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A Famous Institution

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A correspondent of theFairfield (Me.) Journal writes as íollows, fiom Buflalo, N. Y.: '"Editor of Journal;- Thinking that it miRbt interest some of your readers and make good rny promise to you at tlie same time, 1 wiil write a few lines concerning the famous World's-Uispensary and Iuvahds Hotel and Surgieal Institute. Let nie at first dísclaim any sellish motive, or desiie to advertise or puff this or anv industry. Thousands of dollars are expended exery month lo keep tli ments of this lustitute before the world and its managers ask for NO FIÍEE ADVERTISEMENTS. A healthier or more convenient city for those afñicted could not have been 8elecled in which to place sucli an insiitution than Buffaio, N. Y. Butconcerniug the city and its attractions I vy il] write in some future letter. The World's Bispensary Medical Association occupies two large and magnifficent buildings upon Main and Washington Streets, aud a branch Dispensary at No. 3 ííew Oxford Street, JLondon, England. The Invalida' Hotel and Surgical Inetitule fronts Main Street and is attractive .and elegant bolh inside and outside. Although ït is FILIiED W1TH rATlENTS from all over the country, it is clean aml neat as any pai lor and is appropriately termed the lnvalid's Hotel and burgicaj instituto. Large and well hghted rooms, witta e'egant appointments malee the sick feel at home rather than in a hospital. i'arlors with fine librarles and musical instruments are accessible to those who are convalescer.t. A staff of eighteen SKILLFUL PHYSIC1ANS AND SUKGEONS. admiuister to the sick. A splendid medical library comprising all of the standard works of reference. is in a convenient room for consolation by any of the physicians. Any medical book of note or valuéis addèd to this magnificent collection of books as soon as pablished. The collection of surgical instrunaents is large and comprises every instrument of real utility and value known to the profession. A system of mechanical moveraents, passive exeicises, manipulations, kneadings and rubbing, administered by a large vanety of ingeniously contrived machinery, drive by steam is used as aiding otiier medical and surgical treatment in palsy, stiöened joints, crooked and withered limbs and in those chronic cases so often given up by the common busy practitioner of medicine as incurable. Jiaths of all kinds are made use of in those cases where they are indicated. There is nothing quackish about the institution. It ia run FREB F ROM AM, nUMBUG or deceit. A large and well appointed di ug room m tlie basement of the Hotel contains all of the medicines and chemicals used by physicians and is in charge of authorized and skilied pharmacists and apothecaries. Each case is prescnbed for according to the same rules and laws which goyern any intelliirent doctor when writing a prescription tor his patiënt. There is no restriction used with the phvsieians in the Institution and they have the whole domain of Materia Medica to choose from. The proprietary medicines are only used or advised when in the judgement of the physician (to whom the formulas are knoivn) they are indicated. Many and in f act any physician of any experience has found some remedies or combination of drugs, to do good work in a certain class of cases. Ilence the same prescription over and over again tili the druggist knows it by haart and smile3 when he looks at it. But it is none the less valuable for all that and the puysician who knows its value does not teel condemned for.writing jt, and would feel hurt and stoutlv defend it if he sbould be criticised for its fre' quent repetition. The doctor writing saul prescription does not pietend that it will cure evervthing or that it applies to every case. Upon this principal Dr. Fierce had (with mucb greater experience than ordinary physiciaiis) devised, cotupounded and tboroughlv tested A FEW PB3BSCKIPTION8 of remedies wbich in certain oases are curativo and stand the test of time. They are not patent medicines nor are tbey recomoiended to cure every disease that iiesh is heir to. They are favorito presci i ptions arlvised in tliose cases where tbey are applieable. Tbose medical men who cry 'iraud' and 'quaok' should remember one man has as much rigbt to bis favocite remedies as another. Neither is it auy more disgraee fora man to advertise and rXY FOR IT LIKE A MAN than it is for a phyflician to get some one to wiite an item for the paper telling about bis skill in performing a surgical operation. I have seen au old physician who was a stickler as regard s medical codes and professional etiquette, stop the editor oí bis local paper on the street and teil bim how ill exGoy. X. was and he had just given bim a pill or put a piaster on bis back. The doctor Knew the newspaper would contain the news of bis being called to see the ex-Governor in its next issue. Bat nevertheless 'ie sbudders wtien he sees a legitímate advertisement which bas Deen paiü for. Tbc people of this country are familiar with the portrait of It. V. Fierce, M. 1). The doctor would be readily recognized bv any one who bad seen rus portrait, His liead is large and wellorbed, and ability and enterprise are stamped upon its features and movements. Starting without fame or fortune he is to-day the widest known medical man of the age. The fact that iie resigoed his seat in Consjress to attend to his vast business speaks louder than words of his interest and devotion to his prof ess ion. Patients f rom the most distant States arrive daily for treatment at the Invalida Hotel and Surgical Instituto. The World 'a Dispensary, which fronts Washington Street, is A GBEAT H1VE OK INDU8TUY. Here the propnetary medicines are put tip and the printing and binding done. Fourteen large presses, driven by power, with numerous folding, trimming, cutting and stitchlng machines areeonstantly running in this department. Here tlie famous 'Common Sense Medical Adviser' is printed, over 330,000 copies of which have been sold. Everybody in Maine is familiar wiUi the memorandum Books from the World's To speak of its floor with its work and uses would make too long an article. Some idea of the magnitude of the business can be had when it is known that tuere are nearly three hundred persons employed in the two buildings. It. is a strong reconimendation for any man or business to be popular a.t home. It ia putting it mildly when it is said that the Institution s popular in liuiïalo, and both it and ts Chifef honored and loved by the inïabitants of the great Metropolis of the ,akes."


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