Local Brevities
The Washtenaw Medical Society meets here this evening. The union services this evening will be . held at the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Grossman celebrated their joint birthdays Tuesday evening. Francis, the baby boy of Dr. j. T. Sullivan, of Chicago, died in Chicago Tuesday. Charles H. Kline will remove his law office to over the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. Mrs. John Maloy, sister of Joseph Donnelly, of this city, died at her home in Battle Creek on Monday last. Dr. Abel, the new professor of materia medica, delivered his first lecture before the medical students Tuesday. The annual report of the Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company will be found in another column. Harry M. Hawley, formerly of the Register, has purchased the Rocky Mountain News, of Denver, Colorado. The Presbyterian Church has increased 105 in membership in the past year. Thirteen joined the church Sunday. The first annual masquerade ball of the Wolverine Cyclers will be held at the rink, Thursday evening, January 22nd. Judge E. D. Kinne has been mentioned in connection with the republican nomination for supreme court judge next spring. The Methodist church society, Monday evening, elected John Ferdon, Dr. McLachlan, A. J. Kitson and J. E. lleal, trustees. The democrats will hold their next state convention in Lansing, February 23 and 26 to nominate two candidates for regents and a candidate for judge. The IJ. of M. Daily appeared VVednesday evening, with a new head and on a much superior quality of paper. lts editors are sparing no pains to make it the best college daily in America. The Schuetzenbund has elected the following officers : President, John Walz; vice-president, Dr. C. George; secretary, G. Knapp; treasurer, John Mayer; schuetzenmeisters, John Armbruster, Louis Kurtz. The Ann Arbor Courier this week has enlarged to a six column eight page paper, and put on a new dress, both of which are a great improvement. We like the Courier in its new form very much, all but its politics. i'Ong may it flourish and well. Monday evening, Jan. 12, is the time of the regular annual social and supper of Unity club, and the annual reports of the club and other church organizations to the church authorities. All members and friends of the church are cordially invited to be present. On next Monday evening, January 12, the annual meeting of the Unitarian Society will be held at the church. At 6:30 there will be a supper and at 7 :3o a social gathering in the parlors with, reports f rom the Pastor, Trustees, Students' Bible Class, Sunday School, Unity Club, Ladies' Union, King's Daughters, Library Committee, etc. The students' bible class of the Unitarian church (Mrs. Sunderland, teacher) will begin next Sunday (Jan. 11) a new course of study on the " History of the Religión of Israel, and the Origin of the Books of the Old Testament." A schedule of the lessons, with a full list of books for refereace and collateral reading may be obtained by application to Rev. or Mrs. Sunderland. The following directors of the Ann Arbor and Lodi Plank Road Company, or the Saline Gravel Road, as it was more commonly called, have been elected : George Rash, G. Frank Allmendinger, James Stevens, Henry De Pue, Geo. E. Sperry, F. E. Mills and Nelson Sutherland. Geo. Rash is president, N. Sutherland secretary and treasurer, and Henry De Pue superintendent. Forty-five years ago, Ann Arbor was enjoying quite a building boom. The Michigan Argur, in January, 1846, says: "According to the census recently taken, our village contains upwards of 3,000 inhabitants. There were about 80 buildings erected in our village during the past season, and if we may judge from the preparations now mnking for building, the nuraber will be largely increased, if not doubled, the ensuing season." The Literary Adelphi will give the following musical program in Room 24 of University Hall this exening, at eight o'clock: Piano solo, Miss Davis; vocal solo, Mr. St.James; banjo, Mell Gillespie; Delta Beta Delta Quartette; guitars, Messrs Butzel and Krolik; vocal solo, Misn Cramer; flute, Mr.Lloyd; banjo, Mell Gillespie. The banjo music was composed especially for the occasion bY Mr. Gillespie. Admission free. The Hurón Valley Building and Loan Association held their meeting to organise the association at the Court House Wednesday evening. After adopting a constitution and by-laws, the following officers were eiected : Fred. Schmid, president ; Dr. D. A. McLachlan, vice-president ; John R. Miner, secretary ; Fred. H. Belser, attorney ; Wm. G. Doty, chairman of board ; Ambrose Kearney, A. R. Hammond and Herman Krapf, committee on securities. Company A held an election Monday night. The following civil officers were eiected: President, Capt. W. Armstrong; vice-pres., John T. Kinney;secy.,Geo. E. Parker; treas., Wm. Seery; directors, Geo. E. Parker, Wm. Seery, Herman Walters, John T. Kinney, Oscar Burkhardt. There were three vacancies in the non-commissioned officers which were filled as follows: Orderly serg., Chas. Bailey; fifth sergeant, John D. Kinney; quartermaster, Sheldon F. Granger. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will begin next Sunday morning, January n, a course of five sermons on "The Doctrine of a Future Life." The subjects of the sermons will be: - 1. Proposed Substitutes for a Future Life, or, "Immortality in this World." 2. Supposed Scientific Objections to a Future Life. 3. Hints and Foregleams from Science and elsewhere of an order of existence higher than the present order. 4. Probabilities and evidences of a Future Life. 5. Nature and Conditions of a Future Life, Retribution, Heaven, Heil.
Washtenaw Medical Society
Farmers & Mechanics Bank
Washtenaw Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
Huron Valley Building and Loan Association
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John G. Grossman
J. T. Sullivan
Charles H. Kline
Joseph Donnelly
Harry M. Hawley
E. D. Kinne
John Ferdon
A. J. Kitson
J. E. Beal
John Walz
C. George
G. Knapp
George Rash
George Frank Allmendinger
James Stevens
Henry DePue
George E. Sperry
Nelson Sutherland
Mell Gillespie
Frederick Schmid
John R. Miner
Fred H. Belser
William G. Doty
Ambrose Kearney
Herman Krapf
William Armstrong
John T. Kinney
Oscar Burkhardt
Charles Bailey
John D. Kinney
Sheldon F. Granger
Rev. J. T. Sunderland