Mr. Richard Gauntlett, of Detroit, called on friends here, Monday. Miss Dora Jackson spent New Year's with friends at New Hudsun. Mr. Harmon Bailey and wife, of Northville, visited at George Hathaway's last week. Mansfield Davenport, Charlie Conde and Gus Goldsmith visited a part of last week at Mr. Ellison's, near Adrián. Subject at the Y. P. S. C. E., next Sunday evc., "Guarding the Heart," Prov. 4:23. Miles Stodlard, leader. Mr. Bert Culver, wife and daughter, of Van Buren county, are visitng relativos in this place and vicinity for a few weeks. On December 3ist, Miss Millie McM uilen received a very pleasant surprise from about thirty of her young friends, the occasion being lier sixteenth birthday. Before leaving, the company presented her with a very nice ring as a remembrance of the occasion.