Classified Ads
rilO RENT- A house on 39 North Ashleyst. Inquire at Chas. Dietas, 22 Nortu Ashloj street. IN8TKUCTI0NS in pastei, charooal, crayoE, and oil painting by Mrs. J. H. Mowers,3& Spriug streot. Examine work at Blake s. 1-i LOST- A Black Muff on eithor Detroit or Hroadway streete. December Ï9. with k pieture of Fathor Joos. Köturn to Goodyear &. St. James. . tflwti' Estáte of Willis R. Hender son. CÏATE OF MICHIGAN, (JOUNTY O of Washtenaw , as . Ata ession of the Probate Oourt forthe Oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ai.n Arbor, oc Wtdnesday the seventh day of Januarv in thg year one thousand eight hundred and ninetyoe, Present, I. Willard Biibbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matw of the eatate ol Willis lt. Hen dcrson.deceased. On roadins and fllinK the petition, duly vended , of Louisa E. Henaerson praying that urtministrat'on of i-aid eatate may be granteu to Mases Sebolt, or Home other miitable person. Thereuponitisoidered, that Monday the secontí day oi' Kebruary next, at ten o'clook in the lorenoon, be assigncd for the hearing of saM petition and that the heirs-at-law of eaid deccase l,and all other nereonsiuterested In said estáte are requireil to appear at a se.ssion of said tonrt ihen to be holden atthe Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show cauae. if any therc be, why the prayer of the petitioner shonld not be granted. Andit is further orderea, that said pftitioner give notice to the persons intereoted in said estáte of tlie pendency 01 said pttition and the hearing there f, by oausing copj oi this order to be published in the Ann Ak bob Akgus, a newspaper printed and ?i,roulateil in said county, three succesaivc woekö previous to saij day ot hearing. J. WILLAKD BABBiTT, [Atrueoopy]. Jndge of Probate. Wm. ü. Dott, Probate Begister. G. BÜIT8, JUSTICEOF THE PEACE. RciU Bstato ud CoUecödn Agent. OitiCk: Tn Mouio Bloct.