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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. i ATTORNEYS. tHAÜNCEY JOSLYN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Probate Practico a speoialty HP Office ovbr the PosTOFriCKL1 B. WILLIAMS, ATTORiïEY AT UW, MILAN, MICH. ('onveyaneing and Collecttons. ■g B. NOREIS, ATTORNKY AT LAW. Does a jconoral lawoollectionand oonveyanoInF busines. A moderate share ol yourpatr rona(re respectfuUy solicited. OiBoo in tlio Gourt House. JJ CRAMER, 'aTTORNEY AT LAW, Hasthtgs, Mich. At Ann Arbor the 21 Satunlay and the (Shiilay and Monday following of each month. AUCTIONEERS. " JpilEDEHICK KRAUSE AUCTIONKBK. "K 11 attend to all Balas on short notice at reason&ble ohargres. For firther purtlculars oaU at tho Arqus offlc-e. KORGE E. DAVIS AUCTIONEER. The well known Anctioneer Is now loeatod in Cbelsea. Office In W.J. Kuapp's hardware blook. Orders left there by telophone or otherwise, wlll receive prompt aUcntlon. lierms satlsf actorv. BREWER!ES6 BOTTLERS. M ARTIN & PI8CHER, PBOPB1ETOHÍ Or THE WESTERX BREWEBÏ, ANN ARBOB, MICHBrewers of Pure Lagrer Beer. DENTISTS. A C. NICHOLS. DENTIST. Late of Jílohpls Bros. Orer iudrew's Book Store No. 13 South Malnstreet. W W. N1CH0L8 D. D., DENTIST. In the oíd St. James Hotel Blook. Teeth extracted without pain the use of vit&lizedair. GROCERIES. yy r. lodholz, WHOt-F.SAr.E & KETAIT DEAI.ER IX AJLL COODS SOLD BY CROCERS. Nos. i aud 6 Broadwaj J&.IÑT2ST AEBOK IvdriCXI WERNER BBBKKBB. IIKAI.ERS !■ . S'apls and Faacy (Jrocwiss, Butter. Eggí?, Cbeese. TOBACCOS.CIGARS AND ALL 8M0KKRS A.BTICLE8: Pure eas, Pure Cofiees, Pure Spices. 16 Main St.. - - Anx Aebob. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. J?LIHC n. PO.MJ. JlSTICE OF THE PJSACK And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street. Colleetions promptly made. Ajrent for the Cnion Insurance Company of California. Fair ratos. Prompt pay ment of lossea. 19- tf LIVERY BARNS DKl'PH & GREEN. M, Buss, Hack and Livery lira! JvEAK OF THE CoOK HoifSE. TJie Only Livery in the City üsing tlie PATENT HEATiR in Tiffl CtTÍTIRS and HiGÍJ Special attentioi givéii to Parties and KcceptiüDs. T232 TILEPHOSE F20K B30WNr3 G20CE27. TT B3TBBDGE, No. 6 West A as Stiikiít. MïEM.HICLÜDB.fflGElIi, In the rear of Rdward Dnffy's grocerr store Hiiok to all trfuns, day and night. Orders for traías, parties, wedding and funeral promptly atteuded t. 'ielepUüne, 10 Aan pVKETTHING NEW -ATW. G. SNOW'S XIVERY STABLE NO. il NOHTH MAIN STKEET. BEST TUENCUT5 IN THE CIT7 cuneral Attendance a Specialty. T?lphoneleonneotion. fTBW LIVUY STABI.E. Oíd Mouitr barn.) Corner Hu ron and Second St. FIRST CLASS New Rigs, Oood Horses nrt Brlsht Harnens. Best aocommodationa for KeedlDK or Boardinpr by wesk. Barn ThoTouarhly renovated. V. S. 8OUTHARD, Prop. PAINTERS WM. BKHZ, 3VO.4 WEST lMS:i;(,io STREE1 . S,SlGM, Q.-fUiKJUL AND FrBSCO PHITÏIt, gilding, ralctmlninz. frla.tnE' and aper bam?ag. AJlworkis done in the best style auJ ■warranteij to glvc 6atl6raction. MEAT MARKETS. J P.TOGBL, DEALEiCl.v Fresli, Salt and Smöked Meats, Anti game in season.