstones, the government baving sent them for that purpos9. The governor of a great state like Michigan drawing a priacely salary of $1,000 per annum, bas many opportunities for earning said salary. The other day Governor Luce received au application for the pardon of an alleged glandered horse. The state veter, narian bad condeme 1 the animal to deathi but the owuer couldn't bear the thought of parting with his favorito steed, and so sought the governor's intervention. This is probably the first instancn on record where horse pardon ha i bjuu appliud for. Dundee can have telephonic connection witb the civüizod world by guaranteeing $800 worth of ballooing annually. The muskrat baving built itself a ventilated house, raany Michigan people are predicting an open winter. But we wouldn't advise any one to neglect the woodpile or coal-bin on that account. Johu Risberg, a Thompson buntist, had two arras before bis gun burst, bul now hs bas but one. Tbere is such a thing as having to i.auy arms - ürearms. A Jackson miuing coinpany has struck a fine bed oL coal, but we don'b auticipate any immediate reduction in tlie price of fuel on that account. A Monroe youth, with an eye on a matrimonial piize, has put in his spare evenings the past year in sewiug carpet-rags, and lias accumu'ated material eaough for forty yards of carpeting. About $20,01)0 worth of opium, which bad been suceessfully smuggled across frora Canada, has been capturad by revanue offlcers near Sand Beach, tbis state. The insuranoe corapaniei doing business at Muskegon baving recently delivered tberaself oL some pretty plain Englisb to the effect that the river tugs doing business there Bhould use coal iiistead of slabs for fuel. The raany disastrous flrea that bare been kindlBil bv soarks from the tuss is wbat'a the matter with the insurance companies. Fred Aldrich, a Plint editor, has tnrown ' ïway his quill and gone to making road carta. ' More money in it, oL course. With two lawyers and seven doctors, Morenoi fuiki still feel as though 'here was sometbing laeking that's essential to perfect happenings. Four persons were recently sentenesd to the Detroit house of correction for from one to three year3 each by the United States court at Graud Rapids, because of their connection with the counterfeitiug industry. There is eucb a thing as a tnan's talking too much with his niouth, and this may have been the oase with W. J. Notley, of Vkksburg, whe bas been sued $5,000 worth on a cliai'-'e ot alander. 'Tis claimed that Clinton county farmers raise more dollars worth of butter and egga than of wheat. The Morenoi tax ooilector is taking a December course oL the measles, and had 'ein so like sin that the property owners of the place have thought best to defer their payment of tithes UU '89, with the added percentage. Fifteen freight oars were demolished by the collapse of a trestle on the O., J. & M. railway, near Battie Cieek, on the 16th. Conductor Iiineoln, of Van Weit, Obio, wa seriously in jured. A busiuesa block was burned at Iron Mountain on the 8tb, involving a loss of about $!.r.,Ü0O. Iusurance, light. An additioüal asizure of contraband opium was made by reveune ofllcera near Sand Beach on the 17th. There are still sorne ÍÍ0O pounds that is suppposed to have been snauggled acro.=sthe border, which has thus f ar esI caped detectioü. Mieado had a $4,000 biaza on the 15th, destroyiug a livery barn and several small business houses. Grand Ripids f urn itnre mt nufacturers are crowded with orders and are, therefore, happy. A letter wa9 recently received at the baignaw City postoffice, adilressed to Mrs. Henry Damnation. Thus ïar no one seemi willing to claim the fiery appearing epictle. A wrestling matuh between Harry Parker of Erie, Pa., and Steve Brown, oi Games Mich., for a puree oL $100 and the light weight championship of tlie United States, was won ly the lattêr at Fiint on the th. The match lasted nearly all night. John T. Rich, of Elba, was elected president, and E. N. Ball, of Hamburg, secretary of the Michigan Merino Stieep Breeders' association at the aunual meeting recently held at Lausing. FHtit folks have sbipped aeveral car-Ioads of Cbristinas trees to Chicago for the Gar. den City folks to decórate with gift?, big and little. A Detroit theater has been converted into a place for reügious worship. The Saginaw Baptist church has a brand new organ that'a run by a water motor, and now there'sno laek of wind. Charles Burns, Charles Hazen and Georgs Douavan were gathered in at Grand Rápida on the lSth, on auspicien of knowing all about the reoent roblwries at Belding and Hesperia. The priaoners hare been taken to Qreeuville for trial. Michigan university ie the most largely attended oí any institutton of learning in the country, having 1,806 students. Staid old Harvard come next with 1,790. Westward the star of learning wings its way. J N. Taylor, a Reese postmaster in former years, goeo to the Detroit house of correetion for one year, on a charge of embeLzlement Tho arrest of Öeorge Oook at Flint on a charge of gtealing tallow f rom a seap factory resulted in the discovery of a larga amount of property at Cook's homo, conswting of silks, boots, shoss, wearing apparel, fine tools, eto. A York state man has been hnnting around in Lapeer oounty for a small dog, bloJ he ttlleges was carried out west by a heartlere lílehigander. Some people'3 af fectiou 19 Tery queerly manifested. President Cleveland is favorably inclined to a trout flshing izpeditioii in nortbern Michigan so me time next year. A steam hand car company, wítb a capital of $50,000, was reopntly formed at Ionia.


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