Declining Manhood
f Y ;s5a Wonderf uï Spanish ra 3g Rcmedy. cures all NerCj Jmt V0UÖ Diseaees, Buch as Jw$k _,JË& "VW'iik Memory, Lobs of FtSW 8n Power, Hcadache, KSSgFjffe Wnkefulurss, Lost Man3CryitPVwi horxl, Nervoueness, Lasll situde. all dralns aaü loss o. f of power of tht' GeneraBefore&After Use. tiveOrganslnelthersex caused by over exertion, yonthf ul iudescretions, or the excesslve use of tobáceo, opium, or Bümulante, whicli oltimalely lead to Inftrmity, Con6umptlon and lusanity, Pat ap In convenleut form to can'y In the vest pocket. Price $1 a package, or ö for $5. Slx packagca cures the tho worst Cftscs. Sent by mixll lo any atldress. Ctrcalars freo. Menllon UiIb pajier. AddresB U. S. Agcnts. ■1DS1D CUEHICUi CO., u j IX-arborn SU, Chicago, Ut FOK 8ALE IN ANN AliBOIt, MICU, BY Maan BroB., DnirajIntB, 89 Sonth Main Bt J. J. Goodyear Drug Store, Ko. 6 SouMi 1UU St