Classified Ads

B UI. A SPEU1AL1T AT OSCAEO. SOUG'S dealek in All Painters' Supplies 70 S. MATN ST. Plans for Frescoing fumished on application. piRE INSURANCE. CHRÍSTIÁÑ MACK, Aseut for the follotring Flrsi'ClassOomp. repvesfcnting over twenty-eirht JUillion Dollar Aseosts.iairaee iliueBat the lowest "ates Dtua of Hartford $9,192,644.0t Frauklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germaiüa of N. Y 2,700,720.00 German-Americanof N.Y. 4,065,968.0(1 London As8urance, Lond'n 1,416,738.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.0u N. Y. Underwriters, N.Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505,00 Phenix.N.Y: 3,759,06 V arSpecial atteotion givc-n to the iusunmoe o) dwfllings, schoolR, oburches aud public huildingi oo of thrue and Ure years. H. MILLEN Insurance Agent Ne. 4 South liain St., Ann Aroor. The oldest agencv m the city. Es tablished a quarter of a century ago Representing the followin ürst-class HoSSelM."Co.of2l.Y.. - $7,000,000 Continental lus. Co. of N. Y . 4,207,2üt Niágara Ins. üo. of N . i . - 1 ,7á5,obd Girard Ins. Co. of Phil. - - M Orieut Ins. Co. of Hartford - M19,o22 Commercial Union of Londoa 12, 000,000 Liverpool, London aud dlobeA? mi.oihi - Rotes loto. Losses liberally adjustea "-"' a MtLLBN. STEPUKN PRA'irS STBJH BOILER WORKS (BstiblUhed I86C) Munafr of Hijfh ,nd low PrtJureand Slcam Bml-=rso nll tónd; oto Dinus breachmgs, etc. OW boilers taki-n in exfweor,' Rivcts, toiler plato, anj Uoüer R.B. tracks. DETROI'I MICH.