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Stockbridge is talkingot becoming incorporated. Robert Bauer, of Manchester township, moves to Jackson. A Manchester jeweler sold fourteen watches for Christmas presents Mrs. Thomas Cross died in Ypsilanti, December 24, aged forty years. Patrick Kearney, of Webster, and family is ahead.a piano smce Christmas. , The Baptist church in Stockbridge has been dedicated and is free from ebt. Whooping cough disturbs the juveniles in the neighborhood of Iron Creek. Leap year closed with plenty 01 Vachelors left in Webster and in Augusta. Henry Scadin has resigned his professorship at Benzonia and retrned to Webster. John T. Clark, of Clinton, has bought twenty head of registered Jersey caltle from the east. The Young Men's Prayer Association have fitted up rooms in the Worden block in Ypsilanti. Case VanHouten sold a Grass Lake meat market a hundred and ninety pound Cotswold ewe. Michael Teufel and Miss Anna Teufel, of Lodi, were married Dec. 59th, by Rev. J. G. Schmidt. Mrs. Bradley Drake, nee Amelia Davis, died at Delhi Mills, December 17, aged thirty-eight years. Henry Nimroks, of Clinton, died in the Kalamazoo asylum on December 23rd aged thirty-five years. Mrs. Fagan, of Northfield, while returning home from Ann Arbor, had'awnst badly strained by the buggy upsetting. J. M. Pearson, one of the Lriiployees in au Ypsilanti paper mili caught his arm in the machinery and came near losing it. For eight long terms, Miss Jessie B. Allen has taught in the Spafard district in Manchester town - a good record for a teacher. Charles Stoner, of Bridgewater, had twenty-two teeth extracted at one sitting, and has just recovered from a two weeks illness in conse(juence thereof. The largest landowner in Manchester township is William Burtless, who has 627 acres. The second largest is George Heimendinger. who has 480 acres. Elmer E. Mowrer, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Emma Barber, of Cantón, united their hands and fortunes last Thursday, Rev. W. S. Colton, of Wayne, officiating. Rev. Dr. Adams, pastor of the Ai. E. church in Dexter was surprised by his congregation during the holidays, with the present of a seal skin cap. Winter must be coming. Ed. A. Isbell, of Saline took unto himself a partner of his joys and sorrows in Miss Flora Palmer, of St. Johns, Mich. The wedding occurred in St. John, last Wednesday evening. George J. Nissly, of Saline, shippeti two corps of fancy poultry to California lust vveeK, on which the express charges were $25. Vrho wouldn't be chief stockholder in an express company. ïhe Chelsea village fathers are impartid. They have just named one of their streets, Cleveland stieet and another one, riarrison street. The first named street should be as balm toa vvonnded spirit. Will A. Shaw, of Saline, and Miss AnViá Turner, of Erie, Mich., were merrie! at the Presbyterian church in Erie last month. After a bridal trip to GkveJand they are at home congratulations. Ellis D. Walker, of, Birmingham and Miss Lillie D. Crittenden were made one at the home of the brides mother in Pittsfield, Uerember 2Óth, by Rev. Dr. McCórkle. The, happy couple will reside in Birmingh;vm. jonn v . Dittmar, of Detroit, and Miss Alice U. Bryton, of Manchester, became Mr. and Mis. Dittmar by standing before Rev. Jay Huntington in Miian last Thursday, while he read the marriage service. The stone school house in eastiii Manchester has been thoroughl repaired, the.scholars will walk upo a new floor, sit in new seats and cu into the freshly painted woodwork with the knives they received on Christmas. The unnamed Chelsea streets have been named after the presidents of this country frorn Washingtoi. down. Washington little knew that eighty odd years after his death he should be honored by having a street named after hitn in Chelsea. The Methodist young men, of Dexter, bought shadows ïast day evening. Their shadows turneci out to bc not to be airy unrealities but real, tangible fair and witty. It gave rise to lots of merriment and some young men bought the wrong The Dexter masóme lodge is officcred as íollows: C. L. Coy, VV. M.,C. E. Rockwell, S. V.; J. Edwardij. W.;L. C. Rodman, Sec; H. M. 1de, Treas.; J. W. Spoor, S. D.; Byron McCauley, J. D. ; John Joys, Tyler; Edwin Eves and E. R Doane, Stewards. The Dexter Leader is remindec that although the mayor of Ann Ar bor gets $i a yearsalary he earns it while the editor of some paper no many miles from Dexter gets $t a year for his paper, growls at th Aucus and - well, we will leave it to his subsenbers whether he earn that $ i a year or not.


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