They are still talking street railway at Ypsilanti. Editor Coe and wife have teen visiting in Brighton. W. F. Whittelsey had two fingers hadly crushed Saturday. Dr. Huston attended the democratie jubilee in Lansing. Editor W. T. Woodruff and wife went to Cadillac, Saturday. The Ypsilanti fair association elect ofneers, Saturday, at Grange Hall. David Uhl is visiting his son, Mayor E. F. Uhl, of Grand Rapids. Mayor E. F. Uhl and wife, of Grand Rapids, visited here last week. Robert White, formerly of this t-ity, died in East Saginaw. Decem her 31. Miss Ida S. Washburn, of this :ity, and Vernon J. Elliott, of Jack son, were married by Rev. Mr Venning, Thursday evening.