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A Dangerous Counterfeit

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Chicago, De. 31.- Saturday Williara li. lards, of this city, was arrested by Capt. korter, of the United States secret service, cbarged witu eouuterfeiting, and placed undr $5,000 bonds to appear before the United States coimuissioiier on Wednesdny next. The circumstauces leading to the diseovery of the eounterfeitin? are as follows: One afternoon, last July, a street car conductor was standing in front of 867 JSortti Clai-k street when a silver dollar feil at bis feet He picked it up and had it in bi9 hand just, long enougli to discover that it was very hot, as if it was jusc taken out of the Ure. At that moment a man came burriedly out of the house at the above number ar.d snatched the pieoe of money frora him. The nian's manner was so exeited that the conductor's suspioious wer , aroused, and be reportad the incident to the pólice. Since that time the house mentioned has leen constantly uuder the surveillance of the detectives. The roRult was that Hards,who wns known as a contractor and plasterer, was surprised Saturday at work in the upper story of the house with the most complete outflt of counterfeiter'a too's th-? inspector had ever seen, and turning out coin so nearly perfect every way that lüe inspector eould uot teil it from tbs genuine. '


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News