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A Backward Glance

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Chicago, Ju. Si.- The year that c-los.-d at midnight Muuiiay has left its record for the instruction of those who choose to look iuto it. The followiug statements and figures will recall many faots, an 1 sbouM be of use to the statesman and citizn alika. In the limits of a telegram it is not practicable to give much in dotail, but mny of the most important and suggeative statisties can be generalized, and sucli as n-ere at hand are 5iveo. To begin with here is a review of the financial operations of the government: For tbe past year the reveuues collected by tbe United States government have averaged mure than Í1,OUÜ,ÜOO a day.inoluding all Sund..ys and holidays, or $374,400,000 for ;he tivelve months. This uggregata is loss by Ê8,G0U,OO0 than for tha pieceding year, and t is at the rate of a little more tlian Ï0 per capita of the populatiou, about 'ha average rate of the past flfteen years, and less than half tbe highest rateof ie.leral tnxation per capita per nnnum of which the govarnment bas record ($15.73 per capita iu 180(5). Tbegow. ment expjnditures of tha vear have been alx it $290,000,000, or ?23,0üÖ,000 greater tbau during 1887, anci greater tban any previoiis year siuce IS74. These expenditures inereased eacb quarter, begiuniüg ith $57,200.000 in the first quarter, aud ending with $83,000,000 in tbe fourth. Tbe treasury surplus at the close of the year was about $60,000,000, coiupared to $70,000,000 when the year begau. lts fluctuatious by months were considerable, its highast poiut beiug in May, when it raached $110,CO0,oro. and its lowest in December, when it was as stated above, about $60,000,000. The average surplus has been twice as great duri:ig 1888 as during 18S7, and the highest araount has, been nearly doublé the hlgbest aggreeate of the preceJing year. Tbe year bas witnessed a reduction of tbe outscaiiding interest-bearing debt of the United States by about $100,000,000. The outstanding bonds at tbe beginning of the year were, in round uumbers: Fourper ceut. bonds $730.000,000 Four and a half 230,000,000 Total $000.000,000 At the close of the year the outstandiug bonds werp, approximately: Four percent, bcmds 50SO.00O,O0O Four and a half 180.000,000 Total $800,000,000 Each class bas heen reduewl by about $50,000,000 duiini; the year. The 'public debt per capita of populütion was at its highest in 18G5, wben it averagod arfóut' ?TU per inhabitant. iiiterest-böaruig debt is aow less Miau $l: per capita L population, or ahfiiit m -üfUi au greal .-is twenty years ago. TIih moitey eircalatioii ol tbe United States at Llie uloe of tbe preseut yeav w.s greater by nearly f30,O(O,O(W tb.-ui wfasn the vear ■_■ ii, or ibout i,-t10,00,0'JO, as comparecí Lo Sl,880,000,i00 at the olose (-f 1787; and tbislarge Ulerease vas entirely in notes of smalt lieuomi'tation. The forein commerce of the year, exclusive of i-oin and bullion, sböwg i'oiports oí about ihi v:ilue of $720,000,000 unJ exports of $iWO,000,000, or an exc ss of importa of HU,O.JO,0J0. Por the preeedinj calender the importa of merebaudise were $708,000,000 in value and the exports 715,000,000, or an excoss of eijiorts of $7 000 - 000.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News