Both Senate and House at Work
Washington Citt, Dea 6.- In the senate yeatenlay the credentials of SenatorElect Dubois, of Idaho, were placed on file, and McConnell of Iduho was sworn in. When the election Hll camo up the senate on motion of Stewart, by a vote of 34 to 29, laid it asido and took up the finance conitnittee's bilí which was debated at length by Shennan, Roapan, and others. In the house the conference report on the urgent deficiency bill was agreed to. The rules were suspended and the senate bilí for a public building at Danville, Ills., was passed; also bilí for a building at Richmond, Ky. Washington Citt, Jan. 7.- In the senate yesterday consideration of the financial bill was continued until 3 o'clock when secret session was held which lasted until adjournment. In the house a number of bilis were passed, amone; them the bill authorizinjj the president to suspend tonnage dues. The shipping bill was then taken up in conimittee of the whole and debated without action.
Elections - United States
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